open Ir let remap_register_reg sb r = try Hashtbl.find sb r with Not_found -> r let remap_register_expr sb = function | E_Reg r -> E_Reg (remap_register_reg sb r) | e -> e let remap_register_instr sb = function | I_Add (r0, r1, r2) -> let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in let r2 = remap_register_expr sb r2 in I_Add (r0, r1, r2) | I_Sub (r0, r1, r2) -> let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in let r2 = remap_register_expr sb r2 in I_Sub (r0, r1, r2) | I_Div (r0, r1, r2) -> let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in let r2 = remap_register_expr sb r2 in I_Div (r0, r1, r2) | I_Rem (r0, r1, r2) -> let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in let r2 = remap_register_expr sb r2 in I_Rem (r0, r1, r2) | I_Mul(r0, r1, r2) -> let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in let r2 = remap_register_expr sb r2 in I_Mul (r0, r1, r2) | I_And(r0, r1, r2) -> let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in let r2 = remap_register_expr sb r2 in I_And(r0, r1, r2) | I_Or(r0, r1, r2) -> let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in let r2 = remap_register_expr sb r2 in I_Or(r0, r1, r2) | I_Xor(r0, r1, r2) -> let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in let r2 = remap_register_expr sb r2 in I_Xor(r0, r1, r2) | I_LoadArray(r0, r1, r2) -> let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in let r2 = remap_register_expr sb r2 in I_LoadArray(r0, r1, r2) | I_StoreArray(r0, r1, r2) -> let r0 = remap_register_expr sb r0 in let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in let r2 = remap_register_expr sb r2 in I_StoreArray(r0, r1, r2) | I_LoadMem(r0, r1, r2) -> let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in let r2 = remap_register_expr sb r2 in I_LoadMem(r0, r1, r2) | I_StoreMem(r0, r1, r2) -> let r0 = remap_register_expr sb r0 in let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in let r2 = remap_register_expr sb r2 in I_StoreMem(r0, r1, r2) | I_Concat(r0, r1, r2) -> let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in let r2 = remap_register_expr sb r2 in I_Concat(r0, r1, r2) | I_Neg(r0, r1) -> let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in I_Neg(r0, r1) | I_Not(r0, r1) -> let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in I_Not(r0, r1) | I_Move(r0, r1) -> let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in I_Move(r0, r1) | I_Length(r0, r1) -> let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in I_Length(r0, r1) | I_NewArray(r0, r1) -> let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in I_NewArray(r0, r1) | I_Set(r0, cond, r1, r2) -> let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in let r2 = remap_register_expr sb r2 in I_Set(r0, cond, r1, r2) | I_LoadVar(r0, i) -> let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in I_LoadVar(r0, i) | I_StoreVar(i, r0) -> let r0 = remap_register_expr sb r0 in I_StoreVar(i, r0) | I_LoadStack(r0, i) -> let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in I_LoadStack(r0, i) | I_StoreStack(i, r0) -> let r0 = remap_register_expr sb r0 in I_StoreStack(i, r0) | I_StackAlloc i -> I_StackAlloc i | I_StackFree i -> I_StackFree i | I_Use rs -> I_Use ( (remap_register_reg sb) rs) | I_Def rs -> I_Def ( (remap_register_reg sb) rs) | I_Call (rs, procid, args, kills) -> let rs = (remap_register_reg sb) rs in let args = (remap_register_expr sb) args in let kills = (remap_register_reg sb) kills in I_Call (rs, procid, args, kills) let subst_expr rmap = function | (E_Reg r) as e -> begin match RegMap.find_opt r rmap with | None -> e | Some e -> e end | e -> e let subst_expr_instr sb = function | I_Add (r0, r1, r2) -> let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in let r2 = subst_expr sb r2 in I_Add (r0, r1, r2) | I_Sub (r0, r1, r2) -> let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in let r2 = subst_expr sb r2 in I_Sub (r0, r1, r2) | I_Div (r0, r1, r2) -> let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in let r2 = subst_expr sb r2 in I_Div (r0, r1, r2) | I_Rem (r0, r1, r2) -> let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in let r2 = subst_expr sb r2 in I_Rem (r0, r1, r2) | I_Mul(r0, r1, r2) -> let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in let r2 = subst_expr sb r2 in I_Mul (r0, r1, r2) | I_And(r0, r1, r2) -> let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in let r2 = subst_expr sb r2 in I_And(r0, r1, r2) | I_Or(r0, r1, r2) -> let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in let r2 = subst_expr sb r2 in I_Or(r0, r1, r2) | I_Xor(r0, r1, r2) -> let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in let r2 = subst_expr sb r2 in I_Xor(r0, r1, r2) | I_LoadArray(r0, r1, r2) -> let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in let r2 = subst_expr sb r2 in I_LoadArray(r0, r1, r2) | I_StoreArray(r0, r1, r2) -> let r0 = subst_expr sb r0 in let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in let r2 = subst_expr sb r2 in I_StoreArray(r0, r1, r2) | I_LoadMem(r0, r1, r2) -> let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in let r2 = subst_expr sb r2 in I_LoadMem(r0, r1, r2) | I_StoreMem(r0, r1, r2) -> let r0 = subst_expr sb r0 in let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in let r2 = subst_expr sb r2 in I_StoreMem(r0, r1, r2) | I_Concat(r0, r1, r2) -> let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in let r2 = subst_expr sb r2 in I_Concat(r0, r1, r2) | I_Neg(r0, r1) -> let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in I_Neg(r0, r1) | I_Not(r0, r1) -> let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in I_Not(r0, r1) | I_Move(r0, r1) -> let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in I_Move(r0, r1) | I_Length(r0, r1) -> let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in I_Length(r0, r1) | I_NewArray(r0, r1) -> let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in I_NewArray(r0, r1) | I_Set(r0, cond, r1, r2) -> let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in let r2 = subst_expr sb r2 in I_Set(r0, cond, r1, r2) | I_LoadVar(r0, i) -> I_LoadVar(r0, i) | I_StoreVar(i, r0) -> let r0 = subst_expr sb r0 in I_StoreVar(i, r0) | I_LoadStack(r0, i) -> I_LoadStack(r0, i) | I_StoreStack(i, r0) -> let r0 = subst_expr sb r0 in I_StoreStack(i, r0) | I_StackAlloc i -> I_StackAlloc i | I_StackFree i -> I_StackFree i | I_Use rs -> I_Use rs | I_Def rs -> I_Def rs | I_Call (rs, procid, args, kills) -> let args = (subst_expr sb) args in I_Call (rs, procid, args, kills) let remap_label_label sb l = try Hashtbl.find sb l with Not_found -> l let remap_label_terminator sb = function | T_Jump l -> T_Jump (remap_label_label sb l) | T_Branch (cond, r0, r1, lt, lf) -> T_Branch (cond, r0, r1, remap_label_label sb lt, remap_label_label sb lf) | t -> t let remap_register_terminator sb = function | T_Return xs -> let xs = (remap_register_expr sb) xs in T_Return xs | T_Branch (cond, r0, r1, l1, l2) -> let r0 = remap_register_expr sb r0 in let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in T_Branch (cond, r0, r1, l1, l2) | T_Jump l -> T_Jump l let subst_expr_terminator sb = function | T_Return xs -> let xs = (subst_expr sb) xs in T_Return xs | T_Branch (cond, r0, r1, l1, l2) -> let r0 = subst_expr sb r0 in let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in T_Branch (cond, r0, r1, l1, l2) | T_Jump l -> T_Jump l let defined_registers_instr = function | I_Add (r0, _, _) | I_Sub (r0, _, _) | I_Div (r0, _, _) | I_Mul (r0, _, _) | I_And (r0, _, _) | I_Or (r0, _, _) | I_Xor (r0, _, _) | I_LoadArray (r0, _, _) | I_LoadMem (r0, _, _) | I_Concat (r0, _, _) | I_Not (r0, _) | I_Move (r0, _) | I_Length (r0, _) | I_NewArray (r0, _) | I_Neg (r0, _) | I_Set (r0, _, _, _) | I_Rem (r0, _, _) | I_LoadStack (r0, _) | I_LoadVar (r0, _) -> [r0] | I_Call (outs, _, _, kills) -> outs @ kills | I_Use _ | I_StoreVar _ | I_StoreStack _ | I_StackAlloc _ | I_StackFree _ | I_StoreMem _ | I_StoreArray _ -> [] | I_Def rs -> rs let defined_registers_terminator _ = [] let used_registers_instr = function | I_Add (_, r0, r1) | I_Sub (_, r0, r1) | I_Div (_, r0, r1) | I_Mul (_, r0, r1) | I_And (_, r0, r1) | I_Or (_, r0, r1) | I_Xor (_, r0, r1) | I_LoadArray (_, r0, r1) | I_LoadMem (_, r0, r1) | I_Concat (_, r0, r1) | I_Set (_, _, r0, r1) | I_Rem (_, r0, r1) -> List.flatten @@ reglist_of_expr [r0;r1] | I_Not (_, r0) | I_Move (_, r0) | I_Length (_, r0) | I_NewArray (_, r0) | I_StoreVar (_, r0) | I_StoreStack (_, r0) | I_Neg (_, r0) -> reglist_of_expr r0 | I_Call (_, _, args, _) -> List.flatten @@ reglist_of_expr args | I_Def _ | I_StackAlloc _ | I_StackFree _ | I_LoadStack _ | I_LoadVar _ -> [] | I_StoreArray (r0, r1, r2) | I_StoreMem (r0, r1, r2) -> List.flatten @@ reglist_of_expr [r0; r1; r2] | I_Use rs -> rs let used_registers_terminator = function | T_Branch (_, r0, r1, _, _) -> List.flatten @@ reglist_of_expr [r0;r1] | T_Return args -> List.flatten @@ reglist_of_expr args | T_Jump _ -> [] let remap_registers_proc sb proc = let cfg = (cfg_of_procedure proc) in let remap_block (l, body, terminator) = let body = (remap_register_instr sb) body in let terminator = remap_register_terminator sb terminator in (l, body, terminator) in let update_blocks (l, body, terminator) = ControlFlowGraph.set_block2 cfg l body terminator in let blocks = ControlFlowGraph.blocklist2 cfg in let blocks = remap_block blocks in List.iter update_blocks blocks let string_of_expr = function | E_Reg r -> string_of_reg r | E_Int i -> Int32.to_string i let string_of_label = function | Label i -> Format.sprintf "L%u" i let string_of_procid = function | Procid l -> Format.sprintf "%s" l let string_of_reglist xs = Format.sprintf "[%s]" (String.concat ", " @@ string_of_reg xs) let string_of_labellist xs = Format.sprintf "[%s]" (String.concat ", " @@ string_of_label xs) let string_of_exprlist xs = Format.sprintf "[%s]" (String.concat ", " @@ string_of_expr xs) let string_of_expr_regmap k = let f (k, v) = Format.sprintf "%s=%s" (string_of_reg k) (string_of_expr v) in String.concat "; " @@ List.of_seq @@ f @@ RegMap.to_seq k let string_of_instr = function | I_Add (r0, e0, e1) -> Format.sprintf "add %s, %s, %s" (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_expr e0) (string_of_expr e1) | I_Sub (r0, e0, e1) -> Format.sprintf "sub %s, %s, %s" (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_expr e0) (string_of_expr e1) | I_Div (r0, e0, e1) -> Format.sprintf "div %s, %s, %s" (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_expr e0) (string_of_expr e1) | I_Rem (r0, e0, e1) -> Format.sprintf "rem %s, %s, %s" (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_expr e0) (string_of_expr e1) | I_Mul (r0, e0, e1) -> Format.sprintf "mul %s, %s, %s" (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_expr e0) (string_of_expr e1) | I_And (r0, e0, e1) -> Format.sprintf "and %s, %s, %s" (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_expr e0) (string_of_expr e1) | I_Or (r0, e0, e1) -> Format.sprintf "or %s, %s, %s" (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_expr e0) (string_of_expr e1) | I_Xor (r0, e0, e1) -> Format.sprintf "xor %s, %s, %s" (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_expr e0) (string_of_expr e1) | I_LoadArray (r0, e0, e1) -> Format.sprintf "loadarray %s, %s, %s // %s = %s[%s]" (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_expr e0) (string_of_expr e1) (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_expr e0) (string_of_expr e1) | I_LoadMem (r0, e0, e1) -> Format.sprintf "loadmem %s, %s, %s // %s = mem[%s + %s]" (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_expr e0) (string_of_expr e1) (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_expr e0) (string_of_expr e1) | I_StoreArray (r0, e0, e1) -> Format.sprintf "storearray %s, %s, %s // %s[%s] = %s" (string_of_expr r0) (string_of_expr e0) (string_of_expr e1) (string_of_expr r0) (string_of_expr e0) (string_of_expr e1) | I_StoreMem (r0, e0, e1) -> Format.sprintf "storemem %s, %s, %s // mem[%s + %s] = %s" (string_of_expr r0) (string_of_expr e0) (string_of_expr e1) (string_of_expr r0) (string_of_expr e0) (string_of_expr e1) | I_Concat (r0, e0, e1) -> Format.sprintf "concat %s, %s, %s" (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_expr