summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/source/xi/
diff options
authorPaweł Dybiec <>2018-10-30 15:32:56 +0100
committerPaweł Dybiec <>2018-10-30 15:32:56 +0100
commitb798ac29c37299b2f761243ae92ab8f7c4c4d7f1 (patch)
treeeb9b9cc9be294fe5bd3acf9a342098ffc0ea06e5 /source/xi/
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'source/xi/')
1 files changed, 146 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/xi/ b/source/xi/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09c8b86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/xi/
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+open Xi_lib
+open Ast
+open Types
+module AllExpressionsAreTypecheck = struct
+  exception MissingTypeInformation of location
+  module Implementation(M:sig val node2type: (node_tag, normal_type) Hashtbl.t end) = struct
+    open M
+    let check_tag loc tag =
+      match Hashtbl.find_opt node2type tag with
+      | Some _ -> ()
+      | None -> raise (MissingTypeInformation loc)
+    let expr_subexpressions = function
+      | EXPR_Id _ -> []
+      | EXPR_Int _ -> []
+      | EXPR_Char _ -> []
+      | EXPR_String _ -> []
+      | EXPR_Bool _ -> []
+      | EXPR_Relation {lhs; rhs; _} ->
+        [lhs; rhs]
+      | EXPR_Binop {lhs; rhs; _} ->
+        [lhs; rhs]
+      | EXPR_Length {arg; _} ->
+        [arg]
+      | EXPR_Unop {sub; _} ->
+        [sub]
+      | EXPR_Call (Call {arguments; _}) ->
+        arguments
+      | EXPR_Index {expr; index; _} ->
+        [expr; index]
+      | EXPR_Struct {elements; _} ->
+        elements
+    let some2list = function 
+      | Some x -> [x]
+      | None -> []
+    let block_substatements = function
+      | STMTBlock {body; _} -> body
+    let block_substatements_opt = function
+      | Some (STMTBlock {body; _}) -> body
+      | None -> []
+    let stmt_subexpressions = function
+      | STMT_Call (Call {arguments; _}) ->
+        arguments
+      | STMT_Assign {rhs; _} ->
+        [rhs]
+      | STMT_VarDecl {init=Some init; _} ->
+        [init]
+      | STMT_VarDecl {init=None; _} ->
+        []
+      | STMT_If {cond; _} ->
+        [cond]
+      | STMT_While {cond; _} ->
+        [cond]
+      | STMT_Return {values; _} ->
+        values
+      | STMT_MultiVarDecl {init=Call{arguments; _}; _} ->
+        arguments
+      | STMT_Block _ ->
+        []
+    let stmt_substatements = function
+      | STMT_Call _ ->
+        []
+      | STMT_Assign _ ->
+        []
+      | STMT_VarDecl _ ->
+        []
+      | STMT_If {then_branch; else_branch; _} ->
+        [then_branch] @ some2list else_branch
+      | STMT_While {body; _} ->
+        [body]
+      | STMT_Return _ ->
+        []
+      | STMT_MultiVarDecl _ ->
+        []
+      | STMT_Block block ->
+        block_substatements block
+    let rec verify_expression e =
+      check_tag (location_of_expression e) (tag_of_expression e);
+      let sube = expr_subexpressions e in
+      List.iter verify_expression sube
+    let rec verify_statement s =
+      let exprs = stmt_subexpressions s in
+      let stmts = stmt_substatements s in
+      List.iter verify_expression exprs;
+      List.iter verify_statement stmts 
+    let verify_block_opt s =
+      let stmts = block_substatements_opt s in
+      List.iter verify_statement stmts
+    let verify_global_declaration = function
+      | GDECL_Function {body; _} ->
+        verify_block_opt body
+    let verify_module_definition (ModuleDefinition {global_declarations}) =
+      List.iter verify_global_declaration global_declarations
+  end
+  let verify_module_definition node2tag mdef =
+    try
+      let module Instance = Implementation(struct let node2type = node2tag end) in
+      Instance.verify_module_definition mdef;
+      true
+    with MissingTypeInformation e ->
+      Format.eprintf "Missing type information for expression %s\n%!" (string_of_location e);
+      false
\ No newline at end of file