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path: root/source/xi_lib/
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authorPaweł Dybiec <>2018-10-30 15:32:56 +0100
committerPaweł Dybiec <>2018-10-30 15:32:56 +0100
commitb798ac29c37299b2f761243ae92ab8f7c4c4d7f1 (patch)
treeeb9b9cc9be294fe5bd3acf9a342098ffc0ea06e5 /source/xi_lib/
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'source/xi_lib/')
1 files changed, 288 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/xi_lib/ b/source/xi_lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b611916
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/xi_lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+type reg
+  = REG_Tmp of int
+  | REG_Hard of int
+  | REG_Spec of int
+let string_of_reg = function
+  | REG_Tmp i -> Format.sprintf "%%tmp%u" i
+  | REG_Hard i -> Format.sprintf "%%hard%u" i
+  | REG_Spec i -> Format.sprintf "%%spec%u" i
+let is_spec_reg = function
+  | REG_Spec _ -> true
+  | _ -> false
+let is_tmp_reg = function
+  | REG_Tmp _ -> true
+  | _ -> false
+module RegSet = Set.Make(struct 
+  type t = reg
+  let compare = compare
+  end)
+module RegMap = Map.Make(struct 
+  type t = reg
+  let compare = compare
+  end)
+module RegGraph = Graph.Imperative.Graph.Concrete(struct 
+(* module RegGraph = Mygraph.MakeUndirected(struct *)
+  type t = reg
+  let hash = Hashtbl.hash
+  let equal a b = compare a b = 0
+  let compare a b = compare a b
+  end)
+type expr
+  = E_Reg of reg
+  | E_Int of Int32.t
+let reglist_of_expr = function
+  | E_Reg r -> [r]
+  | E_Int _ -> []
+type label
+  = Label of int
+module LabelSet = Set.Make(struct 
+  type t = label
+  let compare = compare
+  end)
+type procid
+  = Procid of string
+type cond
+  = COND_Eq
+  | COND_Ne
+  | COND_Lt
+  | COND_Gt
+  | COND_Le
+  | COND_Ge
+let string_of_cond = function
+  | COND_Eq -> "eq"
+  | COND_Ne -> "ne"
+  | COND_Lt -> "lt"
+  | COND_Gt -> "gt"
+  | COND_Le -> "le"
+  | COND_Ge -> "ge"
+type instr
+  = I_Add of reg * expr * expr
+  | I_Sub of reg * expr * expr
+  | I_Div of reg * expr * expr
+  | I_Rem of reg * expr * expr
+  | I_Mul of reg * expr * expr
+  | I_And of reg * expr * expr
+  | I_Or of reg * expr * expr
+  | I_Xor of reg * expr * expr
+  | I_LoadArray of reg * expr * expr
+  | I_StoreArray of expr * expr * expr
+  | I_LoadMem of reg * expr * expr
+  | I_StoreMem of expr * expr * expr
+  | I_Concat of reg * expr * expr
+  | I_Neg of reg * expr
+  | I_Not of reg * expr
+  | I_Move of reg * expr
+  | I_Length of reg * expr
+  | I_NewArray of reg * expr
+  | I_Call of reg list * procid * expr list * reg list
+  | I_Set of reg * cond * expr * expr  
+  | I_LoadVar of reg * int
+  | I_StoreVar of int * expr
+  | I_LoadStack of reg * int
+  | I_StoreStack of int * expr
+  | I_StackAlloc of Int32.t
+  | I_StackFree of Int32.t
+  | I_Use of reg list
+  | I_Def of reg list
+type terminator =
+  | T_Return of expr list
+  | T_Branch of cond * expr * expr * label * label
+  | T_Jump of label 
+let labels_of_terminator = function
+  | T_Branch (_, _, _, lt, lf) -> [lt; lf]
+  | T_Jump l -> [l]
+  | _ -> []
+type block = instr list
+module LabelGraph = Graph.Imperative.Digraph.ConcreteBidirectional(struct 
+(*module LabelGraph = Mygraph.MakeBidirectional(struct *)
+  type t = label
+  let compare = compare
+  let hash = Hashtbl.hash
+  let equal a b = a = b
+  end)
+module ControlFlowGraph = struct
+  type graph = LabelGraph.t 
+  type t = Cfg of
+  { graph: graph
+  ; blockmap: (label, block) Hashtbl.t
+  ; terminatormap: (label, terminator) Hashtbl.t
+  ; entry: label
+  ; exit: label
+  }
+  let graph (Cfg {graph; _}) = graph
+  let _allocate_block graph =
+    let i = LabelGraph.nb_vertex graph in
+    let l = Label i in
+    LabelGraph.add_vertex graph l;
+    l
+  let remove (Cfg {graph; terminatormap; blockmap; _}) v =
+    LabelGraph.remove_vertex graph v;
