open Ast let string_of_binop = function | BINOP_And -> "&" | BINOP_Or -> "|" | BINOP_Add -> "+" | BINOP_Sub -> "-" | BINOP_Mult -> "*" | BINOP_Div -> "/" | BINOP_Rem -> "%" let string_of_relop = function | RELOP_Eq -> "==" | RELOP_Ne -> "!=" | RELOP_Lt -> "<" | RELOP_Gt -> ">" | RELOP_Le -> "<=" | RELOP_Ge -> ">=" let string_of_unop = function | UNOP_Not -> "!" | UNOP_Neg -> "-" let indent x = " " ^ x let indentxs = indent let rec show_expression = function | EXPR_Id {id; _} -> string_of_identifier id | EXPR_Int {value; _} -> Int32.to_string value | EXPR_Char {value; _} -> Format.sprintf "%c" value | EXPR_String {value; _} -> value | EXPR_Bool {value; _} -> string_of_bool value | EXPR_Binop {op; lhs; rhs; _} -> String.concat "" [ "(" ; show_expression lhs ; " " ; string_of_binop op ; " " ; show_expression rhs ; ")" ] | EXPR_Relation {op; lhs; rhs; _} -> String.concat "" [ "(" ; show_expression lhs ; " " ; string_of_relop op ; " " ; show_expression rhs ; ")" ] | EXPR_Length {arg; _} -> String.concat "" [ "length(" ; show_expression arg ; ")" ] | EXPR_Unop {op; sub; _} -> String.concat "" [ string_of_unop op ; show_expression sub ] | EXPR_Call call -> show_call call | EXPR_Index {expr; index; _} -> String.concat "" [ show_expression expr ; "[" ; show_expression index ; "]" ] | EXPR_Struct {elements; _} -> String.concat "" [ "{" ; String.concat ", " ( show_expression elements) ; "}" ] and show_call (Call {callee; arguments; _}) = String.concat "" [ string_of_identifier callee ; "(" ; String.concat ", " ( show_expression arguments) ; ")" ] let rec show_type_expression = function | TEXPR_Int _ -> "int" | TEXPR_Bool _ -> "bool" | TEXPR_Array {sub;dim;_} -> String.concat "" [ show_type_expression sub ; "[" ; (match dim with | None -> "" | Some e -> show_expression e) ; "]" ] let show_var_declaration (VarDecl {id; tp; _}) = String.concat "" [ string_of_identifier id ; ":" ; show_type_expression tp ] let show_var_declaration_opt = function | Some v -> show_var_declaration v | None -> "_" let show_lvalue = function | LVALUE_Id {id; _} -> string_of_identifier id | LVALUE_Index {sub; index; _} -> String.concat "" [ show_expression sub ; "[" ; show_expression index ; "]" ] let rec showxs_statement = function | STMT_Call call -> [ show_call call ] | STMT_VarDecl {var; init=None} -> [ show_var_declaration var ] | STMT_VarDecl {var; init=Some v} -> [ String.concat " " [ show_var_declaration var ; "=" ; show_expression v ] ] | STMT_Return {values; _} -> [ String.concat " " [ "return" ; String.concat ", " ( show_expression values) ] ] | STMT_Block blok -> showxs_block blok | STMT_While {cond; body; _} -> List.concat [ [ String.concat " " [ "while" ; "(" ; show_expression cond ; ")" ] ] ; showxs_statement_as_block body ] | STMT_If {cond; then_branch; else_branch=None; _} -> List.concat [ [ String.concat " " [ "if" ; "(" ; show_expression cond ; ")" ] ] ; showxs_statement_as_block then_branch ] | STMT_If {cond; then_branch; else_branch=Some else_branch; _} -> List.concat [ [ String.concat " " [ "if" ; "(" ; show_expression cond ; ")" ] ] ; showxs_statement_as_block then_branch ; [ "else" ] ; showxs_statement_as_block else_branch ] | STMT_Assign {lhs; rhs; _} -> [ String.concat " " [ show_lvalue lhs ; "=" ; show_expression rhs ] ] | STMT_MultiVarDecl {vars; init; _} -> [ String.concat " " [ String.concat ", " ( show_var_declaration_opt vars) ; "=" ; show_call init ] ] and showxs_block = function | STMTBlock {body; _} -> List.concat [ ["{"] ; indentxs @@ List.concat @@ showxs_statement body ; ["}"] ] and showxs_statement_as_block = function | STMT_Block blok -> showxs_block blok | s -> List.concat [ ["{"] ; indentxs @@ showxs_statement s ; ["}"] ] let show_formal_parameters params = String.concat ", " @@ show_var_declaration params let show_return_types = function | [] -> "" | return_types -> ": " ^ String.concat ", " ( show_type_expression return_types) let showxs_global_declaration = function | GDECL_Function {id; body; formal_parameters; return_types; _} -> List.concat [ [ String.concat "" [ string_of_identifier id ; "(" ; show_formal_parameters formal_parameters ; ")" ; show_return_types return_types ] ] ; match body with | Some body -> showxs_block body | None -> [] ] let showxs_module_definition (ModuleDefinition {global_declarations; _}) = let f x = showxs_global_declaration x @ [""] in List.flatten ( f global_declarations) let show_module_definition m = String.concat "\n" @@ showxs_module_definition m