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authorPaweł Dybiec <>2018-12-23 17:09:57 +0100
committerPaweł Dybiec <>2018-12-23 17:09:57 +0100
commit3c2d40f55db9527d35b7ef2f1a25dfc82a19a842 (patch)
parentWhile (diff)
Start of regalloc
-rw-r--r--xisdk/mod_uwr.cmabin1208788 -> 1226060 bytes
8 files changed, 217 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/source/mod_student/ b/source/mod_student/
index 33e2f27..ff5016e 100644
--- a/source/mod_student/
+++ b/source/mod_student/
@@ -38,7 +38,10 @@ module Plugin : PLUGIN = struct
   let make_typechecker = Some (module Typechecker.Make : MAKE_TYPECHECKER)
+  let make_translator = None
+  (*
   let make_translator = Some (module Translator.Make : MAKE_TRANSLATOR)
+  *)
   let make_jump_threading = None
@@ -50,7 +53,9 @@ module Plugin : PLUGIN = struct
   let make_mipslower = None
-  let make_register_allocator = None
+  let make_register_allocator = Some (module Regalloc.Make : MAKE_REGISTER_ALLOCATOR)
+  let make_register_coalescing = None
   let make_constant_folding_analysis = None
diff --git a/source/mod_student/ b/source/mod_student/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e717fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/mod_student/
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+open Xi_lib
+open Xi_lib.Measure
+open Ir
+let logf fmt = Logger.make_logf __MODULE__ fmt
+module Make(Toolbox:Iface.COMPILER_TOOLBOX) = struct
+  module Implementation(M:sig
+    val cfg: ControlFlowGraph.t
+    val proc: procedure
+    end) = struct
+    open M
+    module Coalescencing = Toolbox.RegisterCoalescing
+    (* Dostępne rejestry *)
+    let available_registers = Toolbox.RegistersDescription.available_registers
+    (* Liczba dostępnych kolorów *)
+    let number_of_available_registers = List.length available_registers
+    (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     *  Hashtablice z kolorami 
+     *)
+    (* wstępnie pokolorowane wierzchołki *)
+    let base_register2color_assignment : (reg, int) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 13
+    (* kolory wierzchołków *)
+    let register2color_assignment : (reg, int) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 13
+    (* pomocnicza tablica -- odwzorowuje kolor na rejestr sprzętowy *)
+    let color2register_assignment : (int, reg) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 13
+    (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     *  Wstępne kolorowanie
+     *)
+    let initialize_colors () =
+      let color i hard =
+        Hashtbl.replace color2register_assignment i hard;
+        Hashtbl.replace base_register2color_assignment hard i;
+      in
+      List.iteri color available_registers
+    (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     *  Budowanie grafu interferencji 
+     *)
+    let build_infg () =
+      logf "building interference graph";
+      let lva = Toolbox.LiveVariablesAnalysis.analyse cfg in
+      Logger.extra_debug begin fun () -> 
+        Logger.dump_live_variables "before-inf-build" cfg lva;
+      end;
+      let infg = Toolbox.InterferenceGraphAnalysis.analyse cfg lva in
+      Logger.extra_debug begin fun () ->
+        Logger.dump_interference_graph "before-simplify" infg
+      end;
+      infg
+    (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     *  Pomocnicze funkcje
+     *)
+    let loop name f = 
+      let rec iter i = 
+        logf "Starting iteration %s %u" name i;
+        let r, should_restart = measure "iteration" f in
+        if should_restart then
+          iter (succ i)
+        else
+          r
+      in
+      iter 0
+    (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     *  Spilling
