path: root/tools
diff options
authorPaweł Dybiec <>2018-10-30 15:32:56 +0100
committerPaweł Dybiec <>2018-10-30 15:32:56 +0100
commitb798ac29c37299b2f761243ae92ab8f7c4c4d7f1 (patch)
treeeb9b9cc9be294fe5bd3acf9a342098ffc0ea06e5 /tools
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
1 files changed, 404 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7f48400
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import argparse
+import glob
+import os
+import sys
+import subprocess
+import shutil
+class Configuration:
+ def __init__(self, xic, testdir, spim, workdir, registers_description, plugin):
+ self.xic = xic
+ self.testdir = testdir
+ self.spim = spim
+ self.workdir = workdir
+ self.registers_description = registers_description
+ self.plugin = plugin
+ def printself(self):
+ print('Configuration:')
+ print(' - xic: ', self.xic)
+ print(' - testdir: ', self.testdir)
+ print(' - spim: ', self.spim)
+ print(' - workdir: ', self.workdir)
+ if self.registers_description is not None:
+ print(' - regdescr:', self.registers_description)
+ if self.plugin:
+ print(' - plugin:', self.plugin)
+class TestOutput:
+ class Status:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.status = None
+ self.compiler_stdout = None
+ self.compiler_stderr = None
+ self.compiler_ok = None
+ self.spim_stdout = None
+ self.spim_stderr = None
+ self.spim_ok = None
+class TestInstrumentation:
+ def __init__(self, test):
+ self.test = test
+ self.instrumented = False
+ self.expected_output = []
+ self.should_parse = True
+ self.stop_after = None
+ self.should_typecheck = True
+ self.typechecking_errors = []
+ self.selftest = None
+ self.env = {}
+ self.parse()
+ self.validate()
+ def content(self):
+ # get content of all comments started with //@
+ lines = open(self.test).readlines()
+ lines = [ line.strip() for line in lines ]
+ lines = [ line for line in lines if line.startswith("//@") ]
+ lines = [ line[3:] for line in lines ]
+ return lines
+ def parse(self):
+ content = self.content()
+ self.instrumented = "PRACOWNIA" in content
+ if not self.instrumented:
+ raise Exception('Test instrumentation is missing: %s' % self.test)
+ for line in content:
+ if line.startswith("out "):
+ self.expected_output.append(line[4:])
+ elif line == "should_not_parse":
+ self.should_parse = False
+ elif line == "should_not_typecheck":
+ self.should_typecheck = False
+ elif line.startswith("tcError "):
+ self.typechecking_errors.append(line[len("tcError "):])
+ elif line.startswith("stop_after"):
+ self.stop_after = line[len("stop_after "):]
+ elif line.startswith("env"):
+ keyvalue = line[len("env "):]
+ keyvalue = keyvalue.split('=')
+ self.env[keyvalue[0]] = keyvalue[1]
+ elif line.startswith('selftest'):
+ arg = line[len('selftest'):].strip()
+ if arg == 'pass':
+ self.selftest = True
+ elif arg == 'fail':
+ self.selftest = False
+ else:
+ raise Exception("invalid @selftest directive")
+ elif line == "PRACOWNIA":
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise Exception("invalid test instrumentation: unknown directive: " + line)
+ def validate(self):
+ if not self.instrumented:
+ return
+ if not self.should_parse:
+ if len(self.expected_output) > 0:
+ raise Exception("test %s marked as @should_not_parse, but expected runtime output is specified (@out)" % self.test)
+ if len(self.typechecking_errors) > 0:
+ raise Exception("test %s marked as @should_not_parse, but expected typechecking errors are specified (@tcError)" % self.test)
+ if not self.should_typecheck:
+ raise Exception("test %s marked as @should_not_parse, but expected typechecking failure is marked (@should_not_typecheck)" % self.test)
+ if not self.should_typecheck:
+ if len(self.expected_output) > 0:
+ raise Exception("test %s expects typechecking failure, but expected runtime output is specified (@out)" % self.test)
+ if len(self.typechecking_errors):
+ if len(self.expected_output) > 0:
+ raise Exception("test %s expects typechecking errors, but expected runtime output is specified (@out)" % self.test)
+ self.should_typecheck = False
+class Test:
+ def __init__(self, test, instrumentation):
+ self.test = test
+ self.instrumentation = instrumentation
+ def expecting_parsing_error(self):
+ return not self.instrumentation.should_parse
+ def expecting_typechecking_error(self):
