summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/source
diff options
authorPaweł Dybiec <>2018-10-30 15:32:56 +0100
committerPaweł Dybiec <>2018-10-30 15:32:56 +0100
commitb798ac29c37299b2f761243ae92ab8f7c4c4d7f1 (patch)
treeeb9b9cc9be294fe5bd3acf9a342098ffc0ea06e5 /source
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'source')
35 files changed, 4673 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/mod_student/.merlin b/source/mod_student/.merlin
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e07c2b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/mod_student/.merlin
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+B /home/wieczyk/.opam/4.07.0/lib/ocamlgraph
+B ../../_build/default/source/mod_student/.mod_student.objs
+B ../../_build/default/source/xi_lib/.xi_lib.objs
+S /home/wieczyk/.opam/4.07.0/lib/ocamlgraph
+S .
+S ../xi_lib
+FLG -open Mod_student -w @a-4-29-40-41-42-44-45-48-58-59-60-40 -strict-sequence -strict-formats -short-paths -keep-locs -g -w -39-33-26-27-32
diff --git a/source/mod_student/dune b/source/mod_student/dune
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c590740
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/mod_student/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+    (name mod_student)
+    (public_name mod_student)
+    (libraries ocamlgraph xi_lib)
+    (modes byte)
+    (flags (--explain --dump))
+    (modules parser)
+    lexer
+    (dev
+        (flags (:standard -g -w -39-33-26-27-32))
+    )
+    (release
+        (flags (:standard -w -39-33-26-27))
+    )
diff --git a/source/mod_student/lexer.mll b/source/mod_student/lexer.mll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cd656c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/mod_student/lexer.mll
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+  open Xi_lib
+  open Parser
+  open Parser_utils
+  (* Lexing z biblioteki standardowej ocamla *)
+  open Lexing
+  (* Standardowo w YACC-podobnych narzędziach  to lekser jest uzależniony od parsera. To znaczy, że typ 
+   * danych z tokenami definiuje moduł wygenerowany na bazie grammar.mly. Definiujemy alias na typ
+   * tokenu na potrzeby interfejsów Xi_lib.Iface *)
+  type token = Parser.token
+  (* Obsługa błędu *)
+  let handleError pos token =
+      let exc = InvalidToken (mkLocation pos, token) in
+      raise exc
+  (* vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 
+   * Miejsce na twój kod w Ocamlu
+   *)
+  (* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+     ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  }
+  (* vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 
+   * Miejsce na nazwane wyrażenia regularne
+   *)
+  let identifier    = ['a'-'z' '_' 'A' - 'Z']['_' 'A' - 'Z' 'a'-'z' '0'-'9']*
+  (* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+     ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+  rule token = parse
+      (* Trzeba pamiętać aby uaktualnić pozycje w lexbuf, gdy widzimy znak końca wiersza.
+       * To się samo nie robi. Moduł Lexing z standardowej biblioteki daje do tego wygodną
+       * funkcję new_line.
+       *)
+      | ['\n']
+      { new_line lexbuf; token lexbuf }
+      (* widzimy początek komentarza i przechodzimy do pomocniczego stanu *)
+      | "//"
+      { line_comment lexbuf }
+      | eof
+      { EOF }
+      (* vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 
+       * Miejsce na twoje reguły
+       *)
+      | identifier as id
+      { failwith id }
+      (* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+         ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+      | _
+      { handleError (Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf) (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
+  (* Pomocniczy stan aby wygodnie i prawidłowo obsłużyć komentarze *)
+  and line_comment = parse
+      | '\n' 
+      { new_line lexbuf; token lexbuf }
+      (* Niektóre edytory nie wstawiają znaku końca wiersza w ostatniej linijce, jesteśmy
+       * przygotowani na obsługę takiego komentarza.
+       *)
+      | eof
+      { EOF }
+      | _ 
+      { line_comment lexbuf }
diff --git a/source/mod_student/parser.mly b/source/mod_student/parser.mly
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3eacf51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/mod_student/parser.mly
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ * Menhir wygeneruje funkcję o nazwie file 
+ *)
+%start <Xi_lib.Ast.module_definition> file
+open Xi_lib
+open Ast
+open Parser_utils
+(* Generator znaczników *)
+let mkTag =
+    let i = ref 0 in
+    fun () ->
+        let tag = !i in
+        incr i;
+        NodeTag tag
+(* vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 
+ * Miejsce na twój kod w Ocamlu
+ *)
+(* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 
+ * Miejsce na dyrektywy
+ *)
+%token EOF
+%token <string>IDENTIFIER
+(* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 
+ * Miejsce na gramatykę
+ *)
+(* Obecnie potrafimy sparsować tylko pusty plik (wymagamy od razu tokena EOF) *)
+    |  EOF
+    { ModuleDefinition {global_declarations=[] } }
+    { Identifier $1 }
+   ** przykład użycia mkLocation 
+    use_declaration:
+        | USE suffix(identifier, opt(SEMICOLON))
+        { GDECL_Use {loc=mkLocation $startpos; id=$2} }
+   ** przykład użycia mkTag
+    atomic_expression:
+        | identifier
+        { EXPR_Id {loc=mkLocation $startpos; id=$1; tag=mkTag ()} }
+(* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
diff --git a/source/mod_student/ b/source/mod_student/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26d15d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/mod_student/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+open Xi_lib.Iface
+open Xi_lib.Plugin
+open Xi_lib.Plugin_register
+module LexerAndParser = struct
+  type token = Parser.token
+  module Lexer = Lexer
+  module Parser = Parser
+module Plugin : PLUGIN = struct
+  let version = "na"
+  let make_live_variables_analysis = None
+  let make_dominators_analysis = None
+  let make_scheduler = None
+  let make_natural_loops_analysis = None
+  let make_spill_costs_analysis = None
+  let lexer_and_parser = Some (module LexerAndParser : LEXER_AND_PARSER)
+  let make_typechecker = None
+  let make_translator = None
+  let make_jump_threading = None
+  let make_constant_folding = None
+  let make_hilower = None
+  let make_callconv = None
+  let make_mipslower = None
+  let make_register_allocator = None
+  let make_constant_folding_analysis = None
+  let make_codegen = None
+  let make_dead_code_elimination = None
+  let make_interference_graph_analysis = None
+  let make_spilling = None
+  let make_reachability_analysis = None
+module RegisterMyPlugin = RegisterPlugin(Plugin)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/xi/.merlin b/source/xi/.merlin
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc01a8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/xi/.merlin
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+B /home/wieczyk/.opam/4.07.0/lib/bytes
+B /home/wieczyk/.opam/4.07.0/lib/cmdliner
+B /home/wieczyk/.opam/4.07.0/lib/ocaml
+B /home/wieczyk/.opam/4.07.0/lib/ocamlgraph
+B /home/wieczyk/.opam/4.07.0/lib/result
+B ../../_build/default/source/xi/.xi.eobjs
+B ../../_build/default/source/xi_lib/.xi_lib.objs
+S /home/wieczyk/.opam/4.07.0/lib/bytes
+S /home/wieczyk/.opam/4.07.0/lib/cmdliner
+S /home/wieczyk/.opam/4.07.0/lib/ocaml
+S /home/wieczyk/.opam/4.07.0/lib/ocamlgraph
+S /home/wieczyk/.opam/4.07.0/lib/result
+S .
+S ../xi_lib
+FLG -w @a-4-29-40-41-42-44-45-48-58-59-60-40 -strict-sequence -strict-formats -short-paths -keep-locs -g -w -39-33-26-27
diff --git a/source/xi/dune b/source/xi/dune
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c209ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/xi/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+    (name xi)
+    (public_name xi)
+    (modes byte)
+    (libraries cmdliner ocamlgraph unix xi_lib dynlink)
+    (package xi)
+    (dev
+        (flags (:standard -g -w -39-33-26-27))
+    )
+    (release
+        (flags (:standard -w -39-33-26-27))
+    )
diff --git a/source/xi/ b/source/xi/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09c8b86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/xi/
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+open Xi_lib
+open Ast
+open Types
+module AllExpressionsAreTypecheck = struct
+  exception MissingTypeInformation of location
+  module Implementation(M:sig val node2type: (node_tag, normal_type) Hashtbl.t end) = struct
+    open M
+    let check_tag loc tag =
+      match Hashtbl.find_opt node2type tag with
+      | Some _ -> ()
+      | None -> raise (MissingTypeInformation loc)
+    let expr_subexpressions = function
+      | EXPR_Id _ -> []
+      | EXPR_Int _ -> []
+      | EXPR_Char _ -> []
+      | EXPR_String _ -> []
+      | EXPR_Bool _ -> []
+      | EXPR_Relation {lhs; rhs; _} ->
+        [lhs; rhs]
+      | EXPR_Binop {lhs; rhs; _} ->
+        [lhs; rhs]
+      | EXPR_Length {arg; _} ->
+        [arg]
+      | EXPR_Unop {sub; _} ->
+        [sub]
+      | EXPR_Call (Call {arguments; _}) ->
+        arguments
+      | EXPR_Index {expr; index; _} ->
+        [expr; index]
+      | EXPR_Struct {elements; _} ->
+        elements
+    let some2list = function 
+      | Some x -> [x]
+      | None -> []
+    let block_substatements = function
+      | STMTBlock {body; _} -> body
+    let block_substatements_opt = function
+      | Some (STMTBlock {body; _}) -> body
+      | None -> []
+    let stmt_subexpressions = function
+      | STMT_Call (Call {arguments; _}) ->
+        arguments
+      | STMT_Assign {rhs; _} ->
+        [rhs]
+      | STMT_VarDecl {init=Some init; _} ->
+        [init]
+      | STMT_VarDecl {init=None; _} ->
+        []
+      | STMT_If {cond; _} ->
+        [cond]
+      | STMT_While {cond; _} ->
+        [cond]
+      | STMT_Return {values; _} ->
+        values
+      | STMT_MultiVarDecl {init=Call{arguments; _}; _} ->
+        arguments
+      | STMT_Block _ ->
+        []
+    let stmt_substatements = function
+      | STMT_Call _ ->
+        []
+      | STMT_Assign _ ->
+        []
+      | STMT_VarDecl _ ->
+        []
+      | STMT_If {then_branch; else_branch; _} ->
+        [then_branch] @ some2list else_branch
+      | STMT_While {body; _} ->
+        [body]
+      | STMT_Return _ ->
+        []
+      | STMT_MultiVarDecl _ ->
+        []
+      | STMT_Block block ->
+        block_substatements block
+    let rec verify_expression e =
+      check_tag (location_of_expression e) (tag_of_expression e);
+      let sube = expr_subexpressions e in
+      List.iter verify_expression sube
+    let rec verify_statement s =
+      let exprs = stmt_subexpressions s in
+      let stmts = stmt_substatements s in
+      List.iter verify_expression exprs;
+      List.iter verify_statement stmts 
+    let verify_block_opt s =
+      let stmts = block_substatements_opt s in
+      List.iter verify_statement stmts
+    let verify_global_declaration = function
+      | GDECL_Function {body; _} ->
+        verify_block_opt body
+    let verify_module_definition (ModuleDefinition {global_declarations}) =
+      List.iter verify_global_declaration global_declarations
+  end
+  let verify_module_definition node2tag mdef =
+    try
+      let module Instance = Implementation(struct let node2type = node2tag end) in
+      Instance.verify_module_definition mdef;
+      true
+    with MissingTypeInformation e ->
+      Format.eprintf "Missing type information for expression %s\n%!" (string_of_location e);
+      false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/xi/ b/source/xi/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b371c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/xi/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+open Xi_lib
+open Iface
+module Make(LP:LEXER_AND_PARSER) = struct
+    module L = LP.Lexer
+    module P = LP.Parser
+    let open_file_lexbuf file = 
+        let channel = open_in file in
+        let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel channel in
+        (* Wpisujemy nazwe pliku (katalog ze ścieżki ucina Filename.basename)
+         * do lexbuf. Dzięki temu Parser_utils.makeLocation będzie mógł lokacje
+         * uzupełniać o prawidłową nazwę pliku.
+         *)
+        lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p <- {
+            lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p with
+            Lexing.pos_fname = Filename.basename file
+            };
+        lexbuf
+    let parse_lexbuf f lexbuf =
+        try
+            Ok (P.file L.token lexbuf);
+        with
+        | P.Error ->
+            let loc = Parser_utils.mkLocation lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p in
+            let token = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in 
+            let s = if String.length token > 0 
+                then Printf.sprintf "syntax error: unexpected token: %s" token
+                else Printf.sprintf "syntax error: unexpected end"
+            in
+            Error (loc, s)
+        | Parser_utils.InvalidToken (loc, str) ->
+            let s = Printf.sprintf "syntax error: invalid token: %s" str in
+            Error (loc, s)
+    let parse_file f = parse_lexbuf f (open_file_lexbuf f)
diff --git a/source/xi/ b/source/xi/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34a06f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/xi/
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+open Xi_lib
+open Iface
+module type PARAMS = sig
+    val stop_point : string
+    val output: string
+module Make(Steps:COMPILER_STEPS)(Params:PARAMS) = struct
+  module Hack = Xi_lib.Analysis
+  open Params
+  module Toolbox = Steps.Toolbox
+  module Parser_wrapper = Parser_wrapper.Make(Steps.LexerAndParser)
+  let check_stop_point name cont x =
+    if name = stop_point then Ok ()
+    else cont x
+  let describe_register_mapping mapping =
+    let describe_map k v xs =
+      let entry = Format.sprintf "%s -> %s" (Ir.string_of_reg k) (Ir.string_of_reg v) in
+      entry :: xs
+    in
+    String.concat "\n" @@ Hashtbl.fold describe_map mapping []
+  let dump_register_mapping proc_ir mapping =
+    Logger.dump_string "regmapping" @@ describe_register_mapping mapping
+  let dump_schedule proc_ir schedule = 
+    let title = Format.sprintf "%s.schedule" (Ir_utils.string_of_procid @@ Ir.procid_of_procedure proc_ir) in
+    let output = Ir_utils.string_of_labellist schedule in
+    Logger.dump_string title output
+  module IrPhases = struct
+    let regalloc proc =
+      let register_mapping = Steps.RegisterAllocator.regalloc proc in
+      dump_register_mapping proc register_mapping;
+      Ir_utils.remap_registers_proc register_mapping proc
+    let scale_to_program f name ir =
+      let handle_proc proc =
+        Logger.new_phase_proc @@ Ir.procid_of_procedure proc;
+        Measure.measure name (fun () -> f proc);
+        Logger.dump_ir_proc "final.irproc" proc
+      in
+      Measure.measure ("whole " ^ name) (fun () ->
+        List.iter handle_proc  @@ Ir.procedures_of_program ir;
+        Logger.close_phase_proc ()
+      );
+      Logger.dump_ir_program "" ir
+    let ir_phases =
+      [ "jump_threading", scale_to_program Steps.JumpThreading.jump_threading
+      ; "hi_lower", scale_to_program Steps.HiLower.lower
+      ; "constant_folding", scale_to_program Steps.ConstantFolding.fold_constants 
+      ; "dead_code_elimination", scale_to_program Steps.DeadCodeElimination.eliminate_dead_code
+      ; "callconv", scale_to_program Steps.CallConv.callconv
