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path: root/source
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authorPaweł Dybiec <>2019-01-27 23:00:52 +0100
committerPaweł Dybiec <>2019-01-27 23:00:52 +0100
commit4b4abd185dc9d3ab10f1dc77ff45e4a904ee992b (patch)
tree139c17beff26904d62e39d9b6a90fdcd4e5eec51 /source
parentConstant folding optimization - sources (diff)
Constant folding analysis
Diffstat (limited to 'source')
1 files changed, 144 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/source/mod_student/ b/source/mod_student/
index 40419cc..6e0f728 100644
--- a/source/mod_student/
+++ b/source/mod_student/
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 open Xi_lib
 open Ir
 open Ir_utils
@@ -5,21 +6,156 @@ open Ir_utils
 module Make() = struct
   module Implementation(M:sig
-      val cfg: ControlFlowGraph.t
-      val initial: Analysis_domain.ConstantFolding.domain
-    end) = struct
+                            val cfg: ControlFlowGraph.t
+                            val initial: Analysis_domain.ConstantFolding.domain
+                          end) = struct
     open M
+    open Analysis
+    let initialize_table () =
+      let table = Hashtbl.create 513 in
+      let kw = Knowledge.make ~pre:initial ~post:initial in
+      let blk_kw =  BlockKnowledge.make_simple kw in
+      let set v = Hashtbl.replace table v blk_kw in
+      List.iter set @@ ControlFlowGraph.labels cfg;
+      table
+    let result = initialize_table ()
+    let join_elem a b =match (a,b) with
+      | None,None -> None
+      | Some a,Some b -> if a=b then Some a else Some None
+      | None, Some _ -> Some None
+      | Some _, None -> Some None
+    let int32_of_bool b = if b then else
+    let transfer_instr instr input =
+      let get v = match v with
+        | E_Int x -> Some x
+        | E_Reg r -> (match Ir.RegMap.find_opt r input with
+                      |None -> None
+                      |Some None -> None
+                      |Some Some x ->Some x)
+      in
+      let aux r l1 l2 op =
+        (let v= (match get l1,get l2
+                 with
+                 |Some a,Some b -> op a b
+                 |_ ->None
+                )
+         in match v
+            with
+            | None ->input
+            | Some v -> Ir.RegMap.add r (Some v) input)
+      in
+      let output = match instr with
+        | I_Add (r,l1,l2) -> aux r l1 l2 (fun a b -> Some (Int32.add a b))
+        | I_Sub (r,l1,l2) -> aux r l1 l2 (fun a b -> Some (Int32.sub a b))
+        | I_Div (r,l1,l2) -> aux r l1 l2 (fun a b -> if then None else Some(Int32.div a b))
+        | I_Mul (r,l1,l2) -> aux r l1 l2 (fun a b -> Some (Int32.mul a b))
+        | I_Neg (r,l1) -> aux r l1 l1 (fun a b -> Some (Int32.neg a))
+        | I_Not (r,l1) -> aux r l1 l1 (fun a b -> Some (Int32.lognot a))
+        | I_And (r,l1,l2) -> aux r l1 l2 (fun a b -> Some (Int32.logand a b))
+        | I_Or (r,l1,l2) -> aux r l1 l2 (fun a b -> Some (Int32.logor a b))
+        | I_Xor (r,l1,l2) -> aux r l1 l2 (fun a b -> Some (Int32.logxor a b))
+        | I_Set (r,cond,l1,l2) -> aux r l1 l2
+                                    (fun a b -> let a b in
+                                                Some (int32_of_bool(match cond
+                                                  with
+                                                  |COND_Eq -> cmp=0
+                                                  |COND_Ne -> not (cmp=0)
+                                                  |COND_Lt -> cmp<0
+                                                  |COND_Gt -> cmp>0
+                                                  |COND_Le -> cmp<=0
+                                                  |COND_Ge -> cmp>=0
+                                                         )))                   
+        | _ -> List.fold_left (fun set elem -> Ir.RegMap.add elem None set) input @@ Ir_utils.used_registers_instr instr
+      in
+      (Knowledge.make ~pre:input ~post:output),instr
+    let transfer_terminator t input =
+      (Knowledge.make ~pre:input ~post:input),t
+    let rec transfer_instr_list instr input = match instr with
+      | [] -> [],input
+      | x::xs -> 
+         let y= transfer_instr x input in
+         let input = @@ fst y in
+         let ys,output = transfer_instr_list xs input in
+         (y::ys,output)
+    let transfer_basic_block l current_knowledge =
+      if l = ControlFlowGraph.exit_label cfg then current_knowledge else
+        if l = ControlFlowGraph.entry_label cfg then current_knowledge else
+          let t = ControlFlowGraph.terminator cfg l in
+          let instr = ControlFlowGraph.block cfg l in
+          let input = BlockKnowledge.pre current_knowledge in
+          let instr_res,input2 = transfer_instr_list instr input in
+          let t_res = transfer_terminator t input2 in
+          let output = @@ fst t_res in
+          let block = Knowledge.make ~pre:input ~post:output in
+          BlockKnowledge.make_complex ~block ~body:instr_res ~terminator:t_res
+    let changed = ref true
+    let join a b = Ir.RegMap.merge (fun _ x y -> join_elem x y ) a b
+    let update_in label =
+      let input = List.fold_left join initial (
+                      ( (fun l -> (Hashtbl.find result l)))
+                        (ControlFlowGraph.predecessors cfg label))
+      in
+      let old = (Hashtbl.find result label) in
+      let old_input = BlockKnowledge.pre old in
+      if compare input old_input = 0 then () else
+        changed:=true;
+      let new_kn = BlockKnowledge.alter_prepost ~pre:input old in
+      Hashtbl.replace result label new_kn
+    let update_ins () =
+      let labels = ControlFlowGraph.labels cfg in
+      List.iter update_in labels
+    let update_out label =
+      let old = (Hashtbl.find result label) in
+      let old_input = old in
+      let new_kn = transfer_basic_block label old in
+      if compare ( new_kn) old_input = 0 then () else
+        changed:=true;
+      Hashtbl.replace result label new_kn
+    let update_outs () =
+      let labels = ControlFlowGraph.labels cfg in
+      List.iter update_out labels
+    let rec compute_fixpoint () =
+      changed := false;
+      update_ins ();
+      update_outs ();
+      if not !changed then () else
+        compute_fixpoint ()
+    let analyse () =
+      compute_fixpoint ();
+      result
-    let analyse () = 
-      failwith "not yet implemented"
   (* Skontruuj wartość ekstremalną *)
-  let make_initial n =
-    failwith "not yet implemented"
+  let rec make_initial n =
+    if n = 0 then Ir.RegMap.empty else
+      Ir.RegMap.add (Ir.REG_Tmp (n-1)) None @@ make_initial (n-1)
   let analyse proc : Xi_lib.Analysis_domain.ConstantFolding.table =
     let initial = make_initial @@ Ir.formal_parameters_of_procedure proc in
@@ -28,4 +164,4 @@ module Make() = struct
     let result = Instance.analyse () in
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