module FS = struct let removedir = let rec rm path item = let p = (Filename.concat path item) in if Sys.is_directory p then let items = Sys.readdir p in Array.iter (rm p) items; Unix.rmdir p; else Sys.remove p in fun item -> if Sys.file_exists item then rm "" item let xilog_dir = ref "xilog" let init xilog = xilog_dir := xilog; removedir xilog; Unix.mkdir xilog 0o777 end module State = struct let extra_debug = ref false let counter = ref 0 let phase_name = ref "" let proc_name = ref "" let log_file_name = ref "" let log_file_handle : out_channel option ref = ref None let get_lof_file_handle () = match !log_file_handle with | Some handle -> handle | None -> assert (!log_file_name <> ""); let handle = open_out !log_file_name in log_file_handle := Some handle; handle let close_log_file () = match !log_file_handle with | None -> () | Some handle -> close_out handle; log_file_name := ""; log_file_handle := None let make_entry_name = function | () when !phase_name <> "" && !proc_name <> "" -> Format.sprintf "%03u.%s.%s" !counter !phase_name !proc_name | () when !phase_name <> "" -> Format.sprintf "%03u.%s" !counter !phase_name | _ -> Format.sprintf "%03u.unknown-phase" !counter let allocate_file_name title = let r = Format.sprintf "%s/%s.%s" !FS.xilog_dir (make_entry_name ()) title in incr counter; r let set_new_phase name = phase_name := name; proc_name := ""; close_log_file (); log_file_name := allocate_file_name "log" let set_proc_phase procid = proc_name := Ir_utils.string_of_procid procid; close_log_file (); log_file_name := allocate_file_name "log" let close_phase_proc () = proc_name := ""; close_log_file (); log_file_name := allocate_file_name "log" let set_extra_debug v = extra_debug := v end let extra_debug f = if !State.extra_debug then f () let set_extra_debug = State.set_extra_debug let new_phase name = State.set_new_phase name let new_phase_proc procid = State.set_proc_phase procid let close_phase_proc () = State.close_phase_proc () let make_logf mname fmt = let cont s = let h = State.get_lof_file_handle () in let entry = Format.sprintf "%s: %s\n" mname s in output_string h entry; flush h in Format.ksprintf cont fmt let dump_string title buffer = let name = State.allocate_file_name title in make_logf __MODULE__ "Dumping %s" (Filename.basename name); let h = open_out name in output_string h buffer; output_string h "\n"; close_out h let dump_ir_program title ir = let buffer = Ir_utils.string_of_program ir in dump_string title buffer let dump_ir_proc title irproc = let buffer = Ir_utils.string_of_procedure irproc in dump_string title buffer let dump_spill_costs spill_costs = let f (k,v) = Format.sprintf "%s -> %u" (Ir.string_of_reg k) v in let seq = Hashtbl.to_seq spill_costs in let seq = f seq in let seq = List.of_seq seq in let buf = String.concat "\n" @@ List.sort compare seq in dump_string "spill_costs" buf let dump_spill_costs_f spill_costs = let f (k,v) = Format.sprintf "%s -> %f" (Ir.string_of_reg k) v in let seq = Hashtbl.to_seq spill_costs in let seq = f seq in let seq = List.of_seq seq in let buf = String.concat "\n" @@ List.sort compare seq in dump_string "spill_costs" buf let log_ir_proc mname irproc = let buffer = Ir_utils.string_of_procedure irproc in make_logf mname "%s" buffer let dump_interference_graph title x = let buffer = Analysis_visualizer.visualize_interference_graph x in dump_string (title ^ ".infg.xdot") buffer let dump_live_variables title cfg table = let buffer = Analysis_visualizer.visualize_live_variables cfg table in dump_string (title ^ ".lva.xdot") buffer let dump_constant_folding title cfg table = let buffer = Analysis_visualizer.visualize_constant_folding cfg table in dump_string (title ^ ".cfa.xdot") buffer let init xilog = FS.init xilog