+      ; "mips_lower", scale_to_program Steps.MipsLower.lower
+      ; "regalloc", scale_to_program regalloc
+      ; "dead_code_elimination", scale_to_program Steps.DeadCodeElimination.eliminate_dead_code
+      ]
+    let rec execute_ir_phases ir = function
+      | [] ->
+        ()
+      | (name, f)::rest ->
+        Logger.new_phase name;
+        f name ir;
+        execute_ir_phases ir rest
+    let transform_ir ir =
+      execute_ir_phases ir ir_phases
+  end
+  let finish result =
+    Format.printf "done\n";
+    let out = open_out output in 
+    output_string out result;
+    output_string out "\n";
+    close_out out;
+    Ok ()
+  let codegen ir =
+    Logger.new_phase "codegen";
+    let schedule = Toolbox.Scheduler.schedule ir in
+    Hashtbl.iter dump_schedule schedule;
+    let assembler = Steps.Codegen.codegen schedule ir in
+    let result = Hardcoded.preamble ^ Mips32.string_of_program assembler in
+    Logger.dump_string "final" result;
+    finish result
+  let translate (ast, node2type) =
+    Logger.new_phase "translate";
+    let ir = Steps.Translator.translate_module ast node2type in
+    Logger.dump_ir_program "" ir;
+    IrPhases.transform_ir ir;
+    codegen ir
+  let type_check ast = 
+    Logger.new_phase "typechecking";
+    match Steps.Typechecker.check_module ast with
+    | Error xs ->
+      let xs = Typechecker_errors.string_of_type_checking_error xs in 
+      List.iter prerr_endline xs;
+      Error "typechecker"
+    | Ok (node2type) ->
+      if Invariants.AllExpressionsAreTypecheck.verify_module_definition node2type ast then
+        check_stop_point "typechecker" translate (ast, node2type)
+      else
+        Error "typechecker"
+  let parse_step source =
+    Logger.new_phase "parsing";
+    match Parser_wrapper.parse_file source with
+    | Error (loc, descr) ->
+      Format.printf "%s: %s\n%!" (Ast.string_of_location loc) descr;
+      Error "parser"
+    | Ok ok ->
+      let ast_str = Ast_printer.show_module_definition ok in 
+      Logger.dump_string "ast" ast_str;
+      let ast_str = Ast_rawprinter.show_module_definition ok in 
+      Logger.dump_string "raw.ast" ast_str;
+      check_stop_point "parser" type_check ok
+  let compile = 
+      parse_step
diff --git a/source/xi/ b/source/xi/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c6cdf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/xi/
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+open Xi_lib
+open Plugin_register
+type plugin = string * (module Plugin.PLUGIN)
+module Getters = struct
+  let make_live_variables_analysis (name, plugin) =
+    let module Plugin = (val plugin : Plugin.PLUGIN) in
+    match Plugin.make_live_variables_analysis with
+    | Some x -> Some (name, Plugin.version, x)
+    | None -> None
+  let make_dominators_analysis (name, plugin) =
+    let module Plugin = (val plugin : Plugin.PLUGIN) in
+    match Plugin.make_dominators_analysis with
+    | Some x -> Some (name, Plugin.version, x)
+    | None -> None
+  let make_reachability_analysis (name, plugin) =
+    let module Plugin = (val plugin : Plugin.PLUGIN) in
+    match Plugin.make_reachability_analysis with
+    | Some x -> Some (name, Plugin.version, x)
+    | None -> None
+  let make_scheduler (name, plugin) =
+    let module Plugin = (val plugin : Plugin.PLUGIN) in
+    match Plugin.make_scheduler with
+    | Some x -> Some (name, Plugin.version, x)
+    | None -> None
+  let make_natural_loops_analysis (name, plugin) =
+    let module Plugin = (val plugin : Plugin.PLUGIN) in
+    match Plugin.make_natural_loops_analysis with
+    | Some x -> Some (name, Plugin.version, x)
+    | None -> None
+  let make_spill_costs_analysis (name, plugin) =
+    let module Plugin = (val plugin : Plugin.PLUGIN) in
+    match Plugin.make_spill_costs_analysis with
+    | Some x -> Some (name, Plugin.version, x)
+    | None -> None
+  let lexer_and_parser (name, plugin) =
+    let module Plugin = (val plugin : Plugin.PLUGIN) in
+    match Plugin.lexer_and_parser with
+    | Some x -> Some (name, Plugin.version, x)
+    | None -> None
+  let make_typechecker (name, plugin) =
+    let module Plugin = (val plugin : Plugin.PLUGIN) in
+    match Plugin.make_typechecker with
+    | Some x -> Some (name, Plugin.version, x)
+    | None -> None
+  let make_translator (name, plugin) =
+    let module Plugin = (val plugin : Plugin.PLUGIN) in
+    match Plugin.make_translator with
+    | Some x -> Some (name, Plugin.version, x)
+    | None -> None
+  let make_jump_threading (name, plugin) =
+    let module Plugin = (val plugin : Plugin.PLUGIN) in
+    match Plugin.make_jump_threading with
+    | Some x -> Some (name, Plugin.version, x)
+    | None -> None
+  let make_constant_folding (name, plugin) =
+    let module Plugin = (val plugin : Plugin.PLUGIN) in
+    match Plugin.make_constant_folding with
+    | Some x -> Some (name, Plugin.version, x)
+    | None -> None
+  let make_hilower (name, plugin) =
+    let module Plugin = (val plugin : Plugin.PLUGIN) in
+    match Plugin.make_hilower with
+    | Some x -> Some (name, Plugin.version, x)
+    | None -> None
+  let make_callconv (name, plugin) =
+    let module Plugin = (val plugin : Plugin.PLUGIN) in
+    match Plugin.make_callconv with
+    | Some x -> Some (name, Plugin.version, x)
+    | None -> None
+  let make_mipslower (name, plugin) =
+    let module Plugin = (val plugin : Plugin.PLUGIN) in
+    match Plugin.make_mipslower with
+    | Some x -> Some (name, Plugin.version, x)
+    | None -> None
+  let make_register_allocator (name, plugin) =
+    let module Plugin = (val plugin : Plugin.PLUGIN) in
+    match Plugin.make_register_allocator with
+    | Some x -> Some (name, Plugin.version, x)
+    | None -> None
+  let make_dead_code_elimination (name, plugin) =
+    let module Plugin = (val plugin : Plugin.PLUGIN) in
+    match Plugin.make_dead_code_elimination with
+    | Some x -> Some (name, Plugin.version, x)
+    | None -> None
+  let make_codegen (name, plugin) =
+    let module Plugin = (val plugin : Plugin.PLUGIN) in
+    match Plugin.make_codegen with
+    | Some x -> Some (name, Plugin.version, x)
+    | None -> None
+  let make_constant_folding_analysis (name, plugin) =
+    let module Plugin = (val plugin : Plugin.PLUGIN) in
+    match Plugin.make_constant_folding_analysis with
+    | Some x -> Some (name, Plugin.version, x)
+    | None -> None
+  let make_interference_graph_analysis (name, plugin) =
+    let module Plugin = (val plugin : Plugin.PLUGIN) in
+    match Plugin.make_interference_graph_analysis with
+    | Some x -> Some (name, Plugin.version, x)
+    | None -> None
+  let make_spilling (name, plugin) =
+    let module Plugin = (val plugin : Plugin.PLUGIN) in
+    match Plugin.make_spilling with
+    | Some x -> Some (name, Plugin.version, x)
+    | None -> None
+module Resolver = struct
+  let rec find_module name getter = function
+    | [] ->
+      failwith @@ Format.sprintf "Cannot find %s" name
+    | x::xs ->
+      match getter x with
+      | Some (modname, version, impl) ->
+        Format.eprintf "module %s=%s:%s\n%!" name modname version;
+        impl
+      | None -> 
+        find_module name getter xs
+  let make_live_variables_analysis = find_module "MakeLiveVariablesAnalysis" Getters.make_live_variables_analysis
+  let make_dominators_analysis = find_module "MakeDominanceAnalysis" Getters.make_dominators_analysis
+  let make_reachability_analysis = find_module "MakeReachabilityAnalysis" Getters.make_reachability_analysis
+  let make_scheduler = find_module "MakeScheduler" Getters.make_scheduler
+  let make_natural_loops_analysis = find_module "MakeNaturalLoopsAnalysis" Getters.make_natural_loops_analysis
+  let make_spill_costs_analysis = find_module "MakeSpillCostsAnalysis" Getters.make_spill_costs_analysis
+  let lexer_and_parser = find_module "LexerAndParser" Getters.lexer_and_parser
+  let make_typechecker = find_module "MakeTypechecker" Getters.make_typechecker
+  let make_translator = find_module "MakeTranslator" Getters.make_translator
+  let make_jump_threading = find_module "MakeJumpThreading" Getters.make_jump_threading
+  let make_constant_folding = find_module "MakeConstantFolding" Getters.make_constant_folding
+  let make_hilower = find_module "MakeHiLower" Getters.make_hilower
+  let make_callconv = find_module "MakeCallConv" Getters.make_callconv
+  let make_mipslower = find_module "MakeMipsLower" Getters.make_mipslower
+  let make_register_allocator = find_module "MakeRegisterAllocator" Getters.make_register_allocator
+  let make_dead_code_elimination = find_module "MakeDeadCodeElimination" Getters.make_dead_code_elimination
+  let make_codegen = find_module "MakeCodegen" Getters.make_codegen
+  let make_constant_folding_analysis = find_module "MakeConstantFoldingAnalysis" Getters.make_constant_folding_analysis
+  let make_interference_graph_analysis = find_module "MakeInterferenceGraphAnalysis" Getters.make_interference_graph_analysis
+  let make_spilling = find_module "MakeSpilling" Getters.make_spilling
+let resolve_compiler_toolbox regdescr =
+  let module MakeLiveVariablesAnalysis = (val Resolver.make_live_variables_analysis !register) in
+  let module MakeDominatorsAnalysis = (val Resolver.make_dominators_analysis !register) in
+  let module MakeNaturalLoopsAnalysis = (val Resolver.make_natural_loops_analysis !register) in
+  let module MakeSpillCostsAnalysis = (val Resolver.make_spill_costs_analysis !register) in
+  let module MakeScheduler = (val Resolver.make_scheduler !register) in
+  let module MakeConstantFoldingAnalysis = (val Resolver.make_constant_folding_analysis !register) in
+  let module MakeInterferenceGraphAnalysis = (val Resolver.make_interference_graph_analysis !register) in
+  let module MakeSpilling = (val Resolver.make_spilling !register) in
+  let module MakeReachabilityAnalysis = (val Resolver.make_reachability_analysis !register) in
+  let module M = struct
+    module LiveVariablesAnalysis = MakeLiveVariablesAnalysis()
+    module DominatorsAnalysis = MakeDominatorsAnalysis()
+    module Scheduler = MakeScheduler()
+    module NaturalLoopsAnalysis = MakeNaturalLoopsAnalysis()
+    module SpillCostsAnalysis = MakeSpillCostsAnalysis()
+    module RegistersDescription = (val regdescr : Ir_arch.REGISTERS_DESCRIPTION)
+    module ConstantFoldingAnalysis = MakeConstantFoldingAnalysis()
+    module InterferenceGraphAnalysis = MakeInterferenceGraphAnalysis()
+    module Spilling = MakeSpilling()
+    module ReachabilityAnalysis = MakeReachabilityAnalysis()
+  end in
+  (module M : Iface.COMPILER_TOOLBOX)
+let resolve_compiler_steps regdescr =
+  let module CompilerToolbox = (val resolve_compiler_toolbox regdescr : Iface.COMPILER_TOOLBOX) in 
+  let module LexerAndParser = (val Resolver.lexer_and_parser !register) in
+  let module MakeTypechecker = (val Resolver.make_typechecker !register) in 
+  let module MakeTranslator = (val Resolver.make_translator !register) in
+  let module MakeJumpThreading = (val Resolver.make_jump_threading !register) in
+  let module MakeConstantFolding = (val Resolver.make_constant_folding !register) in
+  let module MakeHiLower = (val Resolver.make_hilower !register) in
+  let module MakeCallConv = (val Resolver.make_callconv !register) in
+  let module MakeMipsLower = (val Resolver.make_mipslower !register) in
+  let module MakeRegisterAllocator = (val Resolver.make_register_allocator !register) in
+  let module MakeDeadCodeElimination = (val Resolver.make_dead_code_elimination !register) in
+  let module MakeCodegen = (val Resolver.make_codegen !register) in
+  let module Steps = struct
+    module Toolbox = CompilerToolbox
+    module LexerAndParser = LexerAndParser
+    module Typechecker = MakeTypechecker()
+    module Translator = MakeTranslator()
+    module JumpThreading = MakeJumpThreading()
+    module HiLower = MakeHiLower(CompilerToolbox)
+    module CallConv = MakeCallConv(CompilerToolbox)
+    module MipsLower = MakeMipsLower(CompilerToolbox)
+    module RegisterAllocator = MakeRegisterAllocator(CompilerToolbox)
+    module ConstantFolding = MakeConstantFolding(CompilerToolbox)
+    module DeadCodeElimination = MakeDeadCodeElimination(CompilerToolbox)
+    module Codegen = MakeCodegen(CompilerToolbox)
+  end in 
+  (module Steps : Iface.COMPILER_STEPS)
+let load_plugin path = 
+  try 
+    Plugin_register.current_file := Filename.basename path;
+    Dynlink.loadfile path;
+    Plugin_register.current_file := "";
+  with Dynlink.Error e ->
+    failwith @@ Format.sprintf "Cannot load plugin '%s': %s" path (Dynlink.error_message e)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/xi/ b/source/xi/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86a23f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/xi/
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+open Xi_lib
+module CommandLine = struct
+  open Cmdliner
+  let compile xi_log extra_debug mod_uwr plugin reg_descr stop_after output source = 
+    Logger.init xi_log;
+    Logger.set_extra_debug extra_debug;
+    Plugin_manager.load_plugin mod_uwr;
+    let reg_descr = match List.assoc_opt reg_descr Ir_arch.descriptions with
+      | Some reg_descr -> reg_descr
+      | None -> failwith "Unknown registers description" 
+    in 
+    begin match plugin with
+    | Some path ->
+      Plugin_manager.load_plugin path
+    | None ->
+      ()
+    end;
+    let module Steps = (val Plugin_manager.resolve_compiler_steps reg_descr) in 
+    let module Params = struct 
+        let output = output
+        let stop_point = match stop_after with
+          | Some s -> s
+          | None -> ""
+     end in
+    let module Pipeline = Pipeline.Make(Steps)(Params) in
+    match Pipeline.compile source with
+      | Ok () ->
+        0
+      | Error xs ->
+        Format.eprintf "Failed: %s\n%!" xs;
+        1
+  let stop_after =
+    let doc = "Stops compiler after given phase" in
+    Arg.(value & opt (some string) None & info ["stop-after"] ~doc)
+  let mod_uwr =
+    let doc = "Base module" in
+    Arg.(value & opt string "xisdk/mod_uwr.cma" & info ["mod-uwr"] ~doc)
+  let reg_descr =
+    let doc = "EXPERIMENTAL: Registers description (see Ir_arch.descriptions)" in
+    Arg.(value & opt string "normal" & info ["registers-description"] ~doc)
+  let plugin =
+    let doc = "Plugin module" in
+    Arg.(value & opt (some string) None & info ["plugin"] ~doc)
+  let output =
+    let doc = "Output file" in
+    Arg.(value & opt string "main.s" & info ["o"; "output"] ~doc)
+  let xi_log =
+    let doc = "Log directory" in
+    Arg.(value & opt string "xilog" & info ["xi-log"] ~doc)
+  let runtime =
+    let doc = "Runtime" in
+    Arg.(value & opt file "xisdk/runtime.s" & info ["runtime"] ~doc)
+  let extra_debug =
+    let doc = "Enables extra debug" in
+    Arg.(value & flag & info ["extra-debug"] ~doc)
+  let source_file =
+    let doc = "Xi Source File" in
+    Arg.(required & pos 0 (some file) None & info [] ~doc)
+  let cmd =
+    let doc = "Compile Xi Program" in
+    let version = "pracownia1.1-0-gc10b4f2" in
+    Term.(const compile $ xi_log $ extra_debug $ mod_uwr $ plugin $ reg_descr $ stop_after $ output $ source_file),
+ "xi" ~doc ~version
+  let () = Term.(exit_status @@ eval cmd)
diff --git a/source/xi_lib/.merlin b/source/xi_lib/.merlin
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e44069f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/xi_lib/.merlin
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+B /home/wieczyk/.opam/4.07.0/lib/ocamlgraph
+B ../../_build/default/source/xi_lib/.xi_lib.objs
+S /home/wieczyk/.opam/4.07.0/lib/ocamlgraph
+S .