+ return not self.instrumentation.should_typecheck
+ def expecting_compilation_failure(self):
+ return self.expecting_parsing_error() or self.expecting_typechecking_error()
+ def expecting_runtime_output(self):
+ return not self.expecting_compilation_failure() and not self.instrumentation.stop_after
+class ExpectationMatcher:
+ def __init__(self, test , output):
+ self.test = test
+ self.output = output
+ def __match_output(self, stdout, expected):
+ actual = list(reversed(stdout))
+ expected = list(reversed(expected))
+ for i in range(0, len(expected)):
+ if len(actual) <= i:
+ # nie sprawdzam tego przed petla bo chcialbym aby najpierw zmatchowal te linijki
+ # co sie rzeczywiscie na stdout pojawily
+ return False, "program output is too short, it contains %u lines, while expected out has %u" % (len(actual), len(expected))
+ expected_line = expected[i]
+ actual_line = actual[i]
+ if expected_line != actual_line:
+ explanation = "mismatch on line (counting from bottom): %u\nexpected: %s\nactual: %s" % (i + 1, expected_line, actual_line)
+ return False, explanation
+ return True, ""
+ def __real_match(self):
+ # print('self.test.expecting_compilation_failure()', self.test.expecting_compilation_failure())
+ # print('self.test.instrumentation.should_typecheck', self.test.instrumentation.should_typecheck)
+ # print('self.output.compiler_ok', self.output.compiler_ok)
+ if self.test.expecting_compilation_failure():
+ xic_stderr = self.output.compiler_stderr.decode('utf8')
+ xic_stderr = xic_stderr.splitlines()
+ if len(xic_stderr) == 0:
+ xic_last_line_stderr = None
+ else:
+ xic_last_line_stderr = xic_stderr[-1].strip()
+ if self.output.compiler_ok:
+ return False, "expected compiler failure"
+ if self.test.expecting_parsing_error():
+ if xic_last_line_stderr == "Failed: parser":
+ return True, ""
+ return False, "expected parsing error"
+ if self.test.expecting_typechecking_error():
+ if xic_last_line_stderr == "Failed: typechecker":
+ return True, ""
+ return False, "expected typchecking error"
+ else:
+ if not self.output.compiler_ok:
+ return False, "program should be compiled, but compiler failed"
+ if self.test.instrumentation.stop_after:
+ return True, ""
+ if len(self.output.spim_stderr) > 0:
+ return False, "spim's stderr is not empty, execute program manually"
+ if self.test.expecting_runtime_output():
+ if not self.output.spim_ok:
+ return False, "spim was not executed properly"
+ if len(self.test.instrumentation.expected_output) > 0:
+ spim_stdout = self.output.spim_stdout.decode('utf8')
+ spim_stdout = spim_stdout.splitlines()
+ spim_stdout = [ line.strip() for line in spim_stdout ]
+ return self.__match_output(spim_stdout,self.test.instrumentation.expected_output)
+ return True, ""
+ return None, "cannot match test expectations"
+ def match(self):
+ x_result, x_explanation = self.__real_match()
+ if self.test.instrumentation.selftest == None:
+ result, explanation = x_result, x_explanation
+ else:
+ result = x_result == self.test.instrumentation.selftest
+ if result:
+ explanation = ""
+ else:
+ explanation = "selftest failed: expected %s, got: %s, %s" % (self.test.instrumentation.selftest, x_result, x_explanation)
+ return result, explanation
+class TestRawExecutor:
+ def __init__(self, conf, test, env, run_spim, stop_point):
+ self.conf = conf
+ self.test = test
+ self.env = env
+ self.output_file = os.path.join(conf.workdir, 'main.s')
+ self.test_output = TestOutput()
+ self.run_spim = run_spim
+ self.stop_point = stop_point
+ def execute(self):
+ self.prepare_env()
+ ok, stdout, stderr = self.compile_program()
+ self.test_output.compiler_stdout = stdout
+ self.test_output.compiler_stderr = stderr
+ self.test_output.compiler_ok = ok
+ if not ok or not self.run_spim or self.stop_point:
+ self.clean_env()
+ return self.test_output
+ ok, stdout, stderr = self.execute_program()
+ self.test_output.spim_stdout = stdout
+ self.test_output.spim_stderr = stderr
+ self.test_output.spim_ok = ok
+ self.clean_env()
+ return self.test_output
+ def compile_program(self):
+ xs = [self.conf.xic, '-o', self.output_file]
+ if self.stop_point:
+ xs.append('--stop-after')
+ xs.append(self.stop_point)
+ if self.conf.registers_description is not None:
+ xs.append('--registers-description')
+ xs.append(self.conf.registers_description)
