summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/source/xi_lib/
diff options
authorPaweł Dybiec <>2018-10-30 15:32:56 +0100
committerPaweł Dybiec <>2018-10-30 15:32:56 +0100
commitb798ac29c37299b2f761243ae92ab8f7c4c4d7f1 (patch)
treeeb9b9cc9be294fe5bd3acf9a342098ffc0ea06e5 /source/xi_lib/
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'source/xi_lib/')
1 files changed, 313 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/xi_lib/ b/source/xi_lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c6494e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/xi_lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+open Ast
+let string_of_binop = function
+  | BINOP_And -> "BINOP_And"
+  | BINOP_Or -> "BINOP_Or"
+  | BINOP_Add -> "BINOP_Add"
+  | BINOP_Sub -> "BINOP_Sub"
+  | BINOP_Mult -> "BINOP_Mult"
+  | BINOP_Div -> "BINOP_Div"
+  | BINOP_Rem -> "BINOP_Rem"
+let string_of_relop = function
+  | RELOP_Eq -> "RELOP_Eq"
+  | RELOP_Ne -> "RELOP_Ne"
+  | RELOP_Lt -> "RELOP_Lt"
+  | RELOP_Gt -> "RELOP_Gt"
+  | RELOP_Le -> "RELOP_Le"
+  | RELOP_Ge -> "RELOP_Ge"
+let string_of_unop = function
+  | UNOP_Not -> "UNOP_Not"
+  | UNOP_Neg -> "UNOP_Neg"
+let indent x = "  " ^ x
+let indentfmt fmt =
+  let cont = Format.sprintf "   %s"  in 
+  Format.ksprintf cont fmt
+let indentxs = indent 
+type p =
+  | P_String of string
+  | P_Sequence of p list
+  | P_List of p list
+  | P_Dict of string * (string * p) list
+type r =
+  | R_String of string
+  | R_Indent of r 
+  | R_Break
+  | R_Tab
+  | R_Group of r list
+let render_r = function
+  | R_String s -> s
+  | R_Tab -> "   "
+  | R_Break -> "\n"
+  | R_Group _ -> failwith "R_Group should be eliminated"
+  | R_Indent _ -> failwith "R_Indent should be eliminated"
+let rec insert_tabs tabs = function
+  | R_Indent r ->
+    insert_tabs (R_Tab::tabs) r
+  | R_Break ->
+    R_Group [R_Break; R_Group tabs]
+  | R_Group rs ->
+    R_Group ( (insert_tabs tabs) rs)
+  | r ->
+    r
+let rec flatten = function
+  | R_Indent _ -> failwith "R_Indent should be eliminated"
+  | R_Group xs -> List.concat @@ flatten xs
+  | r -> [r]
+let render_r r =
+  String.concat "" @@ render_r @@ flatten @@ insert_tabs [] r
+let rec render_p = function
+  | P_String s ->
+    R_String s
+  | P_List xs ->
+    let rec f acc = function
+      | [] ->
+        R_Group (List.rev acc)
+      | x::xs ->
+        let entry = R_Group [render_p x; R_String ";"; R_Break] in
+        f (entry::acc) xs
+    in
+    R_Group
+      [ R_String "["
+      ; R_Indent (R_Group [R_Break; f [] xs])
+      ; R_String "]"
+      ]
+  | P_Dict (kind, items) ->
+    let rec f acc = function
+      | [] ->
+        R_Group (List.rev acc)
+      | (k,v)::xs ->
+        let entry = R_Group [R_String k; R_String " = "; R_Indent (render_p v); R_String ";"; R_Break] in
+        f (entry::acc) xs
+    in
+    R_Group 
+      [ R_String kind
+      ; R_String " "
+      ; R_String "{"
+      ; R_Indent (R_Group [R_Break; f [] items])
+      ; R_String "}"
+      ]
+  | P_Sequence xs ->
+    R_Group ( render_p xs)
+let p_dict k items = P_Dict (k,items)
+let p_identifier id = P_String (Format.sprintf "\"%s\"" @@ string_of_identifier id)
+let p_string id = P_String (Format.sprintf "\"%s\"" id)
+let p_location loc = P_String (string_of_location loc)
+let p_node_tag tag = P_String (string_of_node_tag tag)
+let p_i32 i = P_String (Int32.to_string i)
+let p_char c = P_String (Format.sprintf "'%c'" c)
+let p_bool b = P_String (string_of_bool b)
+let p_opt f = function
+  | None -> P_String "None"
+  | Some x -> P_Sequence [P_String "Some "; f x]
+let rec p_expression = function 
+  | EXPR_Id {loc; tag; id} -> p_dict "EXPR_Id"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "tag", p_node_tag tag
+    ; "id", p_identifier id
+    ]
+  | EXPR_Int {tag; loc; value} -> p_dict "EXPR_Int"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "tag", p_node_tag tag
+    ; "value", p_i32 value
+    ]
+  | EXPR_Char {tag; loc; value} -> p_dict "EXPR_Char"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "tag", p_node_tag tag
+    ; "value", p_char value
+    ]
+  | EXPR_String {tag; loc; value} -> p_dict "EXPR_String"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "tag", p_node_tag tag
+    ; "value", p_string value
+    ]
+  | EXPR_Bool {tag; loc; value} -> p_dict "EXPR_Bool"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "tag", p_node_tag tag
+    ; "value", p_bool value
+    ]
+  | EXPR_Relation {tag; loc; op; lhs; rhs} -> p_dict "EXPR_Relation"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "tag", p_node_tag tag