+FLG -open Xi_lib -w @a-4-29-40-41-42-44-45-48-58-59-60-40 -strict-sequence -strict-formats -short-paths -keep-locs
diff --git a/source/xi_lib/ b/source/xi_lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac15cb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/xi_lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+module Knowledge = struct
+  type 'a t =
+    { pre: 'a
+    ; post: 'a
+    }
+  let pre t = t.pre
+  let post t =
+  let alter ?pre ?post t =
+    let t = match pre with
+      | Some pre -> {t with pre = pre}
+      | None -> t
+    in
+    let t = match post with
+      | Some post -> {t with post = post}
+      | None -> t
+    in
+    t
+  let make pre post : 'a t = {pre; post}
+  type 'a table = (Ir.label, 'a t) Hashtbl.t
+module BlockKnowledge = struct
+  type 'a t =
+    | Simple of 'a Knowledge.t
+    | Complex of
+      { block: 'a Knowledge.t
+      ; body: ('a Knowledge.t * Ir.instr) list
+      ; terminator: 'a Knowledge.t * Ir.terminator
+      }
+  let block = function
+    | Simple t -> t
+    | Complex {block; _} -> block
+  let pre t = Knowledge.pre @@ block t
+  let post t = @@ block t
+  let terminator = function
+    | Simple _ -> failwith "BlockKnowledge.terminator"
+    | Complex t->  t.terminator
+  let body =  function
+    | Simple _ -> failwith "BlockKnowledge.body"
+    | Complex t -> t.body
+  let terminator_instr t = snd @@ terminator t
+  let terminator_kw t = fst @@ terminator t
+  let make_complex ~block ~body ~terminator = 
+    Complex { block; body; terminator }
+  let make_simple t = Simple t
+  type 'a table = (Ir.label, 'a t) Hashtbl.t
+  let alter_prepost ?pre ?post = function
+    | Simple t ->
+      Simple (Knowledge.alter ?pre ?post t)
+    | Complex {block; body; terminator} ->
+      let block = Knowledge.alter ?pre ?post block in
+      Complex {block; body; terminator}
+  let is_complex = function
+    | Complex _ -> true
+    | Simple _ -> false
diff --git a/source/xi_lib/ b/source/xi_lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f49a3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/xi_lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+module MapWithTop(M:Map.S) = struct
+  type 'v t =
+    | Top
+    | Map of 'v M.t
+  let equal a b = match a,b with
+    | Top, Top ->
+      true
+    | Top, _
+    | _, Top ->
+      false
+    | Map a, Map b ->
+      M.equal (=) a b
+  let less_or_equal a b = match a,b with
+    | _, Top ->
+      true
+    | Top, _ ->
+      false
+    | Map a, Map b ->
+      let check (k, v) = 
+        match M.find_opt k b with
+        | Some v' -> v = v'
+        | None -> false
+      in
+      let a_items = M.to_seq a in
+      let checks = check a_items in
+      Seq.fold_left (&&) true checks
+  let greater_or_equal a b = less_or_equal b a
+  let unhask dfl = function 
+    | Top -> dfl
+    | Map m -> m
+module SetWithTop(M:Set.S) = struct
+  type t =
+    | Top
+    | Set of M.t
+  let equal a b = match a,b with
+    | Top, Top ->
+      true
+    | Top, _
+    | _, Top ->
+      false
+    | Set a, Set b ->
+      M.equal a b
+  let less_or_equal a b = match a,b with
+    | _, Top ->
+      true
+    | Top, _ ->
+      false
+    | Set a, Set b ->
+      M.subset a b
+  let greater_or_equal a b = less_or_equal b a
+  let unhask dfl = function 
+    | Top -> dfl
+    | Set m -> m
+module LiveVariables = struct
+  type domain = Ir.RegSet.t
+  type table = domain Analysis.BlockKnowledge.table
+  type block_knowledge = domain Analysis.BlockKnowledge.t
+  let string_of_domain x = Ir_utils.string_of_reglist @@ List.of_seq @@ Ir.RegSet.to_seq x
+module InterferenceGraph = struct
+  type graph = Ir.RegGraph.t
+module ConstantFolding = struct
+  type domain = Ir.expr option Ir.RegMap.t
+  type table = domain Analysis.BlockKnowledge.table
+  type block_knowledge = domain Analysis.BlockKnowledge.t
+  let string_of_el = function
+    | None -> "T"
+    | Some a -> Ir_utils.string_of_expr a
+  let string_of_domain dom =
+    let f (k,v) = Format.sprintf "%s=%s" (Ir.string_of_reg k) (string_of_el v) in
+    let seq = Ir.RegMap.to_seq dom in
+    let seq = f seq in
+    String.concat " " @@ List.of_seq seq
+module DominatorsAnalysis = struct
+  module D = SetWithTop(Ir.LabelSet)
+  type t = D.t
+  type table = t Analysis.BlockKnowledge.table
+  let unhask = D.unhask Ir.LabelSet.empty
+module NaturalLoops = struct
+  type table = (Ir.label, Ir.LabelSet.t) Hashtbl.t
+module ReachabilityAnalysis = struct
+  type table = Ir.LabelSet.t Analysis.BlockKnowledge.table
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/xi_lib/ b/source/xi_lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c8ccf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/xi_lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+open Ir 
+open Ir_utils
+open Analysis
+module type DOMAIN = sig
+  type domain
+  val string_of_domain: domain -> string
+module type DOMAIN_AND_BLOCK_ANALYSIS = sig
+  include DOMAIN
+  val analyse_block: ControlFlowGraph.t -> domain Knowledge.table -> label -> domain BlockKnowledge.t 
+module TableVisualizer = struct
+  let stringize_table (to_string: 'a -> string) result = 
+    let new_result = Hashtbl.create 513 in
+    let f k v =
+      let kw = Knowledge.make (to_string @@ Knowledge.pre v) (to_string @@ v) in
+      Hashtbl.replace new_result k kw
+    in
+    Hashtbl.iter f result;
+    new_result
+  let stringize_full_table (to_string: 'a -> string) result =
+    let visualize_kw v = Knowledge.make (to_string @@ Knowledge.pre v) (to_string @@ v) in
+    let visualize_instr (kw, instr) = (visualize_kw kw, instr) in
+    let visualize_body = visualize_instr in 
+    let visualize_terminator (kw, terminator) = (visualize_kw kw, terminator) in
+    let new_result = Hashtbl.create 513 in
+    let f k v =
+      let pre = to_string @@ BlockKnowledge.pre v in
+      let post = to_string @@ v in
+      let body = visualize_body @@ BlockKnowledge.body v in
+      let terminator = visualize_terminator @@ BlockKnowledge.terminator v in
+      Hashtbl.replace new_result k @@ BlockKnowledge.make ~pre ~post ~body ~terminator
+    in
+    Hashtbl.iter f result;
+    new_result
+module NgMakeGraphvizVisualizer(D:DOMAIN) = struct
+  let visualise_instr (pre, post, instr) = 
+    let instr = string_of_instr instr in 
+    String.concat "\n"
+    [
+      Format.sprintf "<tr><td>%s</td><td align='left'><b>%s</b></td><td>%s</td></tr>" pre instr post
+    ]
+  let visualise_terminator (pre, post, t) =
+    let t = string_of_terminator t in 
+    String.concat "\n"
+    [
+      Format.sprintf "<tr><td>%s</td><td bgcolor='green' ><b>%s</b></td><td>%s</td></tr>" pre t post
+    ]
+  let block_template_pre pre name =
+      [ Format.sprintf "<table cellspacing='0' cellborder='1' align='left' border='0'>"
+      ; Format.sprintf "<tr><td colspan='3' port='e' bgcolor='yellow'><b>%s</b></td></tr>" name
+      ; Format.sprintf "<tr><td colspan='3'>%s</td></tr>" @@ pre
+      ]
+  let block_template_post post =
+      [ Format.sprintf "<tr><td colspan='3' port='x'>%s</td></tr>" post
+      ; Format.sprintf "</table>"
+      ]
+  let block_template name pre post body =
+    String.concat "" @@ List.flatten
+      [ block_template_pre pre name 
+      ; body
+      ; block_template_post post 
+      ]
+  let stringize_body body =
+    let f (kw, instr) =
+      let pre = D.string_of_domain @@ Knowledge.pre kw in
+      let post = D.string_of_domain @@ kw in
+      (pre, post, instr)
+    in
+ f body
+  let artificial_body body =
+    let f instr =
+      ("", "", instr)
+    in
+ f body
+  let stringize_terminator (kw, terminator) =
+      let pre = D.string_of_domain @@ Knowledge.pre kw in
+      let post = D.string_of_domain @@ kw in
+      (pre, post, terminator)
+  let artificial_terminator terminator =
+    ("", "", terminator)
+  let prepare_block bb_kw body terminator =
+    if BlockKnowledge.is_complex bb_kw then
+      let sbody = stringize_body @@ BlockKnowledge.body bb_kw in
+      let sterm = stringize_terminator @@ BlockKnowledge.terminator bb_kw in
+      sbody, sterm
+    else
+      let sbody = artificial_body body in
+      let sterm = artificial_terminator terminator in
+      sbody, sterm
+  let compute_block_label cfg table v = 
+    let v_str = string_of_label v in
+    let kw = Hashtbl.find table v in
+    let pre = D.string_of_domain @@ BlockKnowledge.pre kw in 
+    let post = D.string_of_domain @@ kw in
+    if v = ControlFlowGraph.entry_label cfg then
+      block_template (Format.sprintf "ENTRY %s" v_str) pre post []
+    else if v = ControlFlowGraph.exit_label cfg then
+      block_template (Format.sprintf "EXIT %s" v_str) pre post  []
+    else
+      let body = ControlFlowGraph.block cfg v in
+      let terminator = ControlFlowGraph.terminator cfg v in
+      let sbody, sterm = prepare_block kw body terminator in
+      let body = List.flatten
+        [ visualise_instr sbody
+        ; [visualise_terminator sterm]
+        ] in
+      block_template (Format.sprintf "BLOCK %s" v_str) pre post body
+  let describe_vertex cfg table v =
+    Format.sprintf "N%s[shape=none, margin=0, label=<%s>];"
+      (string_of_label v)
+      (compute_block_label cfg table v)
+  let describe_outedges cfg v =
+    let describe_edge w = 
+      Format.sprintf "N%s:x -> N%s:e;" (string_of_label v) (string_of_label w)
+    in
+    String.concat "\n" @@ describe_edge @@ ControlFlowGraph.successors cfg v
+  let visualize cfg table =
+    let labels = ControlFlowGraph.labels cfg in
+    let vertices = String.concat "\n" @@ (describe_vertex cfg table) labels in 
+    let edges = String.concat "\n" @@ (describe_outedges cfg) labels in 
+    String.concat "\n"
+      [ "digraph CFG {"
+      ; "node [shape=none; fontname=\"Courier\" fontsize=\"9\"];"
+      ; "ordering=out;"
+      ; vertices
+      ; edges
+      ; "}"
+      ]
+module MakeGraphvizVisualizer(D:DOMAIN_AND_BLOCK_ANALYSIS) = struct
+  let visualise_instr (kw, instr) = 
+    let pre = D.string_of_domain @@ Knowledge.pre kw in 
+    let post = D.string_of_domain @@ kw in
+    let instr = string_of_instr instr in 
+    String.concat "\n"
+    [
+      Format.sprintf "<tr><td>%s</td><td align='left'><b>%s</b></td><td>%s</td></tr>" pre instr post
+    ]
+  let visualise_terminator (kw, t) =
+    let pre = D.string_of_domain @@ Knowledge.pre kw in 
+    let post = D.string_of_domain @@ kw in
+    let t = string_of_terminator t in 
+    String.concat "\n"
+    [
+      Format.sprintf "<tr><td>%s</td><td bgcolor='green' ><b>%s</b></td><td>%s</td></tr>" pre t post
+    ]
+  let block_template_pre pre name =
+      [ Format.sprintf "<table cellspacing='0' cellborder='1' align='left' border='0'>"
+      ; Format.sprintf "<tr><td colspan='3' port='e' bgcolor='yellow'><b>%s</b></td></tr>" name
+      ; Format.sprintf "<tr><td colspan='3'>%s</td></tr>" @@ pre
+      ]
+  let block_template_post post =
+      [ Format.sprintf "<tr><td colspan='3' port='x'>%s</td></tr>" post
+      ; Format.sprintf "</table>"
+      ]
+  let block_template name pre post body =
+    String.concat "" @@ List.flatten
+      [ block_template_pre pre name 
+      ; body
+      ; block_template_post post 
+      ]
+  let compute_block_label cfg table v = 
+    let v_str = string_of_label v in
+    let kw = Hashtbl.find table v in
+    let pre = D.string_of_domain @@ Knowledge.pre kw in 
+    let post = D.string_of_domain @@ kw in
+    if v = ControlFlowGraph.entry_label cfg then
+      block_template (Format.sprintf "ENTRY %s" v_str) pre post []
+    else if v = ControlFlowGraph.exit_label cfg then
+      block_template (Format.sprintf "EXIT %s" v_str) pre post  []
+    else
+      let bb_kw = D.analyse_block cfg table v in
+      let body = List.flatten
+        [ visualise_instr (BlockKnowledge.body bb_kw)
+        ; [visualise_terminator (BlockKnowledge.terminator bb_kw)]
+        ] in
+      block_template (Format.sprintf "BLOCK %s" v_str) pre post body
+  let describe_vertex cfg table v =
+    Format.sprintf "N%s[shape=none, margin=0, label=<%s>];"
+      (string_of_label v)
+      (compute_block_label cfg table v)
+  let describe_outedges cfg v =
+    let describe_edge w = 
+      Format.sprintf "N%s:x -> N%s:e;" (string_of_label v) (string_of_label w)
+    in
+    String.concat "\n" @@ describe_edge @@ ControlFlowGraph.successors cfg v
+  let visualize cfg table =
+    let labels = ControlFlowGraph.labels cfg in
+    let vertices = String.concat "\n" @@ (describe_vertex cfg table) labels in 
+    let edges = String.concat "\n" @@ (describe_outedges cfg) labels in 
+    String.concat "\n"
+      [ "digraph CFG {"
+      ; "node [shape=none; fontname=\"Courier\" fontsize=\"9\"];"
+      ; "ordering=out;"
+      ; vertices
+      ; edges
+      ; "}"
+      ]
+module VisualiseRegGraph = struct
+  let reg_to_name = function
+    | REG_Hard i -> Format.sprintf "H%u" i
+    | REG_Tmp i -> Format.sprintf "T%u" i
+    | REG_Spec i -> Format.sprintf "S%u" i
+  let describe_vertex v =
+    Format.sprintf "%s[label=\"%s\"];" (reg_to_name v) (string_of_reg v)
+  let describe_edge a b =
+    Format.sprintf "%s -- %s;" (reg_to_name a) (reg_to_name b)
+  let describe_vertices graph =
+    String.concat "\n" @@ RegGraph.fold_vertex (fun r xs -> describe_vertex r :: xs) graph []
+  let describe_edges graph =
+    String.concat "\n" @@ RegGraph.fold_edges (fun a b xs -> describe_edge a b :: xs) graph []
+  let visualise_graph reggraph =
+    String.concat "\n"
+      [ "graph INF {"
+      ; "layout=circo;"
+      ; describe_vertices reggraph
+      ; describe_edges reggraph
+      ; "}"
+      ]
+module Lva_Graphviz = NgMakeGraphvizVisualizer(struct
+  type domain = Analysis_domain.LiveVariables.domain
+  let string_of_domain = Analysis_domain.LiveVariables.string_of_domain
+module Cfa_Graphviz = NgMakeGraphvizVisualizer(struct
+  type domain = Analysis_domain.ConstantFolding.domain
+  let string_of_domain = Analysis_domain.ConstantFolding.string_of_domain
+let visualize_live_variables = Lva_Graphviz.visualize
+let visualize_interference_graph = VisualiseRegGraph.visualise_graph
+let visualize_constant_folding = Cfa_Graphviz.visualize
diff --git a/source/xi_lib/ b/source/xi_lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3123af7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/xi_lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+type location = Location of { line: int; column: int; file: string }
+let string_of_location (Location {line;column;file}) =
+  Format.sprintf "%s:%u:%u" file line column
+type identifier
+ = Identifier of string
+let string_of_identifier (Identifier i) = i
+type node_tag =
+  NodeTag of int
+let string_of_node_tag (NodeTag i) =
+  Format.sprintf "%%node%i" i
+type binop =
+  | BINOP_And
+  | BINOP_Or
+  | BINOP_Add
+  | BINOP_Sub
+  | BINOP_Mult
+  | BINOP_Div
+  | BINOP_Rem
+let string_of_binop = function
+  | BINOP_And -> "&"
+  | BINOP_Or -> "|"
+  | BINOP_Add -> "+"
+  | BINOP_Sub -> "-"
+  | BINOP_Mult -> "*"
+  | BINOP_Div -> "/"
+  | BINOP_Rem -> "%"
+type relop =
+  | RELOP_Eq
+  | RELOP_Ne
+  | RELOP_Lt
+  | RELOP_Gt
+  | RELOP_Le
+  | RELOP_Ge
+let string_of_relop = function
+  | RELOP_Eq -> "=="
+  | RELOP_Ne -> "!="
+  | RELOP_Lt -> "<"
+  | RELOP_Gt -> ">"
+  | RELOP_Ge -> ">="
+  | RELOP_Le -> "<="
+type unop =
+  | UNOP_Not
+  | UNOP_Neg
+type type_expression =
+  | TEXPR_Int of
+    { loc:location
+    }
+  | TEXPR_Bool of
+    { loc:location
+    }
+  | TEXPR_Array of
+    { loc:location
+    ; sub:type_expression
+    ; dim:expression option
+    }
+and expression =
+  | EXPR_Id of
+    { tag:node_tag
+    ; loc:location
+    ; id:identifier
+    }
+  | EXPR_Int of 
+    { tag:node_tag
+    ; loc:location
+    ; value:Int32.t
+    }
+  | EXPR_Char of 
+    { tag:node_tag
+    ; loc:location
+    ; value:Char.t
+    }
+  | EXPR_String of
+    { tag:node_tag
+    ; loc:location
+    ; value:string
+    }
+  | EXPR_Bool of 
+    { tag:node_tag
+    ; loc:location
+    ; value:bool
+    }
+  | EXPR_Relation of
+    { tag:node_tag
+    ; loc:location
+    ; op:relop
+    ; lhs:expression
+    ; rhs:expression
+    }
+  | EXPR_Binop of
+    { tag:node_tag
+    ; loc:location
+    ; op:binop
+    ; lhs:expression
+    ; rhs:expression
+    }
+  | EXPR_Length of
+    { tag:node_tag
+    ; loc:location
+    ; arg:expression
+    }
+  | EXPR_Unop of
+    { tag:node_tag
+    ; loc:location
+    ; op:unop
+    ; sub:expression
+    }
+  | EXPR_Call of
+    call
+  | EXPR_Index of
+    { tag:node_tag
+    ; loc:location
+    ; expr:expression
+    ; index:expression
+    }
+  | EXPR_Struct of
+    { tag:node_tag
+    ; loc:location
+    ; elements: expression list
+    }
+and call =
+  | Call of 
+    { tag:node_tag
+    ; loc:location
+    ; callee:identifier
+    ; arguments:expression list
+    }
+let location_of_expression = function
+  | EXPR_Id {loc; _} -> loc
+  | EXPR_Struct {loc; _} -> loc
+  | EXPR_Index {loc; _} -> loc
+  | EXPR_Call (Call {loc; _}) -> loc
+  | EXPR_Unop {loc; _} -> loc
+  | EXPR_Binop {loc; _} -> loc
+  | EXPR_Relation {loc; _} -> loc
+  | EXPR_Length {loc; _} -> loc
+  | EXPR_Int {loc; _} -> loc
+  | EXPR_Char {loc; _} -> loc
+  | EXPR_Bool {loc; _} -> loc
+  | EXPR_String {loc; _} -> loc
+let tag_of_expression = function
+  | EXPR_Id {tag; _} -> tag
+  | EXPR_Struct {tag; _} -> tag
+  | EXPR_Index {tag; _} -> tag
+  | EXPR_Call (Call {tag; _}) -> tag
+  | EXPR_Unop {tag; _} -> tag
+  | EXPR_Binop {tag; _} -> tag
+  | EXPR_Relation {tag; _} -> tag
+  | EXPR_Length {tag; _} -> tag
+  | EXPR_Int {tag; _} -> tag
+  | EXPR_Char {tag; _} -> tag
+  | EXPR_Bool {tag; _} -> tag
+  | EXPR_String {tag; _} -> tag
+let location_of_call (Call {loc; _}) = loc
+let identifier_of_call (Call {callee; _}) = callee
+type var_declaration =
+  |  VarDecl of
+    { loc:location
+    ; id:identifier
+    ; tp:type_expression
+    }
+let location_of_var_declaration (VarDecl {loc; _}) = loc
+let identifier_of_var_declaration (VarDecl {id; _}) = id
+let type_expression_of_var_declaration (VarDecl {tp; _}) = tp
+module IdMap = Map.Make(struct
+  type t = identifier
+  let compare = compare
+ end)
+type lvalue =
+  | LVALUE_Id of
+    { loc:location
+    ; id:identifier
+    }
+  | LVALUE_Index of
+    { loc:location
+    ; sub:expression
+    ; index:expression
+    }
+type statement =
+  | STMT_Call of
+    call
+  | STMT_Assign of
+    { loc:location
+    ; lhs:lvalue
+    ; rhs:expression
+    }
+  | STMT_VarDecl of
+    { var:var_declaration
+    ; init:expression option
+    }
+  | STMT_If of
+    { loc:location
+    ; cond:expression
+    ; then_branch: statement
+    ; else_branch: statement option
+    }
+  | STMT_While of
+    { loc:location
+    ; cond:expression
+    ; body: statement
+    }
+  | STMT_Return of
+    { loc:location
+    ; values:expression list
+    }
+  | STMT_MultiVarDecl of
+    { loc:location 
+    ; vars:var_declaration option list
+    ; init:call
+    }
+  | STMT_Block of
+    statement_block 
+and statement_block =
+  | STMTBlock of 
+    { loc:location
+    ; body: statement list
+    }
+let location_of_block (STMTBlock {loc; _}) = loc
+let location_of_statement = function
+  | STMT_Assign {loc; _} -> loc
+  | STMT_While {loc; _} -> loc
+  | STMT_Call call -> location_of_call call
+  | STMT_Block block -> location_of_block block
+  | STMT_Return {loc; _} -> loc 
+  | STMT_VarDecl {var; _} -> location_of_var_declaration var
+  | STMT_MultiVarDecl {loc; _} -> loc
+  | STMT_If {loc; _} -> loc
+type global_declaration =
+  | GDECL_Function of 
+    { loc:location
+    ; id:identifier
+    ; formal_parameters:var_declaration list
+    ; return_types:type_expression list
+    ; body:statement_block option
+    }
+type module_definition = ModuleDefinition of
+  { global_declarations: global_declaration list
+  }
diff --git a/source/xi_lib/ b/source/xi_lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67b4dd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/xi_lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+open Ast
+let string_of_binop = function
+  | BINOP_And -> "&"
+  | BINOP_Or -> "|"
+  | BINOP_Add -> "+"
+  | BINOP_Sub -> "-"
+  | BINOP_Mult -> "*"
+  | BINOP_Div -> "/"
+  | BINOP_Rem -> "%"
+let string_of_relop = function
+  | RELOP_Eq -> "=="
+  | RELOP_Ne -> "!="
+  | RELOP_Lt -> "<"
+  | RELOP_Gt -> ">"
+  | RELOP_Le -> "<="
+  | RELOP_Ge -> ">="
+let string_of_unop = function
+  | UNOP_Not -> "!"