+     *)
+    let compute_spill_costs infg =
+      Logger.extra_debug begin fun () ->
+        logf "Computing dominators"
+      end;
+      let dom = Toolbox.DominatorsAnalysis.analyse cfg in
+      Logger.extra_debug begin fun () ->
+        logf "Computing natural-loops"
+      end;
+      let nloops = Toolbox.NaturalLoopsAnalysis.analyse cfg dom in
+      Logger.extra_debug begin fun () ->
+        logf "Computing spill-costs"
+      end;
+      let spill_costs = Toolbox.SpillCostsAnalysis.analyse cfg nloops in
+      Logger.extra_debug begin fun () ->
+          Logger.dump_spill_costs spill_costs;
+      end;
+      spill_costs
+    let spill actual_spills = 
+      measure "spill" (fun () -> Toolbox.Spilling.spill proc actual_spills);
+      actual_spills <> []
+    (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     * Faza simplify
+     *)
+    let simplify =
+      failwith "not yet implemented"
+    (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     *  Faza Select
+     *)
+    let select = 
+      failwith "not yet implemented"
+    (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     *  Pętla build-coalesce
+     *)
+    let build_coalescence () =
+      let infg = measure "build" (fun () -> build_infg ()) in
+      let changed = measure "coalescence" (fun () ->  Coalescencing.coalesce proc infg available_registers) in
+      infg, changed
+    let build_coalescence_loop () = 
+      loop "build-coalescence" build_coalescence
+    (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     *  Pętla build-coalesce
+     *)
+    let single_pass () =
+      let init () = begin
+          (* resetujemy robocze tablice *)
+          Hashtbl.reset register2color_assignment;
+          Hashtbl.replace_seq register2color_assignment @@ Hashtbl.to_seq base_register2color_assignment;
+      end in
+      Logger.extra_debug begin fun () ->
+        Logger.dump_ir_proc "begin-loop" proc
+      end;
+      let init = measure "init" init in
+      let infg = measure "build-coalescence " build_coalescence_loop in
+      let spill_costs = measure "spillcosts" (fun () -> compute_spill_costs infg) in
+      (* uruchom fazę simplify/select/spill *)
+      (* unit na potrzeby interfejsu pomocniczej funkcji loop *)
+      (), true
+    (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     *  Budowanie mapowania rejestrów
+     *)
+    let build_register_assignment () =
+      let register_assignment : (reg, reg) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 513 in 
+      failwith "not yet implemented";
+      (* Przejdz tablice register2color_assignment i uzupełnij prawidłowo
+       * tablicę register_assignment *)
+      register_assignment
+    (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     *  Main
+     *)
+    let regalloc () =
+      logf "Starting register-allocation";
+      initialize_colors ();
+      loop "main-loop" single_pass;
+      build_register_assignment ()
+  end
+  let regalloc proc = 
+    let module Instance = Implementation(struct
+      let cfg = cfg_of_procedure proc
+      let proc = proc
+      let available_registers = Toolbox.RegistersDescription.available_registers
+      end)
+    in
+    Instance.regalloc ()
diff --git a/source/xi/ b/source/xi/
index 3c6cdf0..7b1c8db 100644
--- a/source/xi/
+++ b/source/xi/
@@ -95,6 +95,13 @@ module Getters = struct
     | Some x -> Some (name, Plugin.version, x)
     | None -> None
+  let make_register_coalescing (name, plugin) =
+    let module Plugin = (val plugin : Plugin.PLUGIN) in
+    match Plugin.make_register_coalescing with
+    | Some x -> Some (name, Plugin.version, x)
+    | None -> None
   let make_dead_code_elimination (name, plugin) =
