module Knowledge = struct type 'a t = { pre: 'a ; post: 'a } let pre t = t.pre let post t = let alter ?pre ?post t = let t = match pre with | Some pre -> {t with pre = pre} | None -> t in let t = match post with | Some post -> {t with post = post} | None -> t in t let make pre post : 'a t = {pre; post} type 'a table = (Ir.label, 'a t) Hashtbl.t end module BlockKnowledge = struct type 'a t = | Simple of 'a Knowledge.t | Complex of { block: 'a Knowledge.t ; body: ('a Knowledge.t * Ir.instr) list ; terminator: 'a Knowledge.t * Ir.terminator } let block = function | Simple t -> t | Complex {block; _} -> block let pre t = Knowledge.pre @@ block t let post t = @@ block t let terminator = function | Simple _ -> failwith "BlockKnowledge.terminator" | Complex t-> t.terminator let body = function | Simple _ -> failwith "BlockKnowledge.body" | Complex t -> t.body let terminator_instr t = snd @@ terminator t let terminator_kw t = fst @@ terminator t let make_complex ~block ~body ~terminator = Complex { block; body; terminator } let make_simple t = Simple t type 'a table = (Ir.label, 'a t) Hashtbl.t let alter_prepost ?pre ?post = function | Simple t -> Simple (Knowledge.alter ?pre ?post t) | Complex {block; body; terminator} -> let block = Knowledge.alter ?pre ?post block in Complex {block; body; terminator} let is_complex = function | Complex _ -> true | Simple _ -> false end