+  | UNOP_Neg -> "-"
+let indent x = "  " ^ x
+let indentxs = indent 
+let rec show_expression = function
+  | EXPR_Id {id; _} ->
+    string_of_identifier id
+  | EXPR_Int {value; _} ->
+    Int32.to_string value
+  | EXPR_Char {value; _} ->
+    Format.sprintf "%c" value
+  | EXPR_String {value; _} ->
+    value
+  | EXPR_Bool {value; _} ->
+    string_of_bool value
+  | EXPR_Binop {op; lhs; rhs; _} ->
+    String.concat ""
+      [ "("
+      ; show_expression lhs
+      ; " "
+      ; string_of_binop op
+      ; " "
+      ; show_expression rhs
+      ; ")"
+      ]
+  | EXPR_Relation {op; lhs; rhs; _} ->
+    String.concat ""
+      [ "("
+      ; show_expression lhs
+      ; " "
+      ; string_of_relop op
+      ; " "
+      ; show_expression rhs
+      ; ")"
+      ]
+  | EXPR_Length {arg; _} ->
+    String.concat ""
+      [ "length("
+      ; show_expression arg
+      ; ")"
+      ]
+  | EXPR_Unop {op; sub; _} ->
+    String.concat ""
+      [ string_of_unop op
+      ; show_expression sub
+      ]
+  | EXPR_Call call ->
+    show_call call
+  | EXPR_Index {expr; index; _} ->
+    String.concat ""
+      [ show_expression expr
+      ; "["
+      ; show_expression index
+      ; "]"
+      ]
+  | EXPR_Struct {elements; _} ->
+    String.concat ""
+      [ "{"
+      ; String.concat ", " ( show_expression elements)
+      ; "}"
+      ]
+and show_call (Call {callee; arguments; _}) =
+  String.concat ""
+    [ string_of_identifier callee
+    ; "("
+    ; String.concat ", " ( show_expression arguments)
+    ; ")"
+    ]
+let rec show_type_expression = function
+  | TEXPR_Int _ ->
+    "int"
+  | TEXPR_Bool _ ->
+    "bool"
+  | TEXPR_Array {sub;dim;_} ->
+    String.concat ""
+       [ show_type_expression sub
+       ; "["
+       ; (match dim with | None -> "" | Some e -> show_expression e)
+       ; "]"
+       ]
+let show_var_declaration (VarDecl {id; tp; _}) =
+  String.concat ""
+    [ string_of_identifier id
+    ; ":"
+    ; show_type_expression tp
+    ]
+let show_var_declaration_opt = function
+  | Some v -> show_var_declaration v
+  | None -> "_"
+let show_lvalue = function
+  | LVALUE_Id {id; _} ->
+    string_of_identifier id
+  | LVALUE_Index {sub; index; _} ->
+    String.concat ""
+      [ show_expression sub
+      ; "["
+      ; show_expression index
+      ; "]"
+      ]
+let rec showxs_statement = function
+  | STMT_Call call ->
+    [ show_call call
+    ]
+  | STMT_VarDecl {var; init=None} ->
+    [ show_var_declaration var
+    ]
+  | STMT_VarDecl {var; init=Some v} ->
+    [ String.concat " " 
+      [ show_var_declaration var
+      ; "="
+      ; show_expression v
+      ]
+    ]
+  | STMT_Return {values; _} ->
+    [ String.concat " " 
+      [ "return"
+      ; String.concat ", " ( show_expression values)
+      ]
+    ]
+  | STMT_Block blok ->
+    showxs_block blok
+  | STMT_While {cond; body; _} ->
+    List.concat
+      [ [ String.concat " "
+        [ "while"
+        ; "("
+        ; show_expression cond
+        ; ")"
+        ] ]
+      ; showxs_statement_as_block body
+      ]
+  | STMT_If {cond; then_branch; else_branch=None; _} ->
+    List.concat
+      [ [ String.concat " "
+        [ "if"
+        ; "("
+        ; show_expression cond
+        ; ")"
+        ] ]
+      ; showxs_statement_as_block then_branch
+      ]
+  | STMT_If {cond; then_branch; else_branch=Some else_branch; _} ->
+    List.concat
+      [ [ String.concat " "
+        [ "if"
+        ; "("
+        ; show_expression cond
+        ; ")"
+        ] ]
+      ; showxs_statement_as_block then_branch
+      ; [ "else" ]
+      ; showxs_statement_as_block else_branch
+      ]
+    | STMT_Assign {lhs; rhs; _} ->
+      [ String.concat " "
+        [ show_lvalue lhs
+        ; "="
+        ; show_expression rhs
+        ]
+      ]
+    | STMT_MultiVarDecl {vars; init; _} ->
+      [ String.concat " "
+        [ String.concat ", " ( show_var_declaration_opt vars)
+        ; "="
+        ; show_call init
+        ]
+      ]
+and showxs_block = function
+  | STMTBlock {body; _} ->
+    List.concat
+    [ ["{"]
+    ; indentxs @@ List.concat @@ showxs_statement body
+    ; ["}"]
+    ]
+and showxs_statement_as_block = function
+  | STMT_Block blok ->
+    showxs_block blok
+  |  s ->
+    List.concat
+    [ ["{"]
+    ; indentxs @@ showxs_statement s
+    ; ["}"]
+    ]
+let show_formal_parameters params =
+  String.concat ", " @@ show_var_declaration params
+let show_return_types = function
+  | [] ->
+    ""
+  | return_types ->
+    ": " ^ String.concat ", " ( show_type_expression return_types)
+let showxs_global_declaration = function
+  | GDECL_Function {id; body; formal_parameters; return_types; _} ->
+    List.concat
+      [ [ String.concat ""
+        [ string_of_identifier id
+        ; "("
+        ; show_formal_parameters formal_parameters
+        ; ")"
+        ; show_return_types return_types
+        ] ]
+      ; match body with
+        | Some body -> showxs_block body
+        | None -> []
+      ]
+let showxs_module_definition (ModuleDefinition {global_declarations; _}) = 
+  let f x =
+    showxs_global_declaration x @ [""]
+  in
+  List.flatten ( f global_declarations)
+let show_module_definition m =
+  String.concat "\n" @@ showxs_module_definition m
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/xi_lib/ b/source/xi_lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c6494e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/xi_lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+open Ast
+let string_of_binop = function
+  | BINOP_And -> "BINOP_And"
+  | BINOP_Or -> "BINOP_Or"
+  | BINOP_Add -> "BINOP_Add"
+  | BINOP_Sub -> "BINOP_Sub"
+  | BINOP_Mult -> "BINOP_Mult"
+  | BINOP_Div -> "BINOP_Div"
+  | BINOP_Rem -> "BINOP_Rem"
+let string_of_relop = function
+  | RELOP_Eq -> "RELOP_Eq"
+  | RELOP_Ne -> "RELOP_Ne"
+  | RELOP_Lt -> "RELOP_Lt"
+  | RELOP_Gt -> "RELOP_Gt"
+  | RELOP_Le -> "RELOP_Le"
+  | RELOP_Ge -> "RELOP_Ge"
+let string_of_unop = function
+  | UNOP_Not -> "UNOP_Not"
+  | UNOP_Neg -> "UNOP_Neg"
+let indent x = "  " ^ x
+let indentfmt fmt =
+  let cont = Format.sprintf "   %s"  in 
+  Format.ksprintf cont fmt
+let indentxs = indent 
+type p =
+  | P_String of string
+  | P_Sequence of p list
+  | P_List of p list
+  | P_Dict of string * (string * p) list
+type r =
+  | R_String of string
+  | R_Indent of r 
+  | R_Break
+  | R_Tab
+  | R_Group of r list
+let render_r = function
+  | R_String s -> s
+  | R_Tab -> "   "
+  | R_Break -> "\n"
+  | R_Group _ -> failwith "R_Group should be eliminated"
+  | R_Indent _ -> failwith "R_Indent should be eliminated"
+let rec insert_tabs tabs = function
+  | R_Indent r ->
+    insert_tabs (R_Tab::tabs) r
+  | R_Break ->
+    R_Group [R_Break; R_Group tabs]
+  | R_Group rs ->
+    R_Group ( (insert_tabs tabs) rs)
+  | r ->
+    r
+let rec flatten = function
+  | R_Indent _ -> failwith "R_Indent should be eliminated"
+  | R_Group xs -> List.concat @@ flatten xs
+  | r -> [r]
+let render_r r =
+  String.concat "" @@ render_r @@ flatten @@ insert_tabs [] r
+let rec render_p = function
+  | P_String s ->
+    R_String s
+  | P_List xs ->
+    let rec f acc = function
+      | [] ->
+        R_Group (List.rev acc)
+      | x::xs ->
+        let entry = R_Group [render_p x; R_String ";"; R_Break] in
+        f (entry::acc) xs
+    in
+    R_Group
+      [ R_String "["
+      ; R_Indent (R_Group [R_Break; f [] xs])
+      ; R_String "]"
+      ]
+  | P_Dict (kind, items) ->
+    let rec f acc = function
+      | [] ->
+        R_Group (List.rev acc)
+      | (k,v)::xs ->
+        let entry = R_Group [R_String k; R_String " = "; R_Indent (render_p v); R_String ";"; R_Break] in
+        f (entry::acc) xs
+    in
+    R_Group 
+      [ R_String kind
+      ; R_String " "
+      ; R_String "{"
+      ; R_Indent (R_Group [R_Break; f [] items])
+      ; R_String "}"
+      ]
+  | P_Sequence xs ->
+    R_Group ( render_p xs)
+let p_dict k items = P_Dict (k,items)
+let p_identifier id = P_String (Format.sprintf "\"%s\"" @@ string_of_identifier id)
+let p_string id = P_String (Format.sprintf "\"%s\"" id)
+let p_location loc = P_String (string_of_location loc)
+let p_node_tag tag = P_String (string_of_node_tag tag)
+let p_i32 i = P_String (Int32.to_string i)
+let p_char c = P_String (Format.sprintf "'%c'" c)
+let p_bool b = P_String (string_of_bool b)
+let p_opt f = function
+  | None -> P_String "None"
+  | Some x -> P_Sequence [P_String "Some "; f x]
+let rec p_expression = function 
+  | EXPR_Id {loc; tag; id} -> p_dict "EXPR_Id"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "tag", p_node_tag tag
+    ; "id", p_identifier id
+    ]
+  | EXPR_Int {tag; loc; value} -> p_dict "EXPR_Int"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "tag", p_node_tag tag
+    ; "value", p_i32 value
+    ]
+  | EXPR_Char {tag; loc; value} -> p_dict "EXPR_Char"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "tag", p_node_tag tag
+    ; "value", p_char value
+    ]
+  | EXPR_String {tag; loc; value} -> p_dict "EXPR_String"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "tag", p_node_tag tag
+    ; "value", p_string value
+    ]
+  | EXPR_Bool {tag; loc; value} -> p_dict "EXPR_Bool"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "tag", p_node_tag tag
+    ; "value", p_bool value
+    ]
+  | EXPR_Relation {tag; loc; op; lhs; rhs} -> p_dict "EXPR_Relation"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "tag", p_node_tag tag
+    ; "op", P_String (string_of_relop op)
+    ; "lhs", p_expression lhs
+    ; "rhs", p_expression rhs
+    ]
+  | EXPR_Binop {tag; loc; op; lhs; rhs} -> p_dict "EXPR_Binop"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "tag", p_node_tag tag
+    ; "op", P_String (string_of_binop op)
+    ; "lhs", p_expression lhs
+    ; "rhs", p_expression rhs
+    ]
+  | EXPR_Unop {tag; loc; op; sub} -> p_dict "EXPR_Unop"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "tag", p_node_tag tag
+    ; "op", P_String (string_of_unop op)
+    ; "sub", p_expression sub
+    ]
+  | EXPR_Length {tag; loc; arg} -> p_dict "EXPR_Length"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "tag", p_node_tag tag
+    ; "arg", p_expression arg
+    ]
+  | EXPR_Index {tag; loc; expr; index} -> p_dict "EXPR_Length"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "tag", p_node_tag tag
+    ; "expr", p_expression expr
+    ; "index", p_expression index
+    ]
+  | EXPR_Struct {tag; loc; elements} -> p_dict "EXPR_Struct"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "tag", p_node_tag tag
+    ; "elements", P_List ( p_expression elements)
+    ]
+  | EXPR_Call call -> P_Sequence
+    [ P_String "EXPR_Call "
+    ; p_call call
+    ]
+and p_call = function
+  | Call {tag; loc; callee; arguments} -> p_dict "Call"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "tag", p_node_tag tag
+    ; "callee", p_identifier callee
+    ; "arguments", P_List ( p_expression arguments)
+    ]
+let rec p_type_expression = function
+  | TEXPR_Int {loc} -> p_dict "TEXPR_Int"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ]
+  | TEXPR_Bool {loc} -> p_dict "TEXPR_Bool"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ]
+  | TEXPR_Array {loc;sub;dim} -> p_dict "TPEXPR_Array"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "sub", p_type_expression sub
+    ; "dim", p_opt p_expression dim
+    ]
+let p_lvalue = function
+  | LVALUE_Id {loc; id} -> p_dict "LVALUE_Id"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "id", p_identifier id
+    ]
+  | LVALUE_Index {loc; sub; index} -> p_dict "LVALUE_Index"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "sub", p_expression sub
+    ; "index", p_expression index
+    ]
+let p_var_declaration = function
+  | VarDecl {loc;id;tp} -> p_dict "VarDecl"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "id",  p_identifier id
+    ; "tp", p_type_expression tp
+    ]
+let rec p_statement = function
+  | STMT_Call call -> P_Sequence
+    [ P_String "STMT_Call "
+    ; p_call call
+    ]
+  | STMT_Assign {loc; lhs; rhs} -> p_dict "STMT_Assign"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "lhs", p_lvalue lhs
+    ; "rhs", p_expression rhs
+    ]
+  | STMT_VarDecl {var; init} -> p_dict "STMT_VarDecl"
+    [ "var", p_var_declaration var
+    ; "init", p_opt p_expression init
+    ]
+  | STMT_If {loc; cond; then_branch; else_branch} -> p_dict "STMT_If"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "cond", p_expression cond
+    ; "then_branch", p_statement then_branch
+    ; "else_branch", p_opt p_statement else_branch
+    ]
+  | STMT_While {loc; cond; body} -> p_dict "STMT_While"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "cond", p_expression cond
+    ; "body", p_statement body
+    ]
+  | STMT_Block block -> P_Sequence
+    [ P_String "STMT_Block "
+    ; p_statement_block block
+    ]
+  | STMT_MultiVarDecl {loc; vars; init} -> p_dict "STMT_MultiVarDecl"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "vars", P_List ( (p_opt p_var_declaration) vars)
+    ; "init", p_call init
+    ]
+  | STMT_Return {loc; values} -> p_dict "STMT_Return"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "values", P_List ( p_expression values)
+    ]
+and p_statement_block = function
+  | STMTBlock {loc; body} -> p_dict "STMTBlock"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "body", P_List ( p_statement body)
+    ]
+let p_global_declaration = function
+  | GDECL_Function {loc;id;formal_parameters; return_types; body} ->
+    p_dict "GDECL_Function"
+      [ "loc", p_location loc
+      ; "id", p_identifier id
+      ; "formal_parameters", P_List ( p_var_declaration formal_parameters)
+      ; "return_types", P_List ( p_type_expression return_types)
+      ; "body", p_opt p_statement_block body
+      ]
+let p_module_definition = function
+  | ModuleDefinition {global_declarations} -> P_Sequence 
+    [ P_String "ModuleDefinition "
+    ; P_List ( p_global_declaration global_declarations)
+    ]
+let show_module_definition mdef =
+  let p = p_module_definition mdef in
+  render_r @@ render_p p
diff --git a/source/xi_lib/dune b/source/xi_lib/dune
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4fbe33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/xi_lib/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+    (name xi_lib)
+    (public_name xi_lib)
+    (libraries ocamlgraph )
+    (modes byte)
+    ; Flaga -linkall potrzebna aby program `xi` był skonsolidowany ze wszystkimi
+    ; plikami znajdującymi się w xi_lib.cma, to jest w tej bibliotece. 