     let module Plugin = (val plugin : Plugin.PLUGIN) in
     match Plugin.make_dead_code_elimination with
@@ -169,6 +176,8 @@ module Resolver = struct
   let make_register_allocator = find_module "MakeRegisterAllocator" Getters.make_register_allocator
+  let make_register_coalescing = find_module "MakeRegisterCoalescing" Getters.make_register_coalescing
   let make_dead_code_elimination = find_module "MakeDeadCodeElimination" Getters.make_dead_code_elimination
   let make_codegen = find_module "MakeCodegen" Getters.make_codegen
@@ -191,6 +200,7 @@ let resolve_compiler_toolbox regdescr =
   let module MakeInterferenceGraphAnalysis = (val Resolver.make_interference_graph_analysis !register) in
   let module MakeSpilling = (val Resolver.make_spilling !register) in
   let module MakeReachabilityAnalysis = (val Resolver.make_reachability_analysis !register) in
+  let module MakeRegisterCoalescing = (val Resolver.make_register_coalescing !register) in
   let module M = struct
     module LiveVariablesAnalysis = MakeLiveVariablesAnalysis()
     module DominatorsAnalysis = MakeDominatorsAnalysis()
@@ -202,6 +212,7 @@ let resolve_compiler_toolbox regdescr =
     module InterferenceGraphAnalysis = MakeInterferenceGraphAnalysis()
     module Spilling = MakeSpilling()
     module ReachabilityAnalysis = MakeReachabilityAnalysis()
+    module RegisterCoalescing = MakeRegisterCoalescing()
   end in
   (module M : Iface.COMPILER_TOOLBOX)
diff --git a/source/xi/ b/source/xi/
index c54a499..aca4997 100644
--- a/source/xi/
+++ b/source/xi/
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ module CommandLine = struct
   let cmd =
     let doc = "Compile Xi Program" in
-    let version = "pracownia3.1-0-g147dd61" in
+    let version = "pracownia4.1-0-ge52fd94" in
     Term.(const compile $ xi_log $ extra_debug $ mod_uwr $ plugin $ reg_descr $ stop_after $ output $ source_file), "xi" ~doc ~version
diff --git a/source/xi_lib/ b/source/xi_lib/
index 314fa1f..37cf1d7 100644
--- a/source/xi_lib/
+++ b/source/xi_lib/
@@ -35,10 +35,6 @@ let preamble = String.concat "\n"
   ; "   add $sp, $sp, 4"
   ; "   jr $ra"
   ; ""
-  ; "_xi_length:"
-  ; "   lw $v0, -4($a0)"
-  ; "   jr $ra"
-  ; ""
   ; "_xi_concat:"
   ; "   # t0 = lhs"
   ; "   # t1 = rhs"
@@ -119,4 +115,4 @@ let preamble = String.concat "\n"
   ; "   jr $ra"
   ; ""
   ; ""
-  ]
\ No newline at end of file
+  ]
diff --git a/source/xi_lib/ b/source/xi_lib/
index 04658e0..6f139f6 100644
--- a/source/xi_lib/
+++ b/source/xi_lib/
@@ -64,6 +64,12 @@ module type CALLCONV = sig
+module type REGISTER_COALESCING = sig
+  val coalesce: Ir.procedure -> Ir.RegGraph.t -> Ir.reg list -> bool
 module type REGISTER_ALLOCATOR = sig
   val regalloc: Ir.procedure -> register_mapping
@@ -168,6 +174,8 @@ module type COMPILER_TOOLBOX = sig
   module Spilling : SPILLING
   module ReachabilityAnalysis : REACHABILITY_ANALYSIS
+  module RegisterCoalescing: REGISTER_COALESCING
diff --git a/source/xi_lib/ b/source/xi_lib/
index 33e6e4e..7069924 100644
--- a/source/xi_lib/
+++ b/source/xi_lib/
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ module type MAKE_MIPS_LOWER = functor (T:COMPILER_TOOLBOX) -> MIPS_LOWER
 module type MAKE_SPILLING = functor () -> SPILLING
 module type PLUGIN = sig
   val version: string
@@ -82,4 +85,6 @@ module type PLUGIN = sig
   val make_spilling: (module MAKE_SPILLING) option
   val make_reachability_analysis: (module MAKE_REACHABILITY_ANALYSIS) option
+  val make_register_coalescing: (module MAKE_REGISTER_COALESCING ) option
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xisdk/mod_uwr.cma b/xisdk/mod_uwr.cma
index 827e6e2..f59d91f 100644
--- a/xisdk/mod_uwr.cma
+++ b/xisdk/mod_uwr.cma
Binary files differ