e0) (string_of_expr e1) | I_Neg (r0, e0) -> Format.sprintf "neg %s, %s" (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_expr e0) | I_Not (r0, e0) -> Format.sprintf "not %s, %s" (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_expr e0) | I_Length (r0, e0) -> Format.sprintf "length %s, %s" (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_expr e0) | I_Move (r0, e0) -> Format.sprintf "move %s, %s" (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_expr e0) | I_NewArray (r0, e0) -> Format.sprintf "newarray %s, %s" (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_expr e0) | I_Call (rs, p, xs, kill) -> Format.sprintf "call %s, %s, %s, kill %s" (string_of_reglist rs) (string_of_procid p) (string_of_exprlist xs) (string_of_reglist kill) | I_Set (rr, cond, r0, r1) -> Format.sprintf "set %s, %s, %s, %s" (string_of_reg rr) (string_of_cond cond) (string_of_expr r0) (string_of_expr r1) | I_StoreVar (i0, e0) -> Format.sprintf "storevar %s, %s" (string_of_int i0) (string_of_expr e0) | I_LoadVar (r0, i0) -> Format.sprintf "loadvar %s, %s" (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_int i0) | I_StoreStack (i0, e0) -> Format.sprintf "storestack %s, %s" (string_of_int i0) (string_of_expr e0) | I_LoadStack (r0, i0) -> Format.sprintf "loadstack %s, %s" (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_int i0) | I_StackAlloc (i0) -> Format.sprintf "stackalloc %s" (Int32.to_string i0) | I_StackFree (i0) -> Format.sprintf "stackfree %s" (Int32.to_string i0) | I_Use rs -> Format.sprintf "use %s" (string_of_reglist rs) | I_Def rs -> Format.sprintf "def %s" (string_of_reglist rs) let string_of_terminator = function | T_Branch (cond, r0, r1, l1, l2) -> Format.sprintf "branch %s, %s, %s, %s, %s" (string_of_cond cond) (string_of_expr r0) (string_of_expr r1) (string_of_label l1) (string_of_label l2) | T_Jump (l) -> Format.sprintf "jump %s" (string_of_label l) | T_Return xs -> Format.sprintf "return %s" (string_of_exprlist xs) let indented_string_of_instr i = " " ^ (string_of_instr i) let indented_string_of_terminator i = " " ^ (string_of_terminator i) let string_of_block_body cfg label body = String.concat "\n" [ Format.sprintf "%s:" (string_of_label label) ; Format.sprintf " cfg successors: %s" (string_of_labellist @@ ControlFlowGraph.successors cfg label) ; Format.sprintf " cfg predecessors: %s" (string_of_labellist @@ ControlFlowGraph.predecessors cfg label) ; String.concat "\n" ( indented_string_of_instr body) ] let string_of_block cfg k v = let terminator = match ControlFlowGraph.terminator_safe cfg k with | None -> "<>" | Some t -> indented_string_of_terminator t in String.concat "\n" [ string_of_block_body cfg k v ; terminator ] let string_of_blockmap cfg = let f xs (k, v) = string_of_block cfg k v :: xs in let items = Seq.fold_left (fun xs x -> x::xs) [] (Hashtbl.to_seq @@ ControlFlowGraph.blockmap cfg) in let items = List.sort compare items in String.concat "\n" @@ List.rev @@ List.fold_left f [] items let string_of_cfg cfg = String.concat "\n" [ Format.sprintf " cfg entry point: %s" (string_of_label @@ ControlFlowGraph.entry_label cfg) ; Format.sprintf " cfg entry point successors: %s" (string_of_labellist @@ ControlFlowGraph.successors cfg @@ ControlFlowGraph.entry_label cfg) ; Format.sprintf " cfg exit point: %s" (string_of_label @@ ControlFlowGraph.exit_label cfg) ; Format.sprintf " cfg exit point predecessors : %s" (string_of_labellist @@ ControlFlowGraph.predecessors cfg @@ ControlFlowGraph.exit_label cfg) ; string_of_blockmap cfg ] let string_of_procedure (Procedure {procid; cfg; frame_size; formal_parameters; _}) = String.concat "\n" [ "////////////////////////////////////// " ; Format.sprintf "procedure %s" (string_of_procid procid) ; Format.sprintf " frame size: %u" frame_size ; Format.sprintf " formal parameters: %u" formal_parameters ; string_of_cfg cfg ] let string_of_module_definition xs = String.concat "\n" @@ string_of_procedure xs let string_of_program (Program {procedures; _}) = String.concat "\n" @@ string_of_procedure procedures