+    Hashtbl.remove terminatormap v;
+    Hashtbl.remove blockmap v
+  let allocate_block (Cfg {graph; blockmap; terminatormap;  _}) =
+    let i = LabelGraph.nb_vertex graph in
+    let l = Label i in
+    LabelGraph.add_vertex graph l;
+    Hashtbl.replace blockmap l [];
+    Hashtbl.replace terminatormap l (T_Return []);
+    l
+  let create () =
+    let graph = LabelGraph.create () in
+    let blockmap = Hashtbl.create 513 in
+    let terminatormap = Hashtbl.create 513 in
+    let entry = _allocate_block graph in
+    let exit = _allocate_block graph in
+    let _ = LabelGraph.add_vertex graph entry in 
+    let _ = LabelGraph.add_vertex graph exit in 
+    Cfg {graph; blockmap; terminatormap; entry; exit}
+  let successors (Cfg {graph; _}) v = 
+    LabelGraph.succ graph v
+  let predecessors (Cfg {graph; _}) v = 
+    LabelGraph.pred graph v
+  let entry_label (Cfg {entry; _}) = entry
+  let exit_label (Cfg {exit; _}) = exit
+  let blockmap (Cfg {blockmap;_}) = blockmap
+  let blocklist cfg =
+    let blockmap = blockmap cfg in
+    let f xs (k,v) = (k,v) :: xs in
+    let blocks = Seq.fold_left f [] (Hashtbl.to_seq blockmap) in 
+    let blocks = List.sort compare blocks in
+    blocks
+  let terminator (Cfg {terminatormap; entry; exit; _}) v =
+    assert (entry <> v);
+    assert (exit <> v);
+    Hashtbl.find terminatormap v
+  let blocklist2 cfg =
+    let blockmap = blockmap cfg in
+    let f xs (k,v) = (k,v,terminator cfg k) :: xs in
+    let blocks = Seq.fold_left f [] (Hashtbl.to_seq blockmap) in 
+    let blocks = List.sort compare blocks in
+    blocks
+  let blocklabels cfg =
+    let blockmap = blockmap cfg in
+    let f xs k = k :: xs in
+    let blocks = Seq.fold_left f [] (Hashtbl.to_seq_keys blockmap) in 
+    let blocks = List.sort compare blocks in
+    blocks
+  let block (Cfg {blockmap; entry; exit; _}) v =
+    assert (entry <> v);
+    assert (exit <> v);
+    Hashtbl.find blockmap v
+  let block_safe (Cfg {blockmap; entry; exit; _}) v =
+    assert (entry <> v);
+    assert (exit <> v);
+    Hashtbl.find_opt blockmap v
+  let terminator_safe (Cfg {terminatormap; entry; exit; _}) v =
+    assert (entry <> v);
+    assert (exit <> v);
+    Hashtbl.find_opt terminatormap v
+  let set_block (Cfg {blockmap; entry; exit; _}) v body =
+    assert (entry <> v);
+    assert (exit <> v);
+    Hashtbl.replace blockmap v body
+  let set_block2 (Cfg {blockmap; terminatormap; entry; exit; _}) v body terminator =
+    assert (entry <> v);
+    assert (exit <> v);
+    Hashtbl.replace blockmap v body;
+    Hashtbl.replace terminatormap v terminator
+  let set_terminator (Cfg {terminatormap; entry; exit; _}) v body =
+    assert (entry <> v);
+    assert (exit <> v);
+    Hashtbl.replace terminatormap v body
+  let connect (Cfg {graph; exit; entry; _}) a b =
+    assert (entry <> b);
+    assert (exit <> a);
+    LabelGraph.add_edge graph a b
+  let labels (Cfg {graph; _}) = 
+    LabelGraph.fold_vertex (fun x xs -> x::xs) graph []
+type procedure = Procedure of
+  { procid: procid
+  ; cfg: ControlFlowGraph.t
+  ; mutable frame_size: int
+  ; formal_parameters: int
+  ; allocate_register: unit -> reg
+  }
+let cfg_of_procedure (Procedure {cfg; _}) = cfg
+let formal_parameters_of_procedure (Procedure {formal_parameters; _}) = formal_parameters
+let allocate_register_of_procedure (Procedure {allocate_register; _}) = allocate_register
+let allocate_frame_slot (Procedure procid) =
+  let slot = procid.frame_size in
+  procid.frame_size <- procid.frame_size + 1;
+  slot
+let procid_of_procedure (Procedure {procid; _}) = procid
+let frame_size_of_procedure (Procedure {frame_size; _}) = frame_size
+type program = Program of
+  { procedures: procedure list
+  ; externals: procid list
+  }
+let procedures_of_program (Program{procedures; _}) = procedures
+let externals_of_program (Program{externals; _}) = externals