+    (library_flags (-linkall))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/xi_lib/ b/source/xi_lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..314fa1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/xi_lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+open Ir
+let word_size = Int32.of_int 4
+let i32_0 = Int32.of_int 0
+let i32_1 = Int32.of_int 1
+let expr_0 = E_Int i32_0
+let preamble = String.concat "\n"
+  [ ".data"
+  ; "endline: .asciiz \"\\n\""
+  ; "endmessage: .asciiz \"Exit code: \""
+  ; ""
+  ; ".text"
+  ; ".set noat"
+  ; ""
+  ; "main:"
+  ; "   add $sp, $sp, -4"
+  ; "   sw $ra, 4($sp)"
+  ; "   jal _I_main__i"
+  ; "   move $a1, $v0"
+  ; "   la $a0, endmessage"
+  ; "   li $v0, 4"
+  ; "   syscall"
+  ; "   li $v0, 1"
+  ; "   move $a0, $a1"
+  ; "   syscall"
+  ; "   la $a0, endline"
+  ; "   li $v0, 4"
+  ; "   syscall"
+  ; "   lw $ra, 4($sp)"
+  ; "   add $sp, $sp, 4"
+  ; "   jr $ra"
+  ; ""
+  ; "_xi_length:"
+  ; "   lw $v0, -4($a0)"
+  ; "   jr $ra"
+  ; ""
+  ; "_xi_concat:"
+  ; "   # t0 = lhs"
+  ; "   # t1 = rhs"
+  ; "   move $t0, $a0"
+  ; "   move $t1, $a1"
+  ; "   # t2 = len(lhs)"
+  ; "   # t3 = len(rhs)"
+  ; "   lw $t2, -4($t0)"
+  ; "   lw $t3, -4($t1)"
+  ; "   # t4 = len(lhs) + len(rhs)"
+  ; "   addu $t4, $t2, $t3"
+  ; "   # v0 = malloc(4*t4+4) "
+  ; "   li $t5, 4"
+  ; "   mul $a0, $t4, $t5"
+  ; "   addiu $a0, $a0, 4"
+  ; "   li $v0, 9"
+  ; "   syscall"
+  ; "   addiu $v0, $v0, 4"
+  ; "   sw $t4, -4($v0)"
+  ; "   move $v1, $v0"
+  ; "   XL0:"
+  ; "   beq $zero, $t2, XL1"
+  ; "   lw $t4, 0($t0)"
+  ; "   sw $t4, 0($v1)"
+  ; "   addiu $t2, $t2, -1"
+  ; "   addiu $t0, $t0, 4"
+  ; "   addiu $v1, $v1, 4"
+  ; "   j XL0"
+  ; "   XL1:"
+  ; "   beq $zero, $t3, XL2"
+  ; "   lw $t4, 0($t1)"
+  ; "   sw $t4, 0($v1)"
+  ; "   addiu $t3, $t3, -1"
+  ; "   addiu $t1, $t1, 4"
+  ; "   addiu $v1, $v1, 4"
+  ; "   j XL1"
+  ; "   XL2:"
+  ; "   jr $ra"
+  ; ""
+  ; "_xi_alloc:"
+  ; "   li $v0, 9"
+  ; "   syscall"
+  ; "   jr $ra"
+  ; ""
+  ; "_I_printString_ai_:"
+  ; "   # t0 = len a0"
+  ; "   move $t1, $a0"
+  ; "   lw $t0, -4($t1)"
+  ; "   mul $a0, $t0, 4"
+  ; "   addiu $a0, $a0, 2"
+  ; "   li $v0, 9"
+  ; "   syscall"
+  ; "   move $a0, $v0"
+  ; "   move $v1, $v0"
+  ; "   XL10:"
+  ; "   beq $zero, $t0, XL11"
+  ; "   lw $t2, 0($t1)"
+  ; "   sb $t2, 0($v1)"
+  ; "   addiu $t0, $t0, -1"
+  ; "   addu $t1, $t1, 4"
+  ; "   addu $v1, $v1, 1"
+  ; "   j XL10"
+  ; "   XL11:"
+  ; "   li $t0, 10"
+  ; "   sb $t0, 0($v1)"
+  ; "   sb $zero, 1($v1)"
+  ; "   li $v0, 4"
+  ; "   syscall"
+  ; "   jr $ra"
+  ; ""
+  ; ""
+  ; "_I_printInt_i_:"
+  ; "   li $v0, 1"
+  ; "   syscall"
+  ; "   li $v0, 4"
+  ; "   la $a0, endline"
+  ; "   syscall"
+  ; "   jr $ra"
+  ; ""
+  ; ""
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/xi_lib/ b/source/xi_lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..455ba81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/xi_lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+type 'a t = ('a, unit) Hashtbl.t 
+let create () : 'a t = Hashtbl.create 101
+let clear = Hashtbl.clear
+let add t x = Hashtbl.replace t x ()
+let mem = Hashtbl.mem
+let to_seq t = Hashtbl.to_seq_keys t
+let length t = Hashtbl.length t
+let remove t v = Hashtbl.remove t v
+let iter f t =
+  let g k _ = f k in
+  Hashtbl.iter g t
+let fold f t acc =
+  let g k () = f k in 
+  Hashtbl.fold g t acc
+let of_seq seq : 'a t =
+  let result = create () in
+  Seq.iter (add result) seq;
+  result
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/xi_lib/ b/source/xi_lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b67a787
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/xi_lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+type node2type = (Ast.node_tag, Types.normal_type) Hashtbl.t
+type schedule = (Ir.procedure, Ir.label list) Hashtbl.t
+type register_mapping = (Ir.reg, Ir.reg) Hashtbl.t
+module type LEXER = sig
+  type token
+  val token: Lexing.lexbuf -> token
+module type PARSER = sig
+  type token
+  exception Error
+  val file: (Lexing.lexbuf -> token) -> Lexing.lexbuf -> Ast.module_definition
+module type LEXER_AND_PARSER = sig
+  type token
+  module Lexer: LEXER with type token = token
+  module Parser: PARSER with type token = token
+module type TYPECHECKER = sig
+  val check_module: Ast.module_definition -> (node2type, Typechecker_errors.type_checking_error list) result
+module type TRANSLATOR = sig
+  val translate_module: Ast.module_definition -> node2type -> Ir.program
+module type HI_LOWER = sig
+  val lower: Ir.procedure -> unit
+module type MIPS_LOWER = sig
+  val lower: Ir.procedure -> unit
+module type CALLCONV = sig
+  val callconv: Ir.procedure -> unit
+module type REGISTER_ALLOCATOR = sig
+  val regalloc: Ir.procedure -> register_mapping
+module type CODEGEN = sig
+  val codegen: schedule -> Ir.program -> Mips32.program
+module type LIVE_VARIABLES_ANALYSIS = sig
+  val analyse: Ir.ControlFlowGraph.t -> Analysis_domain.LiveVariables.table
+module type REACHABILITY_ANALYSIS = sig
+  val analyse: Ir.ControlFlowGraph.t -> Analysis_domain.ReachabilityAnalysis.table
+  val analyse: Ir.procedure -> Analysis_domain.ConstantFolding.table
+module type JUMP_THREADING = sig
+  val jump_threading: Ir.procedure -> unit
+module type CONSTANT_FOLDING = sig
+  val fold_constants: Ir.procedure -> unit
+module type DEAD_CODE_ELIMINATION = sig
+  val eliminate_dead_code: Ir.procedure -> unit
+module type DOMINATORS_ANALYSIS = sig
+  val analyse: Ir.ControlFlowGraph.t -> Analysis_domain.DominatorsAnalysis.table
+module type NATURAL_LOOPS_ANALYSIS = sig
+  val analyse: Ir.ControlFlowGraph.t -> Analysis_domain.DominatorsAnalysis.table -> Analysis_domain.NaturalLoops.table
+module type SCHEDULER = sig
+  val schedule: Ir.program -> schedule
+module type SPILL_COSTS_ANALYSIS = sig
+  val analyse: Ir.ControlFlowGraph.t -> Analysis_domain.NaturalLoops.table -> (Ir.reg, int) Hashtbl.t
+  val analyse: Ir.ControlFlowGraph.t ->  Analysis_domain.LiveVariables.table -> Ir.RegGraph.t
+module type SPILLING = sig
+  val spill: Ir.procedure -> Ir.reg list -> unit
+module type COMPILER_TOOLBOX = sig
+  module LiveVariablesAnalysis : LIVE_VARIABLES_ANALYSIS
+  module DominatorsAnalysis : DOMINATORS_ANALYSIS
+  module NaturalLoopsAnalysis : NATURAL_LOOPS_ANALYSIS
+  module SpillCostsAnalysis : SPILL_COSTS_ANALYSIS
+  module Scheduler: SCHEDULER
+  module RegistersDescription : Ir_arch.REGISTERS_DESCRIPTION
+  module ConstantFoldingAnalysis : CONSTANT_FOLDING_ANALYSIS
+  module InterferenceGraphAnalysis : INTERFERENCE_GRAPH_ANALYSIS
+  module Spilling : SPILLING
+  module ReachabilityAnalysis : REACHABILITY_ANALYSIS
+module type COMPILER_STEPS = sig
+  module Toolbox: COMPILER_TOOLBOX
+  module LexerAndParser: LEXER_AND_PARSER
+  module Typechecker: TYPECHECKER
+  module Translator: TRANSLATOR
+  module JumpThreading: JUMP_THREADING
+  module ConstantFolding: CONSTANT_FOLDING
+  module HiLower: HI_LOWER
+  module CallConv: CALLCONV
+  module MipsLower: MIPS_LOWER
+  module RegisterAllocator: REGISTER_ALLOCATOR
+  module Codegen: CODEGEN
+  module DeadCodeElimination: DEAD_CODE_ELIMINATION
diff --git a/source/xi_lib/ b/source/xi_lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b611916
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/xi_lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+type reg
+  = REG_Tmp of int
+  | REG_Hard of int
+  | REG_Spec of int
+let string_of_reg = function
+  | REG_Tmp i -> Format.sprintf "%%tmp%u" i
+  | REG_Hard i -> Format.sprintf "%%hard%u" i
+  | REG_Spec i -> Format.sprintf "%%spec%u" i
+let is_spec_reg = function
+  | REG_Spec _ -> true
+  | _ -> false
+let is_tmp_reg = function
+  | REG_Tmp _ -> true
+  | _ -> false
+module RegSet = Set.Make(struct 
+  type t = reg
+  let compare = compare
+  end)
+module RegMap = Map.Make(struct 
+  type t = reg
+  let compare = compare
+  end)
+module RegGraph = Graph.Imperative.Graph.Concrete(struct 
+(* module RegGraph = Mygraph.MakeUndirected(struct *)
+  type t = reg
+  let hash = Hashtbl.hash
+  let equal a b = compare a b = 0
+  let compare a b = compare a b
+  end)
+type expr
+  = E_Reg of reg
+  | E_Int of Int32.t
+let reglist_of_expr = function
+  | E_Reg r -> [r]
+  | E_Int _ -> []
+type label
+  = Label of int
+module LabelSet = Set.Make(struct 
+  type t = label
+  let compare = compare
+  end)
+type procid
+  = Procid of string
+type cond
+  = COND_Eq
+  | COND_Ne
+  | COND_Lt
+  | COND_Gt
+  | COND_Le
+  | COND_Ge
+let string_of_cond = function
+  | COND_Eq -> "eq"
+  | COND_Ne -> "ne"
+  | COND_Lt -> "lt"
+  | COND_Gt -> "gt"
+  | COND_Le -> "le"
+  | COND_Ge -> "ge"
+type instr
+  = I_Add of reg * expr * expr
+  | I_Sub of reg * expr * expr
+  | I_Div of reg * expr * expr
+  | I_Rem of reg * expr * expr
+  | I_Mul of reg * expr * expr
+  | I_And of reg * expr * expr
+  | I_Or of reg * expr * expr
+  | I_Xor of reg * expr * expr
+  | I_LoadArray of reg * expr * expr
+  | I_StoreArray of expr * expr * expr
+  | I_LoadMem of reg * expr * expr
+  | I_StoreMem of expr * expr * expr
+  | I_Concat of reg * expr * expr
+  | I_Neg of reg * expr
+  | I_Not of reg * expr
+  | I_Move of reg * expr
+  | I_Length of reg * expr
+  | I_NewArray of reg * expr
+  | I_Call of reg list * procid * expr list * reg list
+  | I_Set of reg * cond * expr * expr  
+  | I_LoadVar of reg * int
+  | I_StoreVar of int * expr
+  | I_LoadStack of reg * int
+  | I_StoreStack of int * expr
+  | I_StackAlloc of Int32.t
+  | I_StackFree of Int32.t
+  | I_Use of reg list
+  | I_Def of reg list
+type terminator =
+  | T_Return of expr list
+  | T_Branch of cond * expr * expr * label * label
+  | T_Jump of label 
+let labels_of_terminator = function
+  | T_Branch (_, _, _, lt, lf) -> [lt; lf]
+  | T_Jump l -> [l]
+  | _ -> []
+type block = instr list
+module LabelGraph = Graph.Imperative.Digraph.ConcreteBidirectional(struct 
+(*module LabelGraph = Mygraph.MakeBidirectional(struct *)
+  type t = label
+  let compare = compare
+  let hash = Hashtbl.hash
+  let equal a b = a = b
+  end)
+module ControlFlowGraph = struct
+  type graph = LabelGraph.t 
+  type t = Cfg of
+  { graph: graph
+  ; blockmap: (label, block) Hashtbl.t
+  ; terminatormap: (label, terminator) Hashtbl.t
+  ; entry: label
+  ; exit: label
+  }
+  let graph (Cfg {graph; _}) = graph
+  let _allocate_block graph =
+    let i = LabelGraph.nb_vertex graph in
+    let l = Label i in
+    LabelGraph.add_vertex graph l;
+    l
+  let remove (Cfg {graph; terminatormap; blockmap; _}) v =
+    LabelGraph.remove_vertex graph v;
+    Hashtbl.remove terminatormap v;
+    Hashtbl.remove blockmap v
+  let allocate_block (Cfg {graph; blockmap; terminatormap;  _}) =
+    let i = LabelGraph.nb_vertex graph in
+    let l = Label i in
+    LabelGraph.add_vertex graph l;
+    Hashtbl.replace blockmap l [];
+    Hashtbl.replace terminatormap l (T_Return []);
+    l
+  let create () =
+    let graph = LabelGraph.create () in
+    let blockmap = Hashtbl.create 513 in
+    let terminatormap = Hashtbl.create 513 in
+    let entry = _allocate_block graph in
+    let exit = _allocate_block graph in
+    let _ = LabelGraph.add_vertex graph entry in 
+    let _ = LabelGraph.add_vertex graph exit in 
+    Cfg {graph; blockmap; terminatormap; entry; exit}
+  let successors (Cfg {graph; _}) v = 
+    LabelGraph.succ graph v
+  let predecessors (Cfg {graph; _}) v = 
+    LabelGraph.pred graph v
+  let entry_label (Cfg {entry; _}) = entry
+  let exit_label (Cfg {exit; _}) = exit
+  let blockmap (Cfg {blockmap;_}) = blockmap
+  let blocklist cfg =
+    let blockmap = blockmap cfg in
+    let f xs (k,v) = (k,v) :: xs in
+    let blocks = Seq.fold_left f [] (Hashtbl.to_seq blockmap) in 
+    let blocks = List.sort compare blocks in
+    blocks
+  let terminator (Cfg {terminatormap; entry; exit; _}) v =
+    assert (entry <> v);
+    assert (exit <> v);
+    Hashtbl.find terminatormap v
+  let blocklist2 cfg =
+    let blockmap = blockmap cfg in
+    let f xs (k,v) = (k,v,terminator cfg k) :: xs in
+    let blocks = Seq.fold_left f [] (Hashtbl.to_seq blockmap) in 
+    let blocks = List.sort compare blocks in
+    blocks
+  let blocklabels cfg =
+    let blockmap = blockmap cfg in
+    let f xs k = k :: xs in
+    let blocks = Seq.fold_left f [] (Hashtbl.to_seq_keys blockmap) in 
+    let blocks = List.sort compare blocks in
+    blocks
+  let block (Cfg {blockmap; entry; exit; _}) v =
+    assert (entry <> v);
+    assert (exit <> v);
+    Hashtbl.find blockmap v
+  let block_safe (Cfg {blockmap; entry; exit; _}) v =
+    assert (entry <> v);
+    assert (exit <> v);
+    Hashtbl.find_opt blockmap v
+  let terminator_safe (Cfg {terminatormap; entry; exit; _}) v =
+    assert (entry <> v);
+    assert (exit <> v);
+    Hashtbl.find_opt terminatormap v
+  let set_block (Cfg {blockmap; entry; exit; _}) v body =
+    assert (entry <> v);
+    assert (exit <> v);
+    Hashtbl.replace blockmap v body
+  let set_block2 (Cfg {blockmap; terminatormap; entry; exit; _}) v body terminator =
+    assert (entry <> v);
+    assert (exit <> v);
+    Hashtbl.replace blockmap v body;
+    Hashtbl.replace terminatormap v terminator
+  let set_terminator (Cfg {terminatormap; entry; exit; _}) v body =
+    assert (entry <> v);
+    assert (exit <> v);
+    Hashtbl.replace terminatormap v body
+  let connect (Cfg {graph; exit; entry; _}) a b =
+    assert (entry <> b);
+    assert (exit <> a);
+    LabelGraph.add_edge graph a b
+  let labels (Cfg {graph; _}) = 
+    LabelGraph.fold_vertex (fun x xs -> x::xs) graph []
+type procedure = Procedure of
+  { procid: procid
+  ; cfg: ControlFlowGraph.t
+  ; mutable frame_size: int
+  ; formal_parameters: int
+  ; allocate_register: unit -> reg
+  }
+let cfg_of_procedure (Procedure {cfg; _}) = cfg
+let formal_parameters_of_procedure (Procedure {formal_parameters; _}) = formal_parameters
+let allocate_register_of_procedure (Procedure {allocate_register; _}) = allocate_register
+let allocate_frame_slot (Procedure procid) =
+  let slot = procid.frame_size in
+  procid.frame_size <- procid.frame_size + 1;
+  slot
+let procid_of_procedure (Procedure {procid; _}) = procid
+let frame_size_of_procedure (Procedure {frame_size; _}) = frame_size
+type program = Program of
+  { procedures: procedure list
+  ; externals: procid list
+  }
+let procedures_of_program (Program{procedures; _}) = procedures
+let externals_of_program (Program{externals; _}) = externals
diff --git a/source/xi_lib/ b/source/xi_lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7ffc60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/xi_lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+open Ir
+let reg_fp = REG_Spec 30
+let reg_sp = REG_Spec 29
+let reg_ra = REG_Spec 31
+let reg_zero = REG_Spec 0
+let expr_reg_zero = E_Reg reg_zero
+let reg_v0 = REG_Hard 2
+let reg_v1 = REG_Hard 3
+module type REGISTERS_DESCRIPTION = sig
+  val callee_saves_registers : reg list
+  val caller_saves_registers : reg list
+  val available_registers : reg list
+  val arguments_registers : reg list
+module NormalRegistersDescription : REGISTERS_DESCRIPTION = struct
+  let callee_saves_registers = 
+    [ REG_Hard 16
+    ; REG_Hard 17
+    ; REG_Hard 18
+    ; REG_Hard 19
+    ; REG_Hard 20
+    ; REG_Hard 21
+    ; REG_Hard 22
+    ; REG_Hard 23
+    ]
+  let caller_saves_registers =
+    [ REG_Hard 1
+    ; REG_Hard 2
+    ; REG_Hard 3
+    ; REG_Hard 4
+    ; REG_Hard 5
+    ; REG_Hard 6
+    ; REG_Hard 7
+    ; REG_Hard 8
+    ; REG_Hard 9
+    ; REG_Hard 10
+    ; REG_Hard 11
+    ; REG_Hard 12
+    ; REG_Hard 13
+    ; REG_Hard 14
+    ; REG_Hard 15
+    ; REG_Hard 24
+    ; REG_Hard 25
+    ]
+  let available_registers = List.flatten
+    [ caller_saves_registers
+    ; callee_saves_registers
+    ]
+  let arguments_registers =
+    [ REG_Hard 4
+    ; REG_Hard 5
+    ; REG_Hard 6
+    ; REG_Hard 7
+    ]
+module SimpleCallerRegistersDescription : REGISTERS_DESCRIPTION = struct
+  let callee_saves_registers = 
+    [ 
+    ]
+  let caller_saves_registers =
+    [ REG_Hard 2
+    ; REG_Hard 3
+    ; REG_Hard 4
+    ; REG_Hard 5