+ if self.conf.plugin is not None:
+ xs.append('--plugin')
+ xs.append(self.conf.plugin)
+ xs.append('--xi-log')
+ xs.append(os.path.join(self.conf.workdir, 'xilog'))
+ xs.append(self.test)
+ env = dict(self.env)
+ return self.__call(xs, env)
+ def execute_program(self):
+ return self.__call([self.conf.spim, '-file', self.output_file])
+ def prepare_env(self):
+ shutil.rmtree(self.conf.workdir, ignore_errors=True)
+ os.makedirs(self.conf.workdir)
+ def clean_env(self):
+ shutil.rmtree(self.conf.workdir, ignore_errors=True)
+ def __call(self, xs, extenv={}):
+ env = os.environ
+ for k in extenv:
+ env[k] = extenv[k]
+ try:
+ p = subprocess.Popen(xs, stdin=None, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env)
+ stdin, stdout = p.communicate(timeout=5)
+ status = p.returncode == 0
+ return (status, stdin, stdout)
+ except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
+ return (False, [], [])
+ except Exception:
+ # potem cos tu doklepie aby wykonywarka testow mogla sie kapnac, ze to nie test wykryl blad
+ # a cos innego
+ return (False, [], [])
+class TestExecutor:
+ def __init__(self, test, conf):
+ self.test = test
+ self.conf = conf
+ def execute(self):
+ try:
+ run_spim = self.test.expecting_runtime_output()
+ stop_point = None
+ if not run_spim:
+ if self.test.expecting_parsing_error():
+ stop_point = "parser"
+ elif self.test.expecting_typechecking_error():
+ stop_point = "typechecker"
+ elif self.test.instrumentation.stop_after:
+ stop_point = self.test.instrumentation.stop_after
+ rawExecutor = TestRawExecutor(self.conf, self.test.test, self.test.instrumentation.env, run_spim, stop_point)
+ test_output = rawExecutor.execute()
+ matcher = ExpectationMatcher(self.test, test_output)
+ return matcher.match()
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise e
+ return None, "internal error: " + str(e)
+class TestRepository:
+ def __init__(self, testdirs):
+ self.tests = []
+ self.collect_tests(testdirs)
+ def collect_tests(self, testdirs):
+ testfiles = []
+ for testdir in testdirs:
+ for path, _, files in os.walk(testdir):
+ for file in files:
+ if file.endswith(".xi"):
+ testfiles.append(os.path.join(path, file))
+ testfiles = list(sorted(testfiles))
+ for testfile in testfiles:
+ instrumentation = TestInstrumentation(testfile)
+ test = Test(testfile, instrumentation)
+ self.tests.append(test)
+ def gen(self):
+ for t in self.tests:
+ yield t
+class Application:
+ def __init__(self):
+ args = self.create_argparse().parse_args()
+ self.conf = Configuration(xic=args.xic,
+ testdir=args.testdir,
+ spim=args.spim,
+ workdir=args.workdir,
+ registers_description=args.registers_description,
+ plugin=args.plugin)
+ def create_argparse(self):
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Xi tester')
+ parser.add_argument('--xic', help='path to xi binary', default='./_build/install/default/bin/xi', type=str)
+ parser.add_argument('--spim', help='path to spim binary', default='spim', type=str)
+ parser.add_argument('--testdir', help='path to test directory', default='./tests', type=str)
+ parser.add_argument('--workdir', help='working directory', default='workdir', type=str)
+ parser.add_argument('--registers-description', help='xi --registers-description', default=None, type=str)
+ parser.add_argument('--plugin', help='xi --plugin', type=str)
+ return parser
+ def run(self):
+ print('Xi tester')
+ self.conf.printself()
+ self.test_repository = TestRepository([self.conf.testdir])
+ passed_tests = []
+ failed_tests = []
+ inconclusive_tests = []
+ for test in self.test_repository.gen():
+ print('==> running test', test.test)
+ executor = TestExecutor(test, self.conf)
+ result, explanation = executor.execute()
+ if result == None:
+ inconclusive_tests.append(test)
+ status = "inconclusive: " + explanation
+ elif result:
+ passed_tests.append(test)
+ status = "pass"
+ elif not result:
+ failed_tests.append(test)
+ status = "fail: " + explanation
+ print('--- result:', status)
+ total = len(passed_tests) + len(failed_tests) + len(inconclusive_tests)
+ print('===================')
+ print('Total: ', total)
+ print('Passed:', len(passed_tests))
+ print('Inconc:', len(inconclusive_tests))
+ print('Failed:', len(failed_tests))
+ for test in failed_tests:
+ print(' -', test.test)