+    ; "op", P_String (string_of_relop op)
+    ; "lhs", p_expression lhs
+    ; "rhs", p_expression rhs
+    ]
+  | EXPR_Binop {tag; loc; op; lhs; rhs} -> p_dict "EXPR_Binop"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "tag", p_node_tag tag
+    ; "op", P_String (string_of_binop op)
+    ; "lhs", p_expression lhs
+    ; "rhs", p_expression rhs
+    ]
+  | EXPR_Unop {tag; loc; op; sub} -> p_dict "EXPR_Unop"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "tag", p_node_tag tag
+    ; "op", P_String (string_of_unop op)
+    ; "sub", p_expression sub
+    ]
+  | EXPR_Length {tag; loc; arg} -> p_dict "EXPR_Length"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "tag", p_node_tag tag
+    ; "arg", p_expression arg
+    ]
+  | EXPR_Index {tag; loc; expr; index} -> p_dict "EXPR_Length"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "tag", p_node_tag tag
+    ; "expr", p_expression expr
+    ; "index", p_expression index
+    ]
+  | EXPR_Struct {tag; loc; elements} -> p_dict "EXPR_Struct"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "tag", p_node_tag tag
+    ; "elements", P_List ( p_expression elements)
+    ]
+  | EXPR_Call call -> P_Sequence
+    [ P_String "EXPR_Call "
+    ; p_call call
+    ]
+and p_call = function
+  | Call {tag; loc; callee; arguments} -> p_dict "Call"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "tag", p_node_tag tag
+    ; "callee", p_identifier callee
+    ; "arguments", P_List ( p_expression arguments)
+    ]
+let rec p_type_expression = function
+  | TEXPR_Int {loc} -> p_dict "TEXPR_Int"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ]
+  | TEXPR_Bool {loc} -> p_dict "TEXPR_Bool"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ]
+  | TEXPR_Array {loc;sub;dim} -> p_dict "TPEXPR_Array"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "sub", p_type_expression sub
+    ; "dim", p_opt p_expression dim
+    ]
+let p_lvalue = function
+  | LVALUE_Id {loc; id} -> p_dict "LVALUE_Id"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "id", p_identifier id
+    ]
+  | LVALUE_Index {loc; sub; index} -> p_dict "LVALUE_Index"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "sub", p_expression sub
+    ; "index", p_expression index
+    ]
+let p_var_declaration = function
+  | VarDecl {loc;id;tp} -> p_dict "VarDecl"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "id",  p_identifier id
+    ; "tp", p_type_expression tp
+    ]
+let rec p_statement = function
+  | STMT_Call call -> P_Sequence
+    [ P_String "STMT_Call "
+    ; p_call call
+    ]
+  | STMT_Assign {loc; lhs; rhs} -> p_dict "STMT_Assign"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "lhs", p_lvalue lhs
+    ; "rhs", p_expression rhs
+    ]
+  | STMT_VarDecl {var; init} -> p_dict "STMT_VarDecl"
+    [ "var", p_var_declaration var
+    ; "init", p_opt p_expression init
+    ]
+  | STMT_If {loc; cond; then_branch; else_branch} -> p_dict "STMT_If"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "cond", p_expression cond
+    ; "then_branch", p_statement then_branch
+    ; "else_branch", p_opt p_statement else_branch
+    ]
+  | STMT_While {loc; cond; body} -> p_dict "STMT_While"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "cond", p_expression cond
+    ; "body", p_statement body
+    ]
+  | STMT_Block block -> P_Sequence
+    [ P_String "STMT_Block "
+    ; p_statement_block block
+    ]
+  | STMT_MultiVarDecl {loc; vars; init} -> p_dict "STMT_MultiVarDecl"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "vars", P_List ( (p_opt p_var_declaration) vars)
+    ; "init", p_call init
+    ]
+  | STMT_Return {loc; values} -> p_dict "STMT_Return"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "values", P_List ( p_expression values)
+    ]
+and p_statement_block = function
+  | STMTBlock {loc; body} -> p_dict "STMTBlock"
+    [ "loc", p_location loc
+    ; "body", P_List ( p_statement body)
+    ]
+let p_global_declaration = function
+  | GDECL_Function {loc;id;formal_parameters; return_types; body} ->
+    p_dict "GDECL_Function"
+      [ "loc", p_location loc
+      ; "id", p_identifier id
+      ; "formal_parameters", P_List ( p_var_declaration formal_parameters)
+      ; "return_types", P_List ( p_type_expression return_types)
+      ; "body", p_opt p_statement_block body
+      ]
+let p_module_definition = function
+  | ModuleDefinition {global_declarations} -> P_Sequence 
+    [ P_String "ModuleDefinition "
+    ; P_List ( p_global_declaration global_declarations)
+    ]
+let show_module_definition mdef =
+  let p = p_module_definition mdef in
+  render_r @@ render_p p