+    ; REG_Hard 6
+    ; REG_Hard 7
+    ]
+  let available_registers = List.flatten
+    [ callee_saves_registers
+    ; caller_saves_registers
+    ]
+  let arguments_registers =
+    [ REG_Hard 4
+    ; REG_Hard 5
+    ]
+let descriptions =
+  [ "normal", (module NormalRegistersDescription : REGISTERS_DESCRIPTION )
+  ; "simple_caller", (module SimpleCallerRegistersDescription : REGISTERS_DESCRIPTION )
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/xi_lib/ b/source/xi_lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48b59a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/xi_lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,668 @@
+open Ir
+let remap_register_reg sb r = 
+  try
+    Hashtbl.find sb r
+  with Not_found ->
+    r
+let remap_register_expr sb = function
+  | E_Reg r -> E_Reg (remap_register_reg sb r)
+  | e -> e
+let remap_register_instr sb = function
+  | I_Add (r0, r1, r2) ->
+    let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in
+    let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in
+    let r2 = remap_register_expr sb r2 in
+    I_Add (r0, r1, r2)
+  | I_Sub (r0, r1, r2) ->
+    let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in
+    let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in
+    let r2 = remap_register_expr sb r2 in
+    I_Sub (r0, r1, r2)
+  | I_Div (r0, r1, r2) ->
+    let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in
+    let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in
+    let r2 = remap_register_expr sb r2 in
+    I_Div (r0, r1, r2)
+  | I_Rem (r0, r1, r2) ->
+    let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in
+    let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in
+    let r2 = remap_register_expr sb r2 in
+    I_Rem (r0, r1, r2)
+  | I_Mul(r0, r1, r2) ->
+    let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in
+    let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in
+    let r2 = remap_register_expr sb r2 in
+    I_Mul (r0, r1, r2)
+  | I_And(r0, r1, r2) ->
+    let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in
+    let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in
+    let r2 = remap_register_expr sb r2 in
+    I_And(r0, r1, r2)
+  | I_Or(r0, r1, r2) ->
+    let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in
+    let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in
+    let r2 = remap_register_expr sb r2 in
+    I_Or(r0, r1, r2)
+  | I_Xor(r0, r1, r2) ->
+    let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in
+    let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in
+    let r2 = remap_register_expr sb r2 in
+    I_Xor(r0, r1, r2)
+  | I_LoadArray(r0, r1, r2) ->
+    let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in
+    let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in
+    let r2 = remap_register_expr sb r2 in
+    I_LoadArray(r0, r1, r2)
+  | I_StoreArray(r0, r1, r2) ->
+    let r0 = remap_register_expr sb r0 in
+    let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in
+    let r2 = remap_register_expr sb r2 in
+    I_StoreArray(r0, r1, r2)
+  | I_LoadMem(r0, r1, r2) ->
+    let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in
+    let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in
+    let r2 = remap_register_expr sb r2 in
+    I_LoadMem(r0, r1, r2)
+  | I_StoreMem(r0, r1, r2) ->
+    let r0 = remap_register_expr sb r0 in
+    let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in
+    let r2 = remap_register_expr sb r2 in
+    I_StoreMem(r0, r1, r2)
+  | I_Concat(r0, r1, r2) ->
+    let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in
+    let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in
+    let r2 = remap_register_expr sb r2 in
+    I_Concat(r0, r1, r2)
+  | I_Neg(r0, r1) ->
+    let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in
+    let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in
+    I_Neg(r0, r1)
+  | I_Not(r0, r1) ->
+    let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in
+    let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in
+    I_Not(r0, r1)
+  | I_Move(r0, r1) ->
+    let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in
+    let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in
+    I_Move(r0, r1)
+  | I_Length(r0, r1) ->
+    let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in
+    let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in
+    I_Length(r0, r1)
+  | I_NewArray(r0, r1) ->
+    let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in
+    let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in
+    I_NewArray(r0, r1)
+  | I_Set(r0, cond, r1, r2) ->
+    let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in
+    let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in
+    let r2 = remap_register_expr sb r2 in
+    I_Set(r0, cond, r1, r2)
+  | I_LoadVar(r0, i) ->
+    let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in
+    I_LoadVar(r0, i)
+  | I_StoreVar(i, r0) ->
+    let r0 = remap_register_expr sb r0 in
+    I_StoreVar(i, r0)
+  | I_LoadStack(r0, i) ->
+    let r0 = remap_register_reg sb r0 in
+    I_LoadStack(r0, i)
+  | I_StoreStack(i, r0) ->
+    let r0 = remap_register_expr sb r0 in
+    I_StoreStack(i, r0)
+  | I_StackAlloc i ->
+    I_StackAlloc i
+  | I_StackFree i ->
+    I_StackFree i
+  | I_Use rs ->
+    I_Use ( (remap_register_reg sb) rs)
+  | I_Def rs ->
+    I_Def ( (remap_register_reg sb) rs)
+  | I_Call (rs, procid, args, kills) ->
+    let rs = (remap_register_reg sb) rs in
+    let args = (remap_register_expr sb) args in
+    let kills = (remap_register_reg sb) kills in
+    I_Call (rs, procid, args, kills)
+let subst_expr rmap = function
+  | (E_Reg r) as e ->
+    begin match RegMap.find_opt r rmap with
+    | None -> e
+    | Some e -> e
+    end
+  | e -> e
+let subst_expr_instr sb = function
+  | I_Add (r0, r1, r2) ->
+    let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in
+    let r2 = subst_expr sb r2 in
+    I_Add (r0, r1, r2)
+  | I_Sub (r0, r1, r2) ->
+    let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in
+    let r2 = subst_expr sb r2 in
+    I_Sub (r0, r1, r2)
+  | I_Div (r0, r1, r2) ->
+    let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in
+    let r2 = subst_expr sb r2 in
+    I_Div (r0, r1, r2)
+  | I_Rem (r0, r1, r2) ->
+    let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in
+    let r2 = subst_expr sb r2 in
+    I_Rem (r0, r1, r2)
+  | I_Mul(r0, r1, r2) ->
+    let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in
+    let r2 = subst_expr sb r2 in
+    I_Mul (r0, r1, r2)
+  | I_And(r0, r1, r2) ->
+    let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in
+    let r2 = subst_expr sb r2 in
+    I_And(r0, r1, r2)
+  | I_Or(r0, r1, r2) ->
+    let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in
+    let r2 = subst_expr sb r2 in
+    I_Or(r0, r1, r2)
+  | I_Xor(r0, r1, r2) ->
+    let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in
+    let r2 = subst_expr sb r2 in
+    I_Xor(r0, r1, r2)
+  | I_LoadArray(r0, r1, r2) ->
+    let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in
+    let r2 = subst_expr sb r2 in
+    I_LoadArray(r0, r1, r2)
+  | I_StoreArray(r0, r1, r2) ->
+    let r0 = subst_expr sb r0 in
+    let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in
+    let r2 = subst_expr sb r2 in
+    I_StoreArray(r0, r1, r2)
+  | I_LoadMem(r0, r1, r2) ->
+    let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in
+    let r2 = subst_expr sb r2 in
+    I_LoadMem(r0, r1, r2)
+  | I_StoreMem(r0, r1, r2) ->
+    let r0 = subst_expr sb r0 in
+    let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in
+    let r2 = subst_expr sb r2 in
+    I_StoreMem(r0, r1, r2)
+  | I_Concat(r0, r1, r2) ->
+    let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in
+    let r2 = subst_expr sb r2 in
+    I_Concat(r0, r1, r2)
+  | I_Neg(r0, r1) ->
+    let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in
+    I_Neg(r0, r1)
+  | I_Not(r0, r1) ->
+    let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in
+    I_Not(r0, r1)
+  | I_Move(r0, r1) ->
+    let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in
+    I_Move(r0, r1)
+  | I_Length(r0, r1) ->
+    let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in
+    I_Length(r0, r1)
+  | I_NewArray(r0, r1) ->
+    let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in
+    I_NewArray(r0, r1)
+  | I_Set(r0, cond, r1, r2) ->
+    let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in
+    let r2 = subst_expr sb r2 in
+    I_Set(r0, cond, r1, r2)
+  | I_LoadVar(r0, i) ->
+    I_LoadVar(r0, i)
+  | I_StoreVar(i, r0) ->
+    let r0 = subst_expr sb r0 in
+    I_StoreVar(i, r0)
+  | I_LoadStack(r0, i) ->
+    I_LoadStack(r0, i)
+  | I_StoreStack(i, r0) ->
+    let r0 = subst_expr sb r0 in
+    I_StoreStack(i, r0)
+  | I_StackAlloc i ->
+    I_StackAlloc i
+  | I_StackFree i ->
+    I_StackFree i
+  | I_Use rs ->
+    I_Use rs
+  | I_Def rs ->
+    I_Def rs
+  | I_Call (rs, procid, args, kills) ->
+    let args = (subst_expr sb) args in
+    I_Call (rs, procid, args, kills)
+let remap_label_label sb l =
+  try
+    Hashtbl.find sb l
+  with Not_found ->
+    l
+let remap_label_terminator sb = function
+  | T_Jump l ->
+    T_Jump (remap_label_label sb l)
+  | T_Branch (cond, r0, r1, lt, lf) ->
+    T_Branch (cond, r0, r1, remap_label_label sb lt, remap_label_label sb lf)
+  | t ->
+    t
+let remap_register_terminator sb = function
+  | T_Return xs ->
+    let xs = (remap_register_expr sb) xs in
+    T_Return xs
+  | T_Branch (cond, r0, r1, l1, l2) ->
+    let r0 = remap_register_expr sb r0 in
+    let r1 = remap_register_expr sb r1 in
+    T_Branch (cond, r0, r1, l1, l2)
+  | T_Jump l ->
+    T_Jump l
+let subst_expr_terminator sb = function
+  | T_Return xs ->
+    let xs = (subst_expr sb) xs in
+    T_Return xs
+  | T_Branch (cond, r0, r1, l1, l2) ->
+    let r0 = subst_expr sb r0 in
+    let r1 = subst_expr sb r1 in
+    T_Branch (cond, r0, r1, l1, l2)
+  | T_Jump l ->
+    T_Jump l
+let defined_registers_instr = function
+  | I_Add (r0, _, _)
+  | I_Sub (r0, _, _)
+  | I_Div (r0, _, _)
+  | I_Mul (r0, _, _)
+  | I_And (r0, _, _)
+  | I_Or (r0, _, _)
+  | I_Xor (r0, _, _)
+  | I_LoadArray (r0, _, _)
+  | I_LoadMem (r0, _, _)
+  | I_Concat (r0, _, _)
+  | I_Not (r0, _)
+  | I_Move (r0, _)
+  | I_Length (r0, _)
+  | I_NewArray (r0, _)
+  | I_Neg (r0, _) 
+  | I_Set  (r0, _, _, _) 
+  | I_Rem (r0, _, _) 
+  | I_LoadStack (r0, _) 
+  | I_LoadVar (r0, _) ->
+    [r0]
+  | I_Call (outs, _, _, kills) ->
+    outs @ kills
+  | I_Use _
+  | I_StoreVar _ 
+  | I_StoreStack _
+  | I_StackAlloc _ 
+  | I_StackFree _
+  | I_StoreMem _ 
+  | I_StoreArray _ ->
+    []
+  | I_Def rs ->
+    rs
+let defined_registers_terminator _ = []
+let used_registers_instr = function
+  | I_Add (_, r0, r1)
+  | I_Sub (_, r0, r1)
+  | I_Div (_, r0, r1)
+  | I_Mul (_, r0, r1)
+  | I_And (_, r0, r1)
+  | I_Or (_, r0, r1)
+  | I_Xor (_, r0, r1)
+  | I_LoadArray (_, r0, r1)
+  | I_LoadMem (_, r0, r1)
+  | I_Concat (_, r0, r1)
+  | I_Set  (_, _, r0, r1)
+  | I_Rem (_, r0, r1) ->
+    List.flatten @@ reglist_of_expr [r0;r1]
+  | I_Not (_, r0)
+  | I_Move (_, r0)
+  | I_Length (_, r0)
+  | I_NewArray (_, r0)
+  | I_StoreVar (_, r0) 
+  | I_StoreStack (_, r0) 
+  | I_Neg (_, r0)  ->
+    reglist_of_expr r0
+  | I_Call (_, _, args, _) ->
+    List.flatten @@ reglist_of_expr args
+  | I_Def _ 
+  | I_StackAlloc _
+  | I_StackFree _
+  | I_LoadStack _
+  | I_LoadVar _ ->
+    []
+  | I_StoreArray (r0, r1, r2) 
+  | I_StoreMem (r0, r1, r2) ->
+    List.flatten @@ reglist_of_expr [r0; r1; r2]
+  | I_Use rs ->
+    rs
+let used_registers_terminator = function
+  | T_Branch (_, r0, r1, _, _) ->
+    List.flatten @@ reglist_of_expr [r0;r1]
+  | T_Return args ->
+    List.flatten @@ reglist_of_expr args
+  | T_Jump _ ->
+    []
+let remap_registers_proc sb proc =
+  let cfg = (cfg_of_procedure proc) in 
+  let remap_block (l, body, terminator) =
+    let body = (remap_register_instr sb) body in
+    let terminator = remap_register_terminator sb terminator in
+    (l, body, terminator)
+  in
+  let update_blocks (l, body, terminator) =
+    ControlFlowGraph.set_block2 cfg l body terminator
+  in
+  let blocks = ControlFlowGraph.blocklist2 cfg in
+  let blocks = remap_block  blocks in
+  List.iter update_blocks blocks
+let string_of_expr = function
+  | E_Reg r -> string_of_reg r
+  | E_Int i -> Int32.to_string i
+let string_of_label = function
+  | Label i -> Format.sprintf "L%u" i
+let string_of_procid = function
+  | Procid l -> Format.sprintf "%s" l
+let string_of_reglist xs =
+  Format.sprintf "[%s]" (String.concat ", " @@ string_of_reg xs)
+let string_of_labellist xs =
+  Format.sprintf "[%s]" (String.concat ", " @@ string_of_label xs)
+let string_of_exprlist xs =
+  Format.sprintf "[%s]" (String.concat ", " @@ string_of_expr xs)
+let string_of_expr_regmap k =
+  let f (k, v) = Format.sprintf "%s=%s" (string_of_reg k) (string_of_expr v) in 
+  String.concat "; " @@ List.of_seq @@ f @@ RegMap.to_seq k
+let string_of_instr = function
+  | I_Add (r0, e0, e1) ->
+    Format.sprintf "add %s, %s, %s"
+      (string_of_reg r0)
+      (string_of_expr e0)
+      (string_of_expr e1)
+  | I_Sub (r0, e0, e1) ->
+    Format.sprintf "sub %s, %s, %s"
+      (string_of_reg r0)
+      (string_of_expr e0)
+      (string_of_expr e1)
+  | I_Div (r0, e0, e1) ->
+    Format.sprintf "div %s, %s, %s"
+      (string_of_reg r0)
+      (string_of_expr e0)
+      (string_of_expr e1)
+  | I_Rem (r0, e0, e1) ->
+    Format.sprintf "rem %s, %s, %s"
+      (string_of_reg r0)
+      (string_of_expr e0)
+      (string_of_expr e1)
+  | I_Mul (r0, e0, e1) ->
+    Format.sprintf "mul %s, %s, %s"
+      (string_of_reg r0)
+      (string_of_expr e0)
+      (string_of_expr e1)
+  | I_And (r0, e0, e1) ->
+    Format.sprintf "and %s, %s, %s"
+      (string_of_reg r0)
+      (string_of_expr e0)
+      (string_of_expr e1)
+  | I_Or (r0, e0, e1) ->
+    Format.sprintf "or %s, %s, %s"
+      (string_of_reg r0)
+      (string_of_expr e0)
+      (string_of_expr e1)
+  | I_Xor (r0, e0, e1) ->
+    Format.sprintf "xor %s, %s, %s"
+      (string_of_reg r0)
+      (string_of_expr e0)
+      (string_of_expr e1)
+  | I_LoadArray (r0, e0, e1) ->
+    Format.sprintf "loadarray %s, %s, %s // %s = %s[%s]"
+      (string_of_reg r0)
+      (string_of_expr e0)
+      (string_of_expr e1)
+      (string_of_reg r0)
+      (string_of_expr e0)
+      (string_of_expr e1)
+  | I_LoadMem (r0, e0, e1) ->
+    Format.sprintf "loadmem %s, %s, %s // %s = mem[%s + %s]"
+      (string_of_reg r0)
+      (string_of_expr e0)
+      (string_of_expr e1)
+      (string_of_reg r0)
+      (string_of_expr e0)
+      (string_of_expr e1)
+  | I_StoreArray (r0, e0, e1) ->
+    Format.sprintf "storearray %s, %s, %s // %s[%s] = %s"
+      (string_of_expr r0)
+      (string_of_expr e0)
+      (string_of_expr e1)
+      (string_of_expr r0)
+      (string_of_expr e0)
+      (string_of_expr e1)
+  | I_StoreMem (r0, e0, e1) ->
+    Format.sprintf "storemem %s, %s, %s // mem[%s + %s] = %s"
+      (string_of_expr r0)
+      (string_of_expr e0)
+      (string_of_expr e1)
+      (string_of_expr r0)
+      (string_of_expr e0)
+      (string_of_expr e1)
+  | I_Concat (r0, e0, e1) ->
+    Format.sprintf "concat %s, %s, %s"
+      (string_of_reg r0)
+      (string_of_expr e0)
+      (string_of_expr e1)
+  | I_Neg (r0, e0) ->
+    Format.sprintf "neg %s, %s"
+      (string_of_reg r0)
+      (string_of_expr e0)
+  | I_Not (r0, e0) ->
+    Format.sprintf "not %s, %s"
+      (string_of_reg r0)
+      (string_of_expr e0)
+  | I_Length (r0, e0) ->
+    Format.sprintf "length %s, %s"
+      (string_of_reg r0)
+      (string_of_expr e0)
+  | I_Move (r0, e0) ->
+    Format.sprintf "move %s, %s"
+      (string_of_reg r0)
+      (string_of_expr e0)
+  | I_NewArray (r0, e0) ->
+    Format.sprintf "newarray %s, %s"
+      (string_of_reg r0)
+      (string_of_expr e0)
+  | I_Call (rs, p, xs, kill) ->
+    Format.sprintf "call %s, %s, %s, kill %s"
+      (string_of_reglist rs)
+      (string_of_procid p)
+      (string_of_exprlist xs)
