open Xi_lib open Ir open Ir_utils module Make(T:Iface.COMPILER_TOOLBOX) = struct module Implementation(M:sig val cfg : ControlFlowGraph.t val proc : procedure end) = struct open M open Analysis let cfa = T.ConstantFoldingAnalysis.analyse proc let rewrite_instr (knwl,instr)= let knwl = Knowledge.pre knwl in let knwl = Ir.RegMap.fold (fun key v m -> match v with |None -> m |Some v -> Ir.RegMap.add key (E_Int v) m) knwl Ir.RegMap.empty in subst_expr_instr knwl instr let rewrite_label l = if l = (ControlFlowGraph.entry_label cfg) || l = (ControlFlowGraph.exit_label cfg) then () else match Hashtbl.find cfa l with |Simple _ -> () |Complex {body;_} -> ControlFlowGraph.set_block cfg l ( rewrite_instr body) let rewrite () = Logger.extra_debug begin fun () -> Logger.dump_constant_folding "before-optimization" cfg cfa; end; let labels = ControlFlowGraph.labels cfg in List.iter rewrite_label labels end let fold_constants proc = let module Instance = Implementation(struct let proc = proc let cfg = cfg_of_procedure proc end) in Instance.rewrite () end