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path: root/source/xi_lib/
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authorPaweł Dybiec <>2018-10-30 15:32:56 +0100
committerPaweł Dybiec <>2018-10-30 15:32:56 +0100
commitb798ac29c37299b2f761243ae92ab8f7c4c4d7f1 (patch)
treeeb9b9cc9be294fe5bd3acf9a342098ffc0ea06e5 /source/xi_lib/
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'source/xi_lib/')
1 files changed, 135 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/xi_lib/ b/source/xi_lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f49a3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/xi_lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+module MapWithTop(M:Map.S) = struct
+  type 'v t =
+    | Top
+    | Map of 'v M.t
+  let equal a b = match a,b with
+    | Top, Top ->
+      true
+    | Top, _
+    | _, Top ->
+      false
+    | Map a, Map b ->
+      M.equal (=) a b
+  let less_or_equal a b = match a,b with
+    | _, Top ->
+      true
+    | Top, _ ->
+      false
+    | Map a, Map b ->
+      let check (k, v) = 
+        match M.find_opt k b with
+        | Some v' -> v = v'
+        | None -> false
+      in
+      let a_items = M.to_seq a in
+      let checks = check a_items in
+      Seq.fold_left (&&) true checks
+  let greater_or_equal a b = less_or_equal b a
+  let unhask dfl = function 
+    | Top -> dfl
+    | Map m -> m
+module SetWithTop(M:Set.S) = struct
+  type t =
+    | Top
+    | Set of M.t
+  let equal a b = match a,b with
+    | Top, Top ->
+      true
+    | Top, _
+    | _, Top ->
+      false
+    | Set a, Set b ->
+      M.equal a b
+  let less_or_equal a b = match a,b with
+    | _, Top ->
+      true
+    | Top, _ ->
+      false
+    | Set a, Set b ->
+      M.subset a b
+  let greater_or_equal a b = less_or_equal b a
+  let unhask dfl = function 
+    | Top -> dfl
+    | Set m -> m
+module LiveVariables = struct
+  type domain = Ir.RegSet.t
+  type table = domain Analysis.BlockKnowledge.table
+  type block_knowledge = domain Analysis.BlockKnowledge.t
+  let string_of_domain x = Ir_utils.string_of_reglist @@ List.of_seq @@ Ir.RegSet.to_seq x
+module InterferenceGraph = struct
+  type graph = Ir.RegGraph.t
+module ConstantFolding = struct
+  type domain = Ir.expr option Ir.RegMap.t
+  type table = domain Analysis.BlockKnowledge.table
+  type block_knowledge = domain Analysis.BlockKnowledge.t
+  let string_of_el = function
+    | None -> "T"
+    | Some a -> Ir_utils.string_of_expr a
+  let string_of_domain dom =
+    let f (k,v) = Format.sprintf "%s=%s" (Ir.string_of_reg k) (string_of_el v) in
+    let seq = Ir.RegMap.to_seq dom in
+    let seq = f seq in
+    String.concat " " @@ List.of_seq seq
+module DominatorsAnalysis = struct
+  module D = SetWithTop(Ir.LabelSet)
+  type t = D.t
+  type table = t Analysis.BlockKnowledge.table
+  let unhask = D.unhask Ir.LabelSet.empty
+module NaturalLoops = struct
+  type table = (Ir.label, Ir.LabelSet.t) Hashtbl.t
+module ReachabilityAnalysis = struct
+  type table = Ir.LabelSet.t Analysis.BlockKnowledge.table
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