+      (string_of_reglist kill)
+  | I_Set (rr, cond, r0, r1) ->
+    Format.sprintf "set %s, %s, %s, %s"
+      (string_of_reg rr)
+      (string_of_cond cond)
+      (string_of_expr r0)
+      (string_of_expr r1)
+  | I_StoreVar (i0, e0) ->
+    Format.sprintf "storevar %s, %s"
+      (string_of_int i0)
+      (string_of_expr e0)
+  | I_LoadVar (r0, i0) ->
+    Format.sprintf "loadvar %s, %s"
+      (string_of_reg r0)
+      (string_of_int i0)
+  | I_StoreStack (i0, e0) ->
+    Format.sprintf "storestack %s, %s"
+      (string_of_int i0)
+      (string_of_expr e0)
+  | I_LoadStack (r0, i0) ->
+    Format.sprintf "loadstack %s, %s"
+      (string_of_reg r0)
+      (string_of_int i0)
+  | I_StackAlloc (i0) ->
+    Format.sprintf "stackalloc %s"
+      (Int32.to_string i0)
+  | I_StackFree (i0) ->
+    Format.sprintf "stackfree %s"
+      (Int32.to_string i0)
+  | I_Use rs ->
+    Format.sprintf "use %s" (string_of_reglist rs)
+  | I_Def rs ->
+    Format.sprintf "def %s" (string_of_reglist rs)
+let string_of_terminator = function
+  | T_Branch (cond, r0, r1, l1, l2) ->
+    Format.sprintf "branch %s, %s, %s, %s, %s"
+      (string_of_cond cond)
+      (string_of_expr r0)
+      (string_of_expr r1)
+      (string_of_label l1)
+      (string_of_label l2)
+  | T_Jump (l) ->
+    Format.sprintf "jump %s"
+      (string_of_label l)
+  | T_Return xs ->
+    Format.sprintf "return %s"
+      (string_of_exprlist xs)
+let indented_string_of_instr i = "    " ^ (string_of_instr i)
+let indented_string_of_terminator i = "    " ^ (string_of_terminator i)
+let string_of_block_body cfg label body =
+  String.concat "\n"
+    [ Format.sprintf "%s:" (string_of_label label) 
+    ; Format.sprintf "    cfg successors: %s"
+      (string_of_labellist @@ ControlFlowGraph.successors cfg label)
+    ; Format.sprintf "    cfg predecessors: %s"
+      (string_of_labellist @@ ControlFlowGraph.predecessors cfg label)
+    ; String.concat "\n" ( indented_string_of_instr body)
+    ]
+let string_of_block cfg k v =
+  let terminator = match ControlFlowGraph.terminator_safe cfg k with
+    | None -> "<<no terminator>>"
+    | Some t -> indented_string_of_terminator t
+  in
+  String.concat "\n"
+    [ string_of_block_body cfg k v 
+    ; terminator
+    ]
+let string_of_blockmap cfg =
+  let f xs (k, v) = string_of_block cfg k v :: xs in
+  let items = Seq.fold_left (fun xs x -> x::xs) [] (Hashtbl.to_seq @@ ControlFlowGraph.blockmap cfg) in
+  let items = List.sort compare items in
+  String.concat "\n" @@ List.rev @@ List.fold_left f  [] items
+let string_of_cfg cfg =
+  String.concat "\n"
+    [ Format.sprintf "    cfg entry point: %s" (string_of_label @@ ControlFlowGraph.entry_label cfg)
+    ; Format.sprintf "    cfg entry point successors: %s"
+      (string_of_labellist @@ ControlFlowGraph.successors cfg @@ ControlFlowGraph.entry_label cfg)
+    ; Format.sprintf "    cfg exit point: %s" (string_of_label @@ ControlFlowGraph.exit_label cfg)
+    ; Format.sprintf "    cfg exit point predecessors : %s"
+      (string_of_labellist @@ ControlFlowGraph.predecessors cfg @@ ControlFlowGraph.exit_label cfg)
+    ; string_of_blockmap cfg
+    ]
+let string_of_procedure (Procedure {procid; cfg; frame_size; formal_parameters; _}) =
+  String.concat "\n"
+    [ "////////////////////////////////////// "
+    ; Format.sprintf "procedure %s" (string_of_procid procid) 
+    ; Format.sprintf "    frame size: %u" frame_size
+    ; Format.sprintf "    formal parameters: %u" formal_parameters
+    ; string_of_cfg cfg
+    ]
+let string_of_module_definition xs =
+  String.concat "\n" @@ string_of_procedure xs
+let string_of_program (Program {procedures; _}) =
+  String.concat "\n" @@ string_of_procedure procedures
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/xi_lib/ b/source/xi_lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..746bbb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/xi_lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+module FS = struct
+  let removedir =
+    let rec rm path item =
+      let p = (Filename.concat path item) in
+      if Sys.is_directory p then
+        let items = Sys.readdir p in
+        Array.iter (rm p) items;
+        Unix.rmdir p;
+      else
+        Sys.remove p
+    in 
+    fun item ->
+      if Sys.file_exists item then
+        rm "" item
+  let xilog_dir = ref "xilog"
+  let init xilog =
+    xilog_dir := xilog;
+    removedir xilog;
+    Unix.mkdir xilog 0o777
+module State = struct
+  let extra_debug = ref false
+  let counter = ref 0 
+  let phase_name = ref ""
+  let proc_name = ref ""
+  let log_file_name  = ref ""
+  let log_file_handle : out_channel option ref = ref None
+  let get_lof_file_handle () =
+    match !log_file_handle with
+    | Some handle ->
+      handle
+    | None ->
+      assert (!log_file_name <> "");
+      let handle = open_out !log_file_name in
+      log_file_handle := Some handle;
+      handle
+  let close_log_file () =
+    match !log_file_handle with
+      | None ->
+        ()
+      | Some handle ->
+        close_out handle;
+        log_file_name := "";
+        log_file_handle := None
+  let make_entry_name = function
+    | () when !phase_name <> "" && !proc_name <> "" ->
+      Format.sprintf "%03u.%s.%s" !counter !phase_name !proc_name
+    | () when !phase_name <> "" ->
+      Format.sprintf "%03u.%s" !counter !phase_name
+    | _ ->
+      Format.sprintf "%03u.unknown-phase" !counter
+  let allocate_file_name title = 
+    let r = Format.sprintf "%s/%s.%s" !FS.xilog_dir (make_entry_name ()) title in
+    incr counter;
+    r
+  let set_new_phase name =
+    phase_name := name;
+    proc_name := "";
+    close_log_file ();
+    log_file_name := allocate_file_name "log"
+  let set_proc_phase procid =
+    proc_name := Ir_utils.string_of_procid procid;
+    close_log_file ();
+    log_file_name := allocate_file_name "log"
+  let close_phase_proc () =
+    proc_name := "";
+    close_log_file ();
+    log_file_name := allocate_file_name "log"
+  let set_extra_debug v =
+    extra_debug := v
+let extra_debug f =
+  if !State.extra_debug then
+    f ()
+let set_extra_debug = State.set_extra_debug
+let new_phase name =
+  State.set_new_phase name
+let new_phase_proc procid =
+  State.set_proc_phase procid
+let close_phase_proc () =
+  State.close_phase_proc ()
+let make_logf mname fmt =
+  let cont s =
+    let h = State.get_lof_file_handle () in
+    let entry = Format.sprintf "%s: %s\n" mname s in
+    output_string h entry;
+    flush h
+  in
+  Format.ksprintf cont fmt
+let dump_string title buffer =
+  let name = State.allocate_file_name title in
+  make_logf __MODULE__ "Dumping %s" (Filename.basename name);
+  let h = open_out name in
+  output_string h buffer;
+  output_string h "\n";
+  close_out h
+let dump_ir_program title ir =
+  let buffer = Ir_utils.string_of_program ir in
+  dump_string title buffer
+let dump_ir_proc title irproc =
+  let buffer = Ir_utils.string_of_procedure irproc in
+  dump_string title buffer
+let dump_spill_costs spill_costs =
+  let f (k,v) = Format.sprintf "%s -> %u" (Ir.string_of_reg k) v in 
+  let seq = Hashtbl.to_seq spill_costs in
+  let seq = f seq in
+  let seq = List.of_seq seq in
+  let buf = String.concat "\n" @@ List.sort compare seq in
+  dump_string "spill_costs" buf
+let dump_spill_costs_f spill_costs =
+  let f (k,v) = Format.sprintf "%s -> %f" (Ir.string_of_reg k) v in 
+  let seq = Hashtbl.to_seq spill_costs in
+  let seq = f seq in
+  let seq = List.of_seq seq in
+  let buf = String.concat "\n" @@ List.sort compare seq in
+  dump_string "spill_costs" buf
+let log_ir_proc mname irproc =
+  let buffer = Ir_utils.string_of_procedure irproc in
+  make_logf mname "%s" buffer
+let dump_interference_graph title x =
+  let buffer = Analysis_visualizer.visualize_interference_graph x in
+  dump_string (title ^ ".infg.xdot") buffer
+let dump_live_variables title cfg table =
+  let buffer = Analysis_visualizer.visualize_live_variables cfg table in
+  dump_string (title ^ ".lva.xdot") buffer
+let dump_constant_folding title cfg table =
+  let buffer = Analysis_visualizer.visualize_constant_folding cfg table in
+  dump_string (title ^ ".cfa.xdot") buffer
+let init xilog =
+  FS.init xilog
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/xi_lib/ b/source/xi_lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1aec0b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/xi_lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+let logf fmt = Logger.make_logf __MODULE__ fmt
+let measure name f =
+  let t_start = Unix.gettimeofday () in 
+  let r = f () in
+  let t_end = Unix.gettimeofday () in
+  logf "%s: execution time %f" name (t_end -. t_start);
+  r
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/xi_lib/ b/source/xi_lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99735b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/xi_lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+type reg =
+  | Reg of int
+let string_of_reg_raw (Reg i) = Format.sprintf "$%u" i
+let string_of_reg = function
+  | Reg 0 -> "$zero"
+  | Reg 1 -> "$at"
+  | Reg 2 -> "$v0"
+  | Reg 3 -> "$v1"
+  | Reg 4 -> "$a0"
+  | Reg 5 -> "$a1"
+  | Reg 6 -> "$a2"
+  | Reg 7 -> "$a3"
+  | Reg 8 -> "$t0"
+  | Reg 9 -> "$t1"
+  | Reg 10 -> "$t2"
+  | Reg 11 -> "$t3"
+  | Reg 12 -> "$t4"
+  | Reg 13 -> "$t5"
+  | Reg 14 -> "$t6"
+  | Reg 15 -> "$t7"
+  | Reg 16 -> "$s0"
+  | Reg 17 -> "$s1"
+  | Reg 18 -> "$s2"
+  | Reg 19 -> "$s3"
+  | Reg 20 -> "$s4"
+  | Reg 21 -> "$s5"
+  | Reg 22-> "$s6"
+  | Reg 23 -> "$s7"
+  | Reg 24 -> "$t8"
+  | Reg 25 -> "$t9"
+  | Reg 26 -> "$k0"
+  | Reg 27 -> "$k1"
+  | Reg 28 -> "$gp"
+  | Reg 29 -> "$sp"
+  | Reg 30 -> "$fp"
+  | Reg 31 -> "$ra"
+  | r -> string_of_reg_raw r
+let reg_zero = Reg 0
+let reg_sp = Reg 29
+let reg_fp = Reg 30
+let reg_ra = Reg 31 
+let reg_s = function
+  | i when i < 8 ->
+    Reg (16 + i)
+  | i -> failwith @@ Format.sprintf "There is no $sp%u" i
+type label =
+  | Label of string
+let string_of_label (Label s) = s
+type instr =
+  | I_Label of label
+  | I_Add of reg * reg * reg
+  | I_Addu of reg * reg * reg
+  | I_Addi of reg * reg * Int32.t
+  | I_Addiu of reg * reg * Int32.t
+  | I_Sub of reg * reg * reg
+  | I_Subu of reg * reg * reg
+  | I_Div of reg * reg
+  | I_Mult of reg * reg
+  | I_Multu of reg * reg 
+  | I_And of reg * reg * reg
+  | I_Andi of reg * reg * Int32.t
+  | I_Nor of reg * reg * reg
+  | I_Or of reg * reg * reg
+  | I_Ori of reg * reg * Int32.t
+  | I_Xor of reg * reg * reg
+  | I_Xori of reg * reg * Int32.t
+  | I_Sll of reg * reg * reg
+  | I_Sllv of reg * reg * reg
+  | I_Sra of reg * reg * reg
+  | I_Srav of reg * reg * reg
+  | I_Srl of reg * reg * reg
+  | I_Rol of reg * reg * reg
+  | I_Ror of reg * reg * reg
+  | I_Srlv of reg * reg * reg
+  | I_Mfhi of reg
+  | I_Mflo of reg
+  | I_Lui of reg * Int32.t
+  | I_Lb of reg * Int32.t * reg
+  | I_Sb of reg * Int32.t * reg
+  | I_Lw of reg * Int32.t * reg
+  | I_Sw of reg * Int32.t * reg
+  | I_Slt of reg * reg * reg
+  | I_Slti of reg * reg * Int32.t
+  | I_Sltu of reg * reg * reg
+  | I_Beq of reg * reg * label
+  | I_Bgez of reg * label
+  | I_Bgezal of reg * label
+  | I_Bgtz of reg * label
+  | I_Blez of reg * label
+  | I_Bltz of reg * label
+  | I_Bltzal of reg * label
+  | I_Bne of reg * reg * label
+  | I_J of label
+  | I_Jal of label
+  | I_Jr of reg
+  | I_Jalr of reg
+  | I_Nop
+let string_of_instr = function
+  | I_Label l -> Format.sprintf "%s:"
+    (string_of_label l)
+  |I_Add (r0, r1, r2) -> Format.sprintf "add %s, %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_reg r1) (string_of_reg r2) 
+  |I_Addu (r0, r1, r2) -> Format.sprintf "addu %s, %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_reg r1) (string_of_reg r2) 
+  |I_Addiu (r0, r1, i) -> Format.sprintf "addiu %s, %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_reg r1) (Int32.to_string i) 
+  |I_Addi (r0, r1, i) -> Format.sprintf "addi %s, %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_reg r1) (Int32.to_string i) 
+  |I_Sub (r0, r1, r2) -> Format.sprintf "sub %s, %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_reg r1) (string_of_reg r2) 
+  |I_Subu (r0, r1, r2) -> Format.sprintf "subu %s, %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_reg r1) (string_of_reg r2) 
+  |I_Div (r0, r1) -> Format.sprintf "div %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_reg r1) 
+  |I_Mult (r0, r1) -> Format.sprintf "mult %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_reg r1) 
+  |I_Multu (r0, r1) -> Format.sprintf "multu %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_reg r1) 
+  |I_And (r0, r1, r2) -> Format.sprintf "and %s, %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_reg r1) (string_of_reg r2) 
+  |I_Andi (r0, r1, i) -> Format.sprintf "andi %s, %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_reg r1) (Int32.to_string i) 
+  |I_Nor (r0, r1, r2) -> Format.sprintf "nor %s, %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_reg r1) (string_of_reg r2) 
+  |I_Or (r0, r1, r2) -> Format.sprintf "or %s, %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_reg r1) (string_of_reg r2) 
+  |I_Ori (r0, r1, i) -> Format.sprintf "ori %s, %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_reg r1) (Int32.to_string i) 
+  |I_Xor (r0, r1, r2) -> Format.sprintf "xor %s, %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_reg r1) (string_of_reg r2) 
+  |I_Xori (r0, r1, i) -> Format.sprintf "xori %s, %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_reg r1) (Int32.to_string i) 
+  |I_Sll (r0, r1, r2) -> Format.sprintf "sll %s, %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_reg r1) (string_of_reg r2) 
+  |I_Sllv (r0, r1, r2) -> Format.sprintf "sllv %s, %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_reg r1) (string_of_reg r2) 
+  |I_Srl (r0, r1, r2) -> Format.sprintf "srl %s, %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_reg r1) (string_of_reg r2) 
+  |I_Srlv (r0, r1, r2) -> Format.sprintf "srlv %s, %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_reg r1) (string_of_reg r2) 
+  |I_Mfhi (r0) -> Format.sprintf "mfhi %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0)
+  |I_Mflo (r0) -> Format.sprintf "mflo %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0)
+  |I_Lui (r0, i) -> Format.sprintf "lui %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (Int32.to_string i) 
+  |I_Lb (r0, i0, r1) -> Format.sprintf "lb %s, %s(%s)"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (Int32.to_string i0) (string_of_reg r1) 
+  |I_Sb (r0, i0, r1) -> Format.sprintf "sb %s, %s(%s)"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (Int32.to_string i0) (string_of_reg r1) 
+  |I_Lw (r0, i0, r1) -> Format.sprintf "lw %s, %s(%s)"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (Int32.to_string i0) (string_of_reg r1) 
+  |I_Sw (r0, i0, r1) -> Format.sprintf "sw %s, %s(%s)"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (Int32.to_string i0) (string_of_reg r1) 
+  |I_Slt (r0, r1, r2) -> Format.sprintf "slt %s, %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_reg r1) (string_of_reg r2) 
+  |I_Sra (r0, r1, r2) -> Format.sprintf "sra %s, %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_reg r1) (string_of_reg r2) 
+  |I_Srav (r0, r1, r2) -> Format.sprintf "srav %s, %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_reg r1) (string_of_reg r2) 
+  |I_Rol (r0, r1, r2) -> Format.sprintf "srav %s, %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_reg r1) (string_of_reg r2) 
+  |I_Ror (r0, r1, r2) -> Format.sprintf "srav %s, %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_reg r1) (string_of_reg r2) 
+  |I_Slti (r0, r1, i) -> Format.sprintf "slti %s, %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_reg r1) (Int32.to_string i) 
+  |I_Sltu (r0, r1, r2) -> Format.sprintf "sltu %s, %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_reg r1) (string_of_reg r2) 
+  |I_Beq (r0, r1, l) -> Format.sprintf "beq %s, %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_reg r1) (string_of_label l) 
+  |I_Bgez (r0, l) -> Format.sprintf "bgez %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_label l) 
