\documentclass[10pt,a4paper,sans]{moderncv} \moderncvtheme{banking} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %\usepackage{amsmath} %\usepackage{amssymb} %\usepackage{polski} %\usepackage[polish]{babel} \newcommand{\textbt}[1]{\textit{\textbf{#1}}} \firstname{Paweł} \lastname{Dybiec} \extrainfo{Computer Science and Mathematics Student} \email{pdybiec@stud.cs.uni.wroc.pl} \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Education} \cventry{2018-now}{MSc}{University of Wroclaw}{Wroclaw}{}{Computer Science}{} \cventry{2014-2018}{BSc}{University of Wroclaw}{Wroclaw}{}{Joint Studies in Computer Science and Mathematics (ISIM)}{Implementation of both programs (CS and Math) on higher tier courses with groups dedicated for ISIM students}{ \\ Completed studies with GPA 4.138. (scale: lowest 2.0, highest 5.0)} \cventry{2011-2014}{}{14th High School}{Wroclaw}{}{Courses of Mathematics, Computer Science at the extended level}{} \section{Experience} \cventry{2017-now}{Cloud Infrastructure \& Software Engineer}{Fibertide }{Wroclaw}{}{ Building reliable systems in AWS and GCP} \cventry{2017}{Openlab Summer Student}{CERN }{Geneva}{}{Quality Assurance Framework for Linux releases delivery} \cventry{2015-2018}{teacher for middle school students}{14th High School}{Wroclaw}{}{Conducting classes for students preparing for Polish Olympiad in Informatics for Middle School Students}{Every year few of students from those classes reach finals in Polish Olympiad in Informatics for Middle School Students} \cventry{2014-2018}{teacher at the Educational Camp for high school students}{14th High School}{Wroclaw}{}{conducting classes for students preparing for Polish Olympiad in Informatics}{Every year lot of students from this camp reach finals in Polish Olympiad in Informatics} \cventry{2015}{C++ Summer trainee}{Plus GPS Q4B}{Wroclaw}{}{} \section{Skills} \cvitem{Programming languages}{C++, C, Python, OCaml} \cvitem{Tools}{Linux, FreeBSD, git, bash, ansible, terraform}{} \cvitem{Others}{Algorithms, Operating systems, Functional Programming, Statistics, Formal Verification} \cvitem{Languages}{Fluent in English language} \pagebreak \section{Projects} \cvitem{ $\aleph_0$ - Martian rover}{Team leader}{Goal of the project is to build autonomous/controlled martian rover prototype for competitions like University Rover Challenge}{\\\url{continuum.uni.wroc.pl}} \\ \cvitem{Pizza - programming contest}{Responsible for bots and visualizations}{PIZZA is a programming contest, where bots developed by participants are competing with each other. }{\\\url{contest.pizza} } \\ \cvitem{Mimiker - operating system kernel}{}{Small BSD-like kernel created at University of Wroclaw.}{\\\url{github.com/cahirwpz/mimiker}} \section{Competitive Programming} \cvitem{CERC}{Central Europe Regional Contest} \cvitem{AMPPZ}{Polish Collegiate Programming Contest} \cvitem{OI}{Polish Olympiad in Informatics} \cvitem{MWPZ} {Local, open ICPC-like contest} \section{Other} \cvitem{Github}{\url{https://github.com/dyniec/}} \cvitem{Codeforces}{\url{http://codeforces.com/profile/dyniec}} \cvitem{Hobbies}{tabletop games, books, Competitive programming} \end{document}