open Xi_lib open Ast (* W Xi_lib.Types są definicje typów i środowiska typowego *) open Types module Make() = struct (* Logger: używa się go jak Format.printf *) let logf fmt = Logger.make_logf __MODULE__ fmt module Check () = struct (* Zgłaszaczka błędów *) module ErrorReporter = Typechecker_errors.MakeOneShotErrorReporter () (* Hashtablica którą zwracamy jak wszystko jest OK. * Mapuje znacznik węzła na przypisany typ. Dzięki tej tablicy * późniejsze etapy kompilatora będą miały dostęp do policzonych * typów wyrażeń * * Jeżeli typowanie się powiedzie to zawartość tablicy wydrukuje się * do pliku xilog/004.typechecking.types *) let node2type_map = Hashtbl.create 513 (* --------------------------------------------------- *) (* Funkcja nakładka na inferencję, jej zadanie to uzupełniać hashtablicę node2type_map *) let rec infer_expression env e = let tp = _infer_expression env e in Hashtbl.replace node2type_map (tag_of_expression e) tp; logf "%s: inferred type %s" (string_of_location (location_of_expression e)) (string_of_normal_type tp); tp (* --------------------------------------------------- *) (* Oddolna strategia *) and _infer_expression env = function | EXPR_Id {id; loc; _} -> failwith "Not yet implemented" | EXPR_Int _ -> TP_Int | EXPR_Char _ -> failwith "Not yet implemented" | EXPR_Bool _ -> failwith "Not yet implemented" | EXPR_Index {expr;index;loc; _} -> failwith "Not yet implemented" | EXPR_Call call -> check_function_call env call | EXPR_Length {arg;loc;_} -> failwith "Not yet implemented" | EXPR_Relation {lhs; rhs; op=RELOP_Ge; _} | EXPR_Relation {lhs; rhs; op=RELOP_Gt; _} | EXPR_Relation {lhs; rhs; op=RELOP_Lt; _} | EXPR_Relation {lhs; rhs; op=RELOP_Le; _} -> failwith "Not yet implemented" | EXPR_Relation {lhs; rhs; op=RELOP_Eq; _} | EXPR_Relation {lhs; rhs; op=RELOP_Ne; _} -> failwith "Not yet implemented" (* Reguła dla dodawania, jak w treści zadania *) | EXPR_Binop {loc; lhs; rhs; op=BINOP_Add; _} -> begin match infer_expression env lhs with | (TP_Array _) as tp | (TP_Int as tp) -> check_expression env tp rhs; tp | _ -> let descr = "operator + expects integer or array" in ErrorReporter.report_other_error ~loc ~descr end | EXPR_Binop {lhs; rhs; op=BINOP_And;_} | EXPR_Binop {lhs; rhs; op=BINOP_Or; _} -> failwith "not yet implemented" | EXPR_Binop {lhs; rhs; op=BINOP_Sub;_} | EXPR_Binop {lhs; rhs; op=BINOP_Rem;_} | EXPR_Binop {lhs; rhs; op=BINOP_Mult;_} | EXPR_Binop {lhs; rhs; op=BINOP_Div; _} -> failwith "not yet implemented" | EXPR_Unop {op=UNOP_Neg; sub; _} -> failwith "not yet implemented" | EXPR_Unop {op=UNOP_Not; sub; _} -> failwith "not yet implemented" | EXPR_String _ -> failwith "not yet implemented" | EXPR_Struct {elements=[]; loc; _} -> ErrorReporter.report_cannot_infer ~loc | EXPR_Struct {elements=x::xs; _} -> failwith "not yet implemented" and check_function_call env call = failwith "not yet implemented" (* --------------------------------------------------- *) (* Odgórna strategia: zapish w node2type_map oczekiwanie a następnie * sprawdź czy nie zachodzi specjalny przypadek. *) and check_expression env expected e = logf "%s: checking expression against %s" (string_of_location (location_of_expression e)) (string_of_normal_type expected); Hashtbl.replace node2type_map (tag_of_expression e) expected; (* Sprawdzamy specjalne przypadki *) match e, expected with (* Mamy sprawdzić `{elements...}` kontra `tp[]`, czyli sprawdzamy * elementy kontra typ elementu tablicy `tp` *) | EXPR_Struct {elements; _}, TP_Array tp -> List.iter (check_expression env tp) elements (* ========== !! Zaimplementuj pozostale przypadki !! ========= *) (* Fallback do strategii oddolnej *) | _ -> let actual = infer_expression env e in if actual <> expected then ErrorReporter.report_type_mismatch ~loc:(location_of_expression e) ~actual ~expected (* --------------------------------------------------- *) (* Pomocnicza funkcja do sprawdzania wywołania procedury *) let check_procedure_call env call : unit = failwith "not yet implemented" (* --------------------------------------------------- *) (* Rekonstrukcja typu dla lvalue *) let infer_lvalue env = function | LVALUE_Id {id;loc;_} -> failwith "not yet implemented" | LVALUE_Index {index; sub; loc} -> failwith "not yet implemented" (* --------------------------------------------------- *) (* Sprawdzanie statementów *) let rec check_statement env = function (* Proste, wyinferuj typ `lhs` i sprawdź `rhs` kontra wynik *) | STMT_Assign {lhs; rhs; _} -> let lhs_tp = infer_lvalue env lhs in check_expression env lhs_tp rhs; env, RT_Unit | STMT_MultiVarDecl {vars; init; _} -> failwith "not yet implemented" | STMT_Block body -> check_statement_block env body | STMT_Call call -> check_procedure_call env call; env, RT_Unit | STMT_If {cond;then_branch;else_branch; _} -> failwith "not yet implemented" | STMT_Return {values;loc} -> failwith "not yet implemented" | STMT_VarDecl {var; init} -> failwith "not yet implemented" | STMT_While {cond; body; _} -> failwith "not yet implemented" and check_statement_block env (STMTBlock {body; _}) = failwith "not yet implemented" (* --------------------------------------------------- *) (* Top-level funkcje *) let check_global_declaration env = function | GDECL_Function {formal_parameters; return_types; body; loc; id; _} -> (* Sprawdź wszystko *) failwith "not yet implemented" let scan_global_declaration env = function | GDECL_Function {id; formal_parameters; return_types; loc; _} -> (* Dodaj idenetyfkator funkcji i jej typ do środowiska *) failwith "not yet implemented" let scan_module env (ModuleDefinition {global_declarations; _}) = List.fold_left scan_global_declaration env global_declarations let check_module env (ModuleDefinition {global_declarations; _}) = List.iter (check_global_declaration env) global_declarations (* --------------------------------------------------- *) (* Przetwórz moduł *) let process_module env mdef = (* Wpierw przeskanuj globalne definicje aby uzupełnić środowisko *) let env = scan_module env mdef in (* Zweryfikuj wszystko *) check_module env mdef let computation mdef = (* Zaczynamy z pustym środowiskiem *) let env = TypingEnvironment.empty in process_module env mdef; node2type_map end (* --------------------------------------------------- *) (* Procedura wejściowa *) let check_module mdef = (* Stwórz instancję typecheckera i ją odpal *) let module M = Check() in M.ErrorReporter.wrap M.computation mdef end