+  |I_Bgezal (r0, l) -> Format.sprintf "bgezal %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_label l) 
+  |I_Bgtz (r0, l) -> Format.sprintf "bgtz %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_label l) 
+  |I_Blez (r0, l) -> Format.sprintf "blez %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_label l) 
+  |I_Bltz (r0, l) -> Format.sprintf "bltz %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_label l) 
+  |I_Bltzal (r0, l) -> Format.sprintf "bltzal %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_label l) 
+  |I_Bne (r0, r1, l) -> Format.sprintf "bne %s, %s, %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0) (string_of_reg r1) (string_of_label l) 
+  |I_J (l) -> Format.sprintf "j %s"
+    (string_of_label l)
+  |I_Jal (l) -> Format.sprintf "jal %s"
+    (string_of_label l)
+  |I_Jr (r0) -> Format.sprintf "jr %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0)
+  |I_Jalr (r0) -> Format.sprintf "jalr %s"
+    (string_of_reg r0)
+  | I_Nop -> Format.sprintf "add $zero, $zero, $zero"
+type program = (label * instr list) list
+let indent x = "    " ^ x
+let string_of_program (l, b) =
+  String.concat "\n"
+    [ Format.sprintf "%s:" (string_of_label l)
+    ; String.concat "\n" ( indent @@ string_of_instr b)
+    ]
+let string_of_program xs =
+  String.concat "\n"
+    ( string_of_program xs)
diff --git a/source/xi_lib/ b/source/xi_lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5836414
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/xi_lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+(* Just to keep compatibility with Ocamlgraph *)
+module type SElem = sig
+  type t
+  val compare: t -> t -> int
+  val hash: t -> int
+  val equal: t -> t -> bool
+module MakeBidirectional(V:SElem) = struct
+  type t = 
+    { g_successors: (V.t, V.t Hashset.t) Hashtbl.t
+    ; g_predecessors: (V.t, V.t Hashset.t) Hashtbl.t
+    ; g_vertices : V.t Hashset.t
+    }  
+  let create () =
+    { g_successors = Hashtbl.create 101
+    ; g_predecessors = Hashtbl.create 101
+    ; g_vertices = Hashset.create ()
+    }
+  let nb_vertex g = 
+    Hashset.length g.g_vertices
+  let _assert_mem g v =
+    assert (Hashset.mem g.g_vertices v)
+  let add_vertex g v =
+    if not @@ Hashset.mem g.g_vertices v  then begin
+      Hashset.add g.g_vertices v;
+      Hashtbl.replace g.g_successors v @@ Hashset.create ();
+      Hashtbl.replace g.g_predecessors v @@ Hashset.create ()
+    end
+  let _succ g v =
+    Hashtbl.find g.g_successors v
+  let _pred g v =
+    Hashtbl.find g.g_predecessors v
+  let remove_vertex g v =
+    _assert_mem g v;
+    Hashset.remove g.g_vertices v;
+    let remove_pred w =
+      let pred = _pred g w in
+      Hashset.remove pred v
+    in
+    let succ = _succ g v in
+    Hashset.iter remove_pred succ
+  let add_edge g v w =
+    add_vertex g v;
+    add_vertex g w;
+    let v_succ = _succ g v in
+    let w_pred = _pred g w in
+    Hashset.add v_succ w;
+    Hashset.add w_pred v
+  let fold_vertex f g acc =
+    Hashset.fold f g.g_vertices acc
+  let succ g v =
+    _assert_mem g v;
+    List.of_seq @@ Hashset.to_seq @@ _succ g v
+  let pred g v =
+    _assert_mem g v;
+    List.of_seq @@ Hashset.to_seq @@ _pred g v
+  let remove_edge g v w =
+    _assert_mem g v;
+    _assert_mem g w;
+    let v_succ = _succ g v in
+    let w_pred = _pred g w in
+    Hashset.remove v_succ w;
+    Hashset.remove w_pred v
+module MakeUndirected(V:SElem) = struct
+  type t = 
+    { g_neighbours: (V.t, V.t Hashset.t) Hashtbl.t
+    }  
+  let create () =
+    { g_neighbours = Hashtbl.create 101
+    }
+  let nb_vertex g = 
+    Hashtbl.length g.g_neighbours
+  let _assert_mem g v =
+    assert (Hashtbl.mem g.g_neighbours v)
+  let add_vertex g v =
+    if not @@ Hashtbl.mem g.g_neighbours v  then begin
+      Hashtbl.replace g.g_neighbours v @@ Hashset.create ();
+    end
+  let _nb g v =
+    Hashtbl.find g.g_neighbours v
+  let remove_vertex g v =
+    _assert_mem g v;
+    let remove_pred w =
+      let pred = _nb g w in
+      Hashset.remove pred v
+    in
+    let succ = _nb g v in
+    Hashset.iter remove_pred succ;
+    Hashtbl.remove g.g_neighbours v
+  let add_edge g v w =
+    add_vertex g v;
+    add_vertex g w;
+    let v_nb = _nb g v in
+    let w_nb = _nb g w  in
+    Hashset.add v_nb w;
+    Hashset.add w_nb v
+  let fold_vertex f g acc =
+    let h k _ = f k in 
+    Hashtbl.fold h g.g_neighbours acc
+  let succ g v =
+    _assert_mem g v;
+    List.of_seq @@ Hashset.to_seq @@ _nb g v
+  let fold_edges f g acc =
+    let h v nb acc =
+      let f' w acc = f w v acc in
+      Hashset.fold f' nb acc
+    in
+    Hashtbl.fold h g.g_neighbours acc
+  let iter_edges f g =
+    let h v nb =
+      let f' w = f w v in
+      Hashset.iter f' nb 
+    in
+    Hashtbl.iter h g.g_neighbours 
+  let out_degree g v =
+    _assert_mem g v;
+    Hashset.length @@ _nb g v
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0600d8b
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+++ b/source/xi_lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+exception InvalidToken of Ast.location * string
+let mkLocation pos = 
+    let line   = pos.Lexing.pos_lnum in
+    let column = pos.Lexing.pos_cnum - pos.Lexing.pos_bol + 1 in
+    let file   = pos.Lexing.pos_fname in
+    Ast.Location {line; column; file}
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33e6e4e
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+++ b/source/xi_lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+open Iface
+module type MAKE_SCHEDULER = functor () -> SCHEDULER
+module type MAKE_TYPECHECKER = functor () -> TYPECHECKER
+module type MAKE_TRANSLATOR = functor () -> TRANSLATOR
+module type MAKE_JUMP_THREADING = functor () -> JUMP_THREADING
+module type MAKE_HI_LOWER = functor (T:COMPILER_TOOLBOX) -> HI_LOWER
+module type MAKE_SPILLING = functor () -> SPILLING
+module type PLUGIN = sig
+  val version: string
+  val make_live_variables_analysis : (module MAKE_LIVE_VARIABLES_ANALYSIS) option
+  val make_dominators_analysis : (module MAKE_DOMINANCE_ANALYSIS) option
+  val make_natural_loops_analysis : (module MAKE_NATURAL_LOOPS_ANALYSIS) option
+  val make_spill_costs_analysis : (module MAKE_SPILL_COSTS_ANALYSIS) option
+  val make_scheduler : (module MAKE_SCHEDULER) option
+  val lexer_and_parser : (module LEXER_AND_PARSER) option
+  val make_typechecker : (module MAKE_TYPECHECKER) option
+  val make_translator : (module MAKE_TRANSLATOR) option
+  val make_jump_threading : (module MAKE_JUMP_THREADING) option
+  val make_constant_folding : (module MAKE_CONSTANT_FOLDING) option
+  val make_hilower : (module MAKE_HI_LOWER) option
+  val make_callconv : (module MAKE_CALLCONV) option
+  val make_mipslower : (module MAKE_MIPS_LOWER) option
+  val make_constant_folding_analysis : (module MAKE_CONSTANT_FOLDING_ANALYSIS) option
+  val make_register_allocator : (module MAKE_REGISTER_ALLOCATOR) option
+  val make_codegen : (module MAKE_CODEGEN) option
+  val make_dead_code_elimination : (module MAKE_DEAD_CODE_ELIMINATION) option
+  val make_interference_graph_analysis : (module MAKE_INTERFERENCE_GRAPH_ANALYSIS) option
+  val make_spilling: (module MAKE_SPILLING) option
+  val make_reachability_analysis: (module MAKE_REACHABILITY_ANALYSIS) option
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da7e8a6
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+++ b/source/xi_lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+open Plugin
+let register = ref []
+let current_file = ref ""
+let register_plugin plugin =
+  register := (!current_file, plugin) :: !register
+module RegisterPlugin(P:PLUGIN) = struct
+  let handle = (module P : PLUGIN)
+  let () = register_plugin handle
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3ee529
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/xi_lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+open Ast
+open Types
+type type_checking_error =
+  | TCERR_TypeMismatch of
+    { loc: location
+    ; expected: normal_type
+    ; actual: normal_type
+    }
+  | TCERR_BindingTypeMismatch of
+    { loc: location
+    ; expected: normal_type
+    ; actual: normal_type
+    ; id: identifier
+    }
+  | TCERR_BadNumberOfActualArguments of
+    { loc: location
+    ; expected: int
+    ; actual: int
+    }
+  | TCERR_BadNumberOfReturnValues of
+    { loc: location
+    ; expected: int
+    ; actual: int
+    }
+  | TCERR_UnknownIdentifier of
+    { loc: location
+    ; id: identifier
+    }
+  | TCERR_IdentifierIsNotVariable of
+    { loc: location
+    ; id: identifier
+    }
+  | TCERR_OtherError of
+    { loc: location
+    ; descr: string
+    }
+  | TCERR_IdentifierIsNotCallable of
+    { loc: location
+    ; id: identifier
+    }
+  | TCERR_NotAllControlPathsReturnValue of
+    { loc: location
+    ; id: identifier
+    }
+  | TCERR_ExpectedFunctionReturningOneValue of
+    { loc: location
+    ; id: identifier
+    }
+  | TCERR_ExpectedFunctionReturningManyValues of
+    { loc: location
+    ; expected: int
+    ; actual: int
+    ; id: identifier
+    }
+  | TCERR_ProcedureCannotReturnValue of
+    { loc: location
+    }
+  | TCERR_FunctionMustReturnValue of
+    { loc: location
+    }
+  | TCERR_ExpectedArray of
+    { loc: location
+    ; actual: normal_type
+    }
+  | TCERR_InvalidRedeclaration of
+    { loc: location
+    ; id: identifier
+    ; previous: env_type
+    }
+  | TCERR_ShadowsPreviousDefinition of
+    { loc: location
+    ; id: identifier
+    }
+  | TCERR_ArrayInitializationForbidden of
+    { loc: location }
+  | TCERR_CannotInferType of
+    { loc: location }
+let string_of_type_checking_error = function
+  | TCERR_TypeMismatch {loc; actual; expected} ->
+    Format.sprintf "%s: error: type mismatch: expected %s; got %s"
+      (string_of_location loc)
+      (string_of_normal_type expected)
+      (string_of_normal_type actual)
+  | TCERR_BindingTypeMismatch {loc; actual; expected; id} ->
+    Format.sprintf "%s: error: type mismatch: expected %s; got %s; binding %s"
+      (string_of_location loc)
+      (string_of_normal_type expected)
+      (string_of_normal_type actual)
+      (string_of_identifier id)
+  | TCERR_BadNumberOfActualArguments {loc; actual; expected} ->
+    Format.sprintf "%s: error: bad number of actual arguments: expected %u; got %u"
+      (string_of_location loc)
+      (expected)
+      (actual)
+  | TCERR_BadNumberOfReturnValues {loc; actual; expected} ->
+    Format.sprintf "%s: error: bad number of return values: expected %u; got %u"
+      (string_of_location loc)
+      (expected)
+      (actual)
+  | TCERR_UnknownIdentifier {loc; id} ->
+    Format.sprintf "%s: unknown identifier: %s"
+      (string_of_location loc)
+      (string_of_identifier id)
+  | TCERR_IdentifierIsNotVariable {loc; id} ->
+    Format.sprintf "%s: identifier is not a variable: %s"
+      (string_of_location loc)
+      (string_of_identifier id)
+  | TCERR_IdentifierIsNotCallable {loc; id} ->
+    Format.sprintf "%s: identifier is not callable: %s"
+      (string_of_location loc)
+      (string_of_identifier id)
+  | TCERR_OtherError {loc; descr} ->
+    Format.sprintf "%s: error: %s"
+      (string_of_location loc)
+      descr
+  | TCERR_NotAllControlPathsReturnValue {loc; id} ->
+    Format.sprintf "%s: not all control paths return value: %s"
+      (string_of_location loc)
+      (string_of_identifier id)
+  | TCERR_ExpectedFunctionReturningOneValue {loc; id} ->
+    Format.sprintf "%s: expected function returning exactly one value: %s"
+      (string_of_location loc)
+      (string_of_identifier id)
+  | TCERR_ExpectedFunctionReturningManyValues {loc; id; expected; actual} ->
+    Format.sprintf "%s: expected function returning %u values, not %u: %s"
+      (string_of_location loc)
+      expected actual
+      (string_of_identifier id)
+  | TCERR_ExpectedArray {loc; actual} ->
+    Format.sprintf "%s: expected array, not: %s"
+      (string_of_location loc)
+      (string_of_normal_type actual)
+  | TCERR_FunctionMustReturnValue {loc} ->
+    Format.sprintf "%s: function must return something"
+      (string_of_location loc)
+  | TCERR_ProcedureCannotReturnValue {loc} ->
+    Format.sprintf "%s: procedure cannot return value"
+      (string_of_location loc)
+  | TCERR_InvalidRedeclaration {loc; id; previous} ->
+    Format.sprintf "%s: invalid redeclaration: %s: previous type: %s"
+      (string_of_location loc)
+      (string_of_identifier id)
+      (string_of_env_type previous)
+  | TCERR_ShadowsPreviousDefinition {loc; id} ->
+    Format.sprintf "%s: shadows previous definition: %s"
+      (string_of_location loc)
+      (string_of_identifier id)
+  | TCERR_ArrayInitializationForbidden {loc} ->
+    Format.sprintf "%s: array initialization is forbidden here"
+      (string_of_location loc)
+  | TCERR_CannotInferType {loc} ->
+    Format.sprintf "%s: cannot infer type"
+      (string_of_location loc)
+  module MakeErrorReporter () = struct
+    let r = ref []
+    let add e = r := e :: !r
+    let report_type_mismatch ~loc ~expected ~actual =
+      add @@ TCERR_TypeMismatch {loc;expected;actual}
+    let report_binding_type_mismatch ~loc ~expected ~actual ~id =
+      add @@ TCERR_BindingTypeMismatch {loc;expected;actual; id}
+    let report_error ~loc ~descr =
+      add @@ TCERR_OtherError {loc; descr}
+    let report_identifier_is_not_variable ~loc ~id =
+      add @@ TCERR_IdentifierIsNotVariable {loc; id}
+    let report_unknown_identifier ~loc ~id =
+      add @@ TCERR_UnknownIdentifier {loc; id}
+    let report_identifier_is_not_callable ~loc ~id =
+      add @@ TCERR_IdentifierIsNotCallable {loc; id}
+    let report_bad_number_of_arguments ~loc ~expected ~actual =
+      add @@ TCERR_BadNumberOfActualArguments {loc; expected; actual}
+    let report_bad_number_of_return_values ~loc ~expected ~actual =
+      add @@ TCERR_BadNumberOfReturnValues {loc; expected; actual}
+    let report_expected_function_returning_one_value ~loc ~id =
+      add @@ TCERR_ExpectedFunctionReturningOneValue {loc;id}
+    let report_expected_function_returning_many_values ~loc ~id ~expected ~actual =
+      add @@ TCERR_ExpectedFunctionReturningManyValues {loc;id; expected;actual}
+    let report_function_must_return_something ~loc =
+      add @@ TCERR_FunctionMustReturnValue {loc}
+    let report_procedure_cannot_return_value ~loc =
+      add @@ TCERR_ProcedureCannotReturnValue {loc}
+    let report_expected_array ~loc ~actual =
+      add @@ TCERR_ExpectedArray {loc; actual}
+    let report_not_all_control_paths_return_value ~loc ~id =
+      add @@ TCERR_NotAllControlPathsReturnValue {loc; id}
+    let report_shadows_previous_definition ~loc ~id =
+      add @@ TCERR_ShadowsPreviousDefinition {loc; id}
+    let report_invalid_redeclaration ~loc ~id ~previous =
+      add @@ TCERR_InvalidRedeclaration {loc; id; previous}
+    let report_array_initialization_forbidden ~loc =
+      add @@ TCERR_ArrayInitializationForbidden {loc}
+    let report_cannot_infer ~loc =
+      add @@ TCERR_CannotInferType {loc}
+    let flush () =
+      let result = List.rev !r in
+      r := [];
+      result
+  end
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14809cc
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+++ b/source/xi_lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+type normal_type
+  = TP_Int
+  | TP_Bool
+  | TP_Array of normal_type
+let rec string_of_normal_type = function
+  | TP_Int -> "int"
+  | TP_Bool -> "bool"
+  | TP_Array el -> string_of_normal_type el ^ "[]"
+type extended_type = normal_type list
+let string_of_extended_type xs =
+    String.concat ", " @@ string_of_normal_type xs
+type result_type
+  = RT_Unit
+  | RT_Void
+type env_type
+  = ENVTP_Var of normal_type
+  | ENVTP_Fn of extended_type * extended_type
+let string_of_env_type = function
+  | ENVTP_Var t -> string_of_normal_type t
+  | ENVTP_Fn (xs, []) -> Format.sprintf "fn(%s)"
+    (string_of_extended_type xs)
+  | ENVTP_Fn (xs, rs) -> Format.sprintf "fn(%s) -> (%s)"
+    (string_of_extended_type xs)
+    (string_of_